Pastors Unite Throughout Tennessee to Combat Drugs
by Pastor David Cooper : Mar 21, 2011 : An Appalachian Dawn
"I see God looking down and seeing His people coming together united in Christ, coming inside the city and gathering around the courthouse. I believe from that point on God will do the miraculous things we can't do. It's time for a shaking of the community and the Church. God is going to show people what will happen when the Church unites and stands together as one people under God." -Pastor David Cooper
(Monroe County, TN.)—On Saturday April 2, 2011 at 1:00 pm pastors in East Tennessee will be uniting together in a day of prayer to address epidemic issues of illegal drug abuse and its effects on children and families in Tennessee.
George Otis Jr., a producer with the Sentinel Group based out of Lynewood Washington produced the Documentary Movie "Appalachian Dawn" which inspired Pastor David Cooper and other pastors in Tennessee to take a public stand against the drug cartels and corruption in their communities.
CCCNews: Interview with Pastor David Cooper:
CCCNews: Mr. Cooper, What lead you to call for a public day of prayer?
Mr. Cooper: "Well, about a year and a half ago God put it upon my heart to combat drugs in east Tennessee. I know so many young people who have been on meth and oxycontin. Many of them have died. I happen to be the pastor that performed the funerals. God put it upon my heart to start praying and fasting about the drug problems in our area. Then the Appalachian Dawn DVD appeared and my wife and I watched it. We decided to show it to our church. After the church saw it, I really prayed hard about the next step. One thing just lead to another and it's lead us to where we're at. We're just responding to the call of God, to be obedient to God."
CCCNews: Mr. Cooper, Are there any other pastors or individuals involved?
Mr. Cooper: "Yes, there are many people involved. We have a team from our church called Operation P.U.S.H and pastors in this area who are willing to team up together to combat drugs."
CCCNews: Mr. Cooper, What do you see happening on April 2, 2011?
Mr. Cooper: "The first thing I see is a movement of God. I see God looking down and seeing His people coming together united in Christ, coming inside the city and gathering around the courthouse. I believe from that point on God will do the miraculous things we can't do. It's time for a shaking of the community and the Church. God is going to show people what will happen when the Church unites and stands together as one people under God."
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