Proverbs 10:6 New International Version (NIV)
6 Blessings crown the head of the righteous,
but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.
What is this Proverb saying unto the children of God? How can we possess and obtain the blessings and the benefits from God? What was King Solomon saying unto us in this particular proverb? What is God saying to your spirit as you are reading this, explain?
When man is righteous, people will be able to see just how blessed he is by the crown that sits upon the head, a crown that will sit lightly upon him at that. Whereas a violent man will be overwhelmed by the weight of his wickedness that will eventually lead to his collapse. Righteousness leads to purpose, violence leads to punishment.
When we begin to walk in obedience to our God we will reap the harvest of his righteousness. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness shall be added onto you. It's saying I the Lord thy God is all you need. No only do you think violence but it has overtaken you to the point where you speaking violence with authority and it has over rule your righteousness. Seek Gods guidance.
That the blessings is above our whole life situation in the wisdom that we do right and not the wrong we do in our life. By using his wisdom and understanding of his word. That our minds can be overwhelming in things we do. That if it was not for God on our side we would not be able to use what he possessed us with and if we do it God way we can overcome.
When your life lines up with the word, you are humble and obedient, he will bless you, those that curse him will be cursed.......