

The M(Inner)stry courses, training opportunities, materials, information, and videos are intended for spiritual educational purposes. They are neither designed to give legal, or health advice nor take the place of appropriate legal, professional, or medical consultation. As laws vary from State to State and from, Country/Providence to Country, participants are advised to discuss any specific question(s) with the proper authority (ies). The purpose of this information is to equip learners, to more fully understand the needs of individuals, and to be able to offer motivational, inspirational, and supportive information to help, assist, and uplift our communites.


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Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
It’s Never Too Late! Life can be compared to a strategic game that requires its players at certain points, to make moves that cannot be changed.  One decisive rule that we must remember in this game is this: although we may not maintain the ability to alter the moves; we can always change the results. This concept is mirrored in many instances throughout the Bible.  As we read and glean wisdom, strength and encouragement; we can see that no matter what the circumstances or the situations that…
11 hours ago
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
“P.E.A.C.E.”Can I still have peace? Simply because I’ve learned that peace is a mindset and is not determined by my current situations or circumstances; peace is always available to me.  I just need to acquire the correct tools and avail myself to the proper implementation of the same! Tools For  Maintaining The Peace of GodP -“Presence” - If I invite the presenceª of God to intervene;E -“Endure”   - If I endure1 as a warrior, not whine like a wimp; and viewmy situation as an open door and not…
Bobie Smith and I Am A Ruby Network are now friends
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
The Message We SendA while agoministered at a church that is having a revival for this entire month.  Their theme is: “The Message We Send”.  So I pose the question to you.  What is the message that you are sending to your: family, friends, haters, co-workers, neighbors and to the kingdom of darkness?Well, without a doubt you should be sending the message: “I Can’t Be defeated!”Your daily walk should prove as evidence to all – especially to the kingdom of darkness that you can’t be defeated –…
I Am A Ruby Network posted a video
I Am A Ruby Network replied to I Am A Ruby Network's discussion I speak with my mouth and believe

Ne'Eman, this affirmational prayer 🙏 is so Anointed, powerful, and life-transforming. 
Thank you YAH 😊 for giving us this fresh off the press words for your children. 
I Am A Ruby Network’s discussion was featured
Genesis 30:27-“Listen to me,” Laban said to Jacob. “I have become extremely wealthy, for the Lord has tremendously blessed me because you are staying here.
Psalm 62:1-I am patiently waiting and being positioned before God, for my triumph, success, and ultra victory comes from him.
Exodus 12:36-The Lord (Yahweh) touch the hearts of the Egyptians to give favor, kindness, and approval of the children of Israel. God allowed the Egyptians, to give the children of Israel, whatever they asked for, or…
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
Not Again!!!YES! .... Your Test Will Be Given…. AGAIN! “The Season & The Time”“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”                                                                          Ecclesiastics 3:1   We are all aware of the fact that everything in nature is governed by at least two elements; one of those being “its season”.  However, what is of a graver importance is the “TIMING” within the season.  Far too often our focus has only been…
Mar 7
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
Failure is not an Option…..It’s Not On the Menu“According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world,…..” Ephesians 1:4 Every master chef knows the importance of having a well organized menu. The purpose of the menu is to inform everyone exactly what they can expect to receive from that particular establishment.  Therefore when one glances at the menu they can determine the type of facility, the expertise of the chef, as well as the clientele who frequent that place of…
Mar 6
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
…..From the Inside Out “Woe to you, Pharisees, and you religious leaders—hypocrites! You are so careful to polish the outside of the cup, but the inside is foul with extortion and greed.” Matthew 23:25 (The Living Bible) We are entering into a time when we in the Christian arena turn our focus towards the period of temptation and persistence that our Saviour victoriously endured.   This season of Lent affords us the opportunity to learn many valuable lessons from the Lord.  Christ was able to…
Mar 5
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
Ungodly Fear Steals Our Time “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”   II Timothy 1:7 One of the most valuable tools that we as warriors have at our disposal is time. Strategies and strategic maneuvers are only effective when implemented at their correct timing. On more occasions than we realize, ungodly fear is the underlying culprit for both our delays and our hasty decisions. In this season, we must stay alert in the realm of the…
Mar 3
I Am A Ruby Network posted a video
We saw 👀 this video 📹 and had to share it with you all
Feb 28
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
…And Doubt Not“Verily I say unto you, if ye have faith, and doubt not……” Matthew 21:21 Our limited concept of the miraculous power and authority of God can often be compared to that which was housed in the minds of the Biblical disciples. Although they had actually seen the demonstrated displays of Jesus’ power, the Bible states that they marveled and they seemed amazed with the rapid results of Jesus’ spoken words (Matthew 21:20).  What is even more interesting is the fact that Jesus declared,…
Feb 28
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
Seedless Grapes“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, …” Genesis 1:28 Throughout the Bible, the theme of reproduction is ever present.  In every era or dispensation we can observe that God intended for mankind to “establish & duplicate”.  In other words, God’s plan for mankind did not include mutated fruit – but fruit that would; “reproduce after its own kind” and fruit that would “remain”.  Seeds = potential.   Seeds represent God’s…
Feb 27
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
On your mark……Get set……WAIT! The waiting game!  For many of us, life seems to have given us a first class seat in this section of time called “waiting”.  We seem to always think that we are ready to advance to our next place.  We seem to think that we are focused and in the correct lane….we are disciplined and in the correct position ….yet we still haven’t heard the correct sound that signals us to move forward……so we WAIT. Waiting is a word that’s familiar to everyone – across the board.  From…
Feb 26
I Am A Ruby Network replied to I Am A Ruby Network's discussion New Updated Prayer Request Room 3.0
"Blessings Apostle Trina Davis 
We speak, that your father is instantly healed, healthy, vibrant, and prosperous. We decree his body is ever being amputated, diminished, weak, or feeble. He is healed, strengthen, and energized in Yeshua/Jesus. It is Written in (Deuteronomy 34:7). It is done and SO(Spiritual Overflow, and Spectacular Outcomes) none of these good powerful healing 👏 words won't fall to the ground. It is spoken in the word of truth. Ne'Eman. 
We love you, may you have a Majestic…"
Feb 25
I Am A Ruby Network posted a video
Feb 25
Apostle Trina Davis replied to I Am A Ruby Network's discussion New Updated Prayer Request Room 3.0
"Blessings family, please pray for my father, he has type two diabetes and one of his toes on his right foot is infected, and if it don't heal properly, he will have to get it amputated. "
Feb 24
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
LEADERS! Don’t Be An Imposter!“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”  St. Matthew 5:13 There are two substances, which many of us normally experience some type of interaction with on a regular basis.  Although from a distance, one could be mistaken for the other – however, their molecular composition is quite…
Feb 24
Apostle Claudia Boatwright posted a blog post
Don’t Allow the Problem to Steal Your Peace!“Great peace have they which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them”Nothing can entice them to sin – Nor can the sins of others cause them to fall.  Psalm 119:165 Our Christian walk is one that is very complex; possessing multifaceted combinations of ideas, concepts and precepts.   Therefore it is vital for every successful Christian to undergo a complete “makeover” if they are going to operate from the plateau that the Lord has decreed.  We must…
Feb 21

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  • I love you family with all my heart. 

    • Awww, we love ❤️ you too Apostle Trina Davis to the Heaven's and beyond.

      May you have a Fantastic night 🌙 on Purpose, Godnight, Agape 

  • May the God of infinite comfort and timeless peace envelop you in His gentle embrace, shielding you under the warmth of His loving arms.13350314654?profile=RESIZE_584x

  • 13172098066?profile=RESIZE_584x

    • Awww, bless you and thank you Apostle Trina Davis absolutely love it. Thank you, and may you have a Fantastic night on Purpose. Godnight, Agape innocent

  • 13055656881?profile=RESIZE_584x

    • Awww, bless you, and thank you Apostle Trina Davis 

      This picture 📸 is so beautiful and exquisite 😍 

      We all love you to the Heaven's and beyond. May you have a Fantastic day on Purpose, Agape.

  • Merry Christmas

    Apostle Teyshana Wiley is a remarkable woman who has devoted her life to serving God. Her passion for spreading the word of God is evident in everything she does, and her commitment to living a life that reflects her beliefs is genuinely inspiring. Apostle Wiley is a shining example of what it means to be a faithful servant of God, whether preaching the gospel, leading worship, or simply engaging with people in her community.

    Her dedication to her faith is matched only by her love for others. She is a kind and compassionate person who always goes out of her way to help those in need, whether it be through prayer, counseling, or simply offering a listening ear. Her generosity and selflessness have touched the lives of countless people, and she continues to be a source of comfort and inspiration to those around her.

    Apostle Wiley's strength and dignity testify to her unwavering faith in God. She faces each day with courage and determination, knowing God is always with her. Her positive outlook and steadfast spirit are a source of encouragement to all who know her.

    In short, Apostle Teyshana Wiley is an exceptional woman who has profoundly impacted the lives of so many. Her commitment to God, love for others, and unwavering strength and dignity make her a true blessing to this generation and beyond.

  • 12335870483?profile=RESIZE_930x

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I Am A Ruby Network is a Nonprofit 501c3 Transforming community that equips and empowers Men and Women in their Purpose, Dreams, and Destiny.