"The keys have to be released!" says the Lord. "The keys have to be released!"
I'm seeing a key right know. I'm seeing a treasure chest, and I'm seeing the key going into the chest. It's an ancient key, and in the round part of the key there is actually an old cobweb because it's been sitting so long waiting for somebody to pick it up.
A Presence is turning the key of the locked treasure chest, and He is opening the mysteries of Heaven, and He is opening up the Spirit of Revelation! Through this He is going to remove the spirit of divination (the art, practice, or gift of discerning or discovering future events or unknown things as though by supernatural powers, aka "false prophecy") within the Church. Divine revelation (an insight or foresight purportedly revealed by a deity; revelation given by God or His prophets to spiritually gifted persons) will remove divination!
What I Saw in the Treasure Chest
Inside the treasure box I see a book. I see a book with many pages, and I see them beginning to turn. I see the pages of the book beginning to turn. I hear a voice resounding through the atmosphere, "It's the time, it's the time, and it's the time..." I see the book of Zacharias (Old Testament book telling the prophecies of Zechariah, which are concerned mainly with the renewal of Israel after the Babylonian captivity). Yes, revival is coming! I see the spirit of Elijah (people raised from the dead, and many will outrun the armies of the enemy of our God).
I see an ornament sitting next to the book, a gold ornament like you would hang on a Christmas tree with a hook, and I just saw the key hit it and break it, and it became a million particles of gold; and it's now filling the book.
I hear again a voice resounding in the atmosphere, "In the book (Holy Writ) you will find your treasure, you will find your destiny." I see the book of Hosea! The Book of Hosea can be divided into two parts: (1) Hosea 1:1–3:5 is a description of an adulterous wife and a faithful husband, symbolic of the unfaithfulness of Israel to God through idolatry, and (2) Hosea 3:6–14:9 contains the condemnation of Israel, especially Samaria, for the worship of idols and her eventual restoration.
[The pages turned to Hosea 8]: "You placed kings and princes without My consent... You have sown in to the wind, you shall reap a whirlwind," and I see a red "X" next to it. He says, "I'm going to stop that. I'm going to stop you reaping whirlwinds! I'm going to make you a whirlwind!"
The pages are turning again and I see the book of Matthew. The voice resounds, "Seek the things of the Kingdom of God, seek it first and everything shall be handed to you" (Matthew 6:33). Passing by is a silver platter, and I see on the silver platter a note; it says "Want," and it's being handed to you. Oh my! I see the book of John; He says, "You followed Me not! (John 6). You followed Me not for the miracle, but you followed Me so that your belly would be full..." He says, "Do not follow Me to satisfy your flesh, follow Me to satisfy My miraculous being" (John 6:26).
What Nations Do You Want to Touch?
I see a page in the book, and at the top of the page it says, "NATIONS," and the page is blank; I hear the Lord saying, "Write down the nations you want to touch!" I'm telling you, He is giving it to you right know! Right now! It says, "NATIONS" across the top, and the page is blank. What nation do you want to touch?
Lord, I want to touch America, I want to change America! I want to go into Canada and I want to change Canada. I want to go to England, Lord; I want to go to my father's land. I want to go to the ancients were my family bones are buried, and I want to say, "Thank you for the price that you paid..." Now give me my land! I want to go to Ireland where the blood was shed from my family from war and famine, and I want to walk on the land and say, "Land, live!"
I see a page turning again; I see the word "Egypt" on the top of the page, and I hear God saying, "You will inherit the nations and you will inherit the spoils!" You are not catching it; you are not responding! Do you want the nations? "I will give you the spoils! Just as My people left Egypt, you will leave each land with its riches."
I see three crowns coming in over the top of Egypt; there will be three nations that have Christianity. Those three nations will help Egypt. "I am going to visit the nation of Egypt."
An Atmosphere that Stills the Tempest But Carries a Mighty Sword
I see David! An atmosphere that David created that stills the tempest but carries a mighty sword. And you, O Davids, will slay your ten thousands by the word of the Lord. The Lord! Wow!
I'm seeing that same treasure chest and all around the treasure chest is a blue sea.
God, reveal to us by Spirit of Revelation what You see. Give me the Kingdom, give me the keys. Show me Your righteousness so I can turn the key. I see a keyhole with a knob and latch of gold; inside is gold and crystal keys You made from the land, of sea. Give me a Kingdom, let me rule here in the below. Take me to Your throne room, and send me below. Show me Your mysteries, love through me, walk through me, just give me another chance to behold Your face.
Let's stand up!
Lord, give us the Kingdom so we can reign. Show us the mysteries so man can reach Your way. Show me Your mercy, I want to walk in grace. Help me lead others to truly seek Your grace.
A Time is in Our Hands to Turn the Keys; The Pages of the Book Shall Release Eternity
I can feel the cherubim around; and around our mighty God, rainbows released around above. A time is in our hands to turn the keys and the pages of the book shall release eternity. I see one next to the treasure chest; she is dressed in purple and blue, and her hair streams down her back and is golden glory; woven like a fine fabric is her hair. The Bible tells us the woman's hair is her glory, and so the Church being the Bride shall be coated with Glory from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet. She is dressed in blue and purple, the royal robe in the royal colors in which to meet the King.
I see that rainbow all around You, Lord. I see His majesty releasing to us below. I see many, many keys waiting to be received. Oh my, let me see what You have for me...what You have for these! Let's just lift our hands up; let God give us the keys to the Kingdom. Now God, search our hearts; they become the streams of life. And help us guard our heart, for out of it will flow living water to change the people around you.
O my! Let us sing praise to the Lord for He is very, very good!
Theresa Phillips
Chicago Prophetic Voice
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A prophetic sound that is releasing in the atmosphere. A triumph that is sounding the alarm to get the people in order. A sound that is loud and life changing. The blowing of the horn brings in the prophetic sounds that will clear the air. The question is are we ready for the blowing of the triumph? Are we ready to hear the triumph?
A prophetic sound that is releasing in the atmosphere. A triumph that is sounding the alarm to get the people in order. A sound that is loud and life changing. The blowing of the horn brings in the prophetic sounds that will clear the air. The question is are we ready for the blowing of the triumph? Are we ready to hear the triumph?