Thats an good question why dont young women love themselves because it is somthing that happen in thier childhood and they feel like they are dirty and nasty. But let meeh tell u are not dirty or nasty and u dont hav 2 look for love in all the wrong places so stop looking for love in man and look 4 it in god. Because he is ur only way 2 feel dat way. So listen im go tell u an story about meeh how i felt dirty and nasty and how i felt i wasn't love. I thought that i was imcomplete nd i thought that i was not beautiful nd that i was fat nd nasty but i thank god 4 deliver meeh nd tell meeh i beautiful. But once god told meeh i was beautiful nd every1 kept telling meeh i felt like i was pretty nd love. So women u r love nd beautiful in gods eye nd in ur eye nd then every1 else will begin 2 see it
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