Donate,Seed Planting, and PartnerShift!!!



Blessings Royal Platinum Eagles Family, we are so thankful for your consideration of partnering with I Am A Ruby Network Organization. We do not take such a covenant relationship and partnership lightly.


I Am A Ruby School of the Prophet is a dynamic non-profit ministry with 501(c)(3) status in Michigan, dedicated to transforming lives and communities. We provide essential support to families and individuals, addressing their day-to-day needs to ensure a stable home environment. Our mission is to educate, empower, enhance, and equip men, women, and families, unlocking their unique gifts and talents as they pursue success, excellence, and prosperity. Our innovative online ministry creates an engaging atmosphere that offers top-tier mentorship, nurturing, and coaching to foster both academic and spiritual growth. We have built a strong network that connects people across cities, states, and even countries, allowing individuals worldwide to achieve their aspirations.

By fostering confidence, faith, peace, joy, and strength in everyday life, we help people bring their goals, visions, and dreams to fruition through a variety of workshops and training sessions.

Join us in this transformative journey and discover the path to your best self!

 It is you, our partner's commitment, love, dedication, and donations that allow us to be a blessing in the Kingdom of God. Partnershift is not a one-time thing, it is a growing relationship in that we all share the benefits, and promises of God together. 

Being a partner with I Am A Ruby, we will obtain all that God has for us in this hour.

As we FLY together spiritually, I want you to know that God will allow our partnership to make a major impact in the earth realm.

Together, we shall impact the world and accomplish dynamic things to glorify the kingdom of God. We will be a blessing to so many people's lives all over the world, and make a difference in the land, which is FLOWING with Milk and Honey.

Here are a few things you will obtain as a partner.


  • Monthly personalized letters by mail or online
  • Monthly Thank you gift
  • T-shirt
  • Personalized monthly confessions
  • Signed and Autographed Book
  • Gift bag with our ministry seal
  • An item from our clothing line store
  • Items from our hairline and online hair store
  • A gift card and much more
  • Personal interaction and a phone call from our founder


  • Bronze Eagle Partnershift: $20.00 
  • Silver Eagle Partnershift: $50.00
  • Gold Eagle Partnershift: $100.00
  • Platinum Eagle Partnershift: $200.00
  • King Platinum Eagle Partnershift:$500.00
  • Royal Platinum Eagle PartnerShift: $1,000.00
  • Other 


Thank you for your Donations.

I Am a Ruby, have received funds from Nationwide Wal-Mart’s, Local Target, Fifth Third Bank, Local Meijer groceries, Power by Honor, Local  Credit Union, Private investors, Kabbage, friends, neighbors, churches, members, staff/leaders, and businesses.

Have a Monublissfully Favored Day on Purpose~~~

I Am A Ruby Network Organization Staff



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  • Lord forgive me for not being faithful in paying my tithes regularly in Jesus name.  

  • Lord please help me to be more of a giver in Jesus name

    • Awwww, bless you, Apostle Trina, we love and appreciate you

  • Thank you Father God that as I saw this seed that it will not return void

  • Amen, my God you better say that Apostle Trina. Tithing is an act of Worship. Can you share this in the chambers and our outlets. Thank you and bless you
  • Tithing is an act of worship. It is an expression of the heart, that we trust God with our finances even if the numbers don’t make sense. We give God the first fruits, the best off the top, that we have set aside to give.

    It doesn’t matter the ebbs and flows of our financial stance. I know God provides for my needs, as He has proven faithful time and time again, and I will trust Him.

    Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
    MATTHEW 6:25-26

  • Amen, bless you Apostle Trina, one of my favorites. We shall be like a Greenleaf Tree hallelujah
  • Ecclesiastes 11: 1-2(NKJV)
    Cast your bread upon the waters,
    For you will find it after many days.
    Give a serving to seven, and also to eight,
    For you do not know what evil will be on the earth.

  • Amen, bless you Evangelist Shatovia Devonish may God add a Sudden Increase in your life(Ps 112:3) in Jesus name Hallelujah

  • Hey! I planted my seed in the ground towards the ministry! I'm expecting my triple-double portion! I gave what I had and could give with all sincerity!

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