

The M(Inner)stry courses, training opportunities, materials, information, and videos are intended for spiritual educational purposes. They are neither designed to give legal, or health advice nor take the place of appropriate legal, professional, or medical consultation. As laws vary from State to State and from, Country/Providence to Country, participants are advised to discuss any specific question(s) with the proper authority (ies). The purpose of this information is to equip learners, to more fully understand the needs of individuals, and to be able to offer motivational, inspirational, and supportive information to help, assist, and uplift our communites.


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I speak that Healing is my best friend, I speak that we are connected as one, and we gets it in.

I speak she loves me, and I love her too.

I speak that she is making me stronger, and she is my boo.

I speak wellness, and good health is mine, healing always makes sure they shows up for me all the time.
That's why Healing, and I are connected to the Divine/my God.

Thank you YAH for Healing to make me Ultra shine with your light all the time.
10 hours ago
I Am A Ruby Network favorited I Am A Ruby Network's discussion Healing is my Boo
10 hours ago
I Am A Ruby Network posted a discussion
I speak that Healing is my best friend, I speak that we are connected as one, and we gets it in.

I speak she loves me, and I love her too.

I speak that she is making me stronger, and she is my boo.

I speak wellness, and good health is mine, healing always makes sure they shows up for me all the time.
That's why Healing, and I are connected to the Divine/my God.

Thank you YAH for Healing to make me Ultra shine with your light all the time.
10 hours ago
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
You’re An Eagle – So Soar!But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31   There was a time when many of life’s lessons were taught to children through various Bible stories or through secular tales and fables.  One of my most remembered stories is the one entitled, “The Ugly Duckling”.  To summarize the entire story; there was one duckling that was…
15 hours ago
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
I Have GODfidence, ThereforeI Won’t Sit In Fear….. I’ll Walk By Faith! “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I John 4:18   No matter what comes my way, I now…
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
 Focus, Fill, Forget“…………………….the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10 Today the Lord wants us to know that it doesn’t matter how things may appear, it doesn’t matter the sort of negative or bad news we may get – we must allow the joy that is contained within His Word to be our strength, our support system and our well from which we can draw cool and refreshing water. Many times we have a way of permitting the cares of this world to weigh us down and weaken us.  Most of the diseases…
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
Who Opened That Door?“Be not deceived” Galatians 6:7a There is a saying, “All that glitters is not gold.” In other words, everyone and everything that appears to be authentic at a glance; is not always what it or they seem to be. This is particularly true in the realm of the spirit.  Someone or something may seem to emit a certain “weightiness” in the realm of the spirit; however, a closer examination will reveal the truth.  Don’t be deceived by what your physical eyes may behold!  The spirit…
Prophetess Domonique Smith posted a status
Blessings enjoyed my time in class. Learning a lot I love it here. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️💜❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
Your Axe-head Will Float Again(Read: II Kings 6:1-7) This story as recorded in II Kings has always been among one of my favorites.  Today we will not even be able to “scratch the surface” to reveal all that can be gleaned from the examples and principles provided in this story.  However, we’ll probably come back to it at a later date. The focus for this meditation is the servant who was experiencing a problematic situation.  He was: working, in the right place, doing what he was instructed to…
Jul 19
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
Stay in the Race!“Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.” I Kings 19:18 While in prayer one morning the Lord simply said, “Encourage my people”.   So no matter who you are; just know that it’s not by mistake, happenstance, nor by coincidence that you’ve decided to read this message today.  This message is for you!   God knows each of His children and He gathers; or groups us together as He sees fit.…
Jul 18
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
What Is F. A. I. T. H.?Note: The word faith is one of those interchangeable words which can be communicated as a noun or a verb.   There is one element that we must possess if we are going to walk in obedience to God.  This is verified in Hebrews 11:6; “But without FAITH it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him”.                       .Faith involves vision.   Proverbs 29:18a states: “Where…
Jul 17
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
Transitioned for Transformation  If change is to be effective, relevant and complete, it must occur in our minds.  Therefore, if I haven’t altered my thoughts, opinions and ideas concerning a certain matter, then my actions will not produce a permanent change. According to the dictionary; transitioned refers to a process or period during which something underwent a change and passes from one state, stage, form, or activity to another.   Therefore by its very nature the word “transitioned” bears…
Jul 15
I Am A Ruby Network posted a video
We had to share this video 📹. For 30 seconds, don't do anything 
Happy  Blessed 😊 Healing everyone 
Jul 13
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
Brokenness = MaturityMy sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; ……. Psalm 51:17 Simply put….God desires to take us to an added dimension in Him; however we are still lacking the maturity that occurs as the result of a totally broken spirit before the Lord. When we refer to various Biblical patriarchs we can observe that they all had to experience a season of brokenness prior to being used mightily for the Lord.  One of the keys to brokenness is to place the flesh under subjection through…
Jul 12
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
Be Encouraged! Your Samuel Is On The Way!“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” Galatians 6:9 The Lord has instructed me to remind you that all of your praying and all of your fasting has not been in vain.  When we consider the example which was given to us by Hannah; we can glean an insight into the diligence which is required to remain faithful…… until your “Samuel” has been manifested. The Lord has said that we must read…
Jul 11
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
The Spirit of Goliath “Your servant has struck down both lions and bears, and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, since he defied the armies of the living God.”                              I Samuel 17:36 We, the body of Christ must continually be on guard for the endtime release of familiar spirits.  Although their approach may be enhanced or altered to reflect our current times – the underlying spirit is the same as before.  One of these is the spirit that I’ll call the…
Jul 10
I Am A Ruby Network posted a video
We had to share this breathing exercise with you all 
Jul 9
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
It’s Legally Mine - I’m Still The Legal HeirRead: II Samuel 4:4 & II Samuel 9 One of my favorite writings from the Bible is found in II Samuel 9.  This story is about a boy named Mephibosheth.  I don’t have the time to relay the entire story…. But, the bottom line is that Mephibosheth, who was the son of Jonathan, and the grandson of Saul was being carried by his nurse when he was quite young. One day Jonathan and Saul were both killed in the same day.  The city became in an uproar.…
Jul 8
I Am A Ruby Network posted a discussion
I am removing, and expelling all negative energy, negative frequencies, and negative vibrations off, and out of my life. I am sending it to the dry places of love and light.I know that my faith has the power to turn trauma into healing. Any conflict into growth, and all fears into love.I am thankful all mountains are removed, all valleys exalted, and every crooked place made straight. I am in the Kingdom of Fulfillment.I am being guided to heal in the way I need on a daily basis.I am thankful…
Jul 8
I Am A Ruby Network posted a discussion
Blessings my Royal Platinum Family, today is 7/7/7 Triple Seven Fabulousity, Faith, Fully Favorable, Financial Overflow, Fuego(Fire)Fulfillment, and Flourishing crops day.
This day means: Wholeness, completion, Replenishing, Freedom/Liberty, Manifestation, open doors/vaults, dreams, goals, visions coming to pass. Miracles, wonders, signs, Propelling into different Realms.
You can literally ask for whatever you want today, and for the next 10 days until the 17th, and it shall be given unto…
Jul 7

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  • Merry Christmas

    Apostle Teyshana Wiley is a remarkable woman who has devoted her life to serving God. Her passion for spreading the word of God is evident in everything she does, and her commitment to living a life that reflects her beliefs is genuinely inspiring. Apostle Wiley is a shining example of what it means to be a faithful servant of God, whether preaching the gospel, leading worship, or simply engaging with people in her community.

    Her dedication to her faith is matched only by her love for others. She is a kind and compassionate person who always goes out of her way to help those in need, whether it be through prayer, counseling, or simply offering a listening ear. Her generosity and selflessness have touched the lives of countless people, and she continues to be a source of comfort and inspiration to those around her.

    Apostle Wiley's strength and dignity testify to her unwavering faith in God. She faces each day with courage and determination, knowing God is always with her. Her positive outlook and steadfast spirit are a source of encouragement to all who know her.

    In short, Apostle Teyshana Wiley is an exceptional woman who has profoundly impacted the lives of so many. Her commitment to God, love for others, and unwavering strength and dignity make her a true blessing to this generation and beyond.

  • 12335870483?profile=RESIZE_930x

  • This is powerful 👏 



  • 11789031666?profile=RESIZE_930x

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  • I had to redo this photo, I miss spelled a word. Love you forever. 


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  • Psalm 143:8

    Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.

    • Awwww, bless you, and thank you Apostle Trina Davis 

      We truly appreciate this beautiful picture. It is a lovely masterpiece. 

      Thank you again, we love you, miss you, and sending love, God's Light, Liberty, and Laughter your way.

      May you have a Wonderful night 🌙 on Purpose, GN Agape 😴 💤 😘 

      • Thank you, I love you for ever. 

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I Am A Ruby Network is a Nonprofit 501c3 Transforming community that equips and empowers Men and Women in their Purpose, Dreams, and Destiny.