Nearly six thousand years of human history have demonstrated that just because God plans a person's future, it is no guarantee that oppositions will not come. There is a plan by the kingdom of darkness to distract, disrupt, and destroy our future, both God's prophetic plan and our personal destiny. We all have a "destiny," which is simply our future according to God. Just as God revealed to Jeremiah that He foreknew him when he was still in his mother's womb and that He preordained him to be a prophet (Jer. 1:5), God has a predetermined plan for each person. With all of the clutter and clamor and mixed voices speaking into our lives, our minds can become cloudy and our understanding fogged with numerous possibilities from which we could choose. This is why at times God will permit us to pierce the world of the natural and enter the realm of a dream or a vision so that secret strategies of the enemy can be exposed and the hidden plans of God can be revealed. Warnings that are perceived and received can help us avoid potholes and pits in our path to destiny, and understanding God's plan will empower us to pursue that purpose.

  The disrupting of God's will in our lives can begin at a very early age. Children come under severe attack from the adversary. This was seen when Pharaoh ordered the male infants born to the Hebrews to be cast into the Nile River (Exodus 1:22). The time was coming when a deliverer would bring the Hebrews out of Egypt, and the adversary was attempting to preempt the prophecy by killing the male child deliverer before he could become a man! The second assignment of an evil ruler was when Herod commissioned Roman soldiers to encircle the area of Ramah and kill all male children who were under two years of age, attempting to slay the future king of the Jews that the wise men came to worship (Matthew chapter 2).

  We may survive our birth and live to be teenagers, and other battles begin. When Joseph was a teenager (age seventeen), a plot was organized against him by his brothers (Gen. 37). They were sick and tired of this dreamer, Daddy's favorite little spoiled boy, running around with an expensive coat! Joseph was doing well until he began to confess his dreams of success that would come to him. At that point his brothers conspired against him, and Joseph ended up in a pit, then in prison, and spent thirteen years in what seemed negative, dream-killing circumstances. OH, BUT GOD! Abba Father is our Protector!

  When David - just a teen was anointed by Samuel as the next king "in the midst of his brothers," jealousy rose up among the brothers which was older than David. The brothers felt they deserved the position more than their kid brother (I Samuel 16:33; 17:28). Once you have seen or have a glimpse of your future, stand fast in what you believe. You WILL learn how to hold off the adversary and walk in what you know and WHY there is opposition against your destiny. THE LORD HAS NEED OF YOU!

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