Proverbs 10:6 New International Version (NIV)
6 Blessings crown the head of the righteous,
but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.
What is this Proverb saying unto the children of God? How can we possess and obtain the blessings and the benefits from God? What was King Solomon saying unto us in this particular proverb? What is God saying to your spirit as you are reading this, explain?
Peace, Love, Blessing to those who are walking in the right path of the Lord.
The wicked is not at peace ,they may spoke wrongfully out of their mouth with wrath.
Peace and Love:
i know for me i have issues with my mouth and reacting to people sometime its good to be quiet and let god fight your battles this is a must in everyday life peace be still and you will continue to grow in the lord how can god reward u when you acting like a fool
This Proverbs is simply saying You have God's blessings(Good things) waiting for you, but those that are sinning hides trouble. We can obtain the blessings and benefits from God by being obedient to his Word! King Solomon is saying God has some good things for you, but you cannot be in sin! trouble is waiting ahead(Seeking, lurking, waiting, hiding) What God is saying to my spirit is "Continue on the path you're on, follow my commands, and watch the good I have stored up for you!"
I believe this proverb is saying if you do what is right good things will follow you but if you don't misery will be your portion. We obtain the blessings and benefits from God by obedience. King Solomon was basically expressing the Golden Rule do unto others as you would have them do unto you. God set this world up on reaping and sowing so whatever you sow, so shall you reap whether it be good or evil it all has a turn. I would tell my children, you can do whatever you think you are big and bad enough to do but be wise in your choosing, just because you can choose an action you have no control over the repercussions of your actions.
In this particular Proverbs it is saying to us what we are told several times throughout the Bible, the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous. A thousand cattle on a thousand heals belongs to God. We are heirs and joint heirs. For will provide EVERYTHING IN EVERY SITUATION. Not money but every area of our lives. Wicked folk get just what they put out, be not deceived for God is not mocked what so ever a man soweth that shall he also reap. I believe Solomon was saying as long as we live up right we have nothing to worry about because God will provide and protect us. God is saying live righteous and he got me!
Cynthia Hill
Cynthia Hill said:
excellent reply, what a great insight!
Pastor "FIRESTARTER" Jones said:
6 Blessings crown the head of the righteous, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked. – Proverbs 10:6 NIV
What is this Proverb saying unto the children of God? How can we possess and obtain the blessings and the benefits from God? What was King Solomon saying unto us in this particular proverb? What is God saying to your spirit as you are reading this, explain?
This Proverb is saying to the children of God that if we are righteous, then we shall wear the crown of blessings meaning that He will continuously bless us. However, if we put our mouths on His people in a negative, condescending or hurtful manner, then violence shall erupt. This is not what He has called us to do nor does He want us to act in this manner.
We can possess and obtain the blessings and benefits from God by being obedient according to His Holy Word, pray without ceasing, seek God for wisdom and decisions in all that we undertake, spread His Word and carry out His will as directed. He wants to bless us with all of the Kingdom benefits.
King Solomon stated that the way the people of God can be blessed as He was is by ALWAYS wearing the crown of blessings upon your head by walking upright and being a righteous people. Otherwise, if we act and speak in a wicked manner, then we shall be met with violence.
God is speaking within that we must remain humble, be obedient, pray constantly and consistently, help our fellow man, speak life and life more abundantly and seek Him daily for Kingdom instructions, knowledge and wisdom for that which He has assigned us to. Remain righteous and seek Him for clarity, direction and understanding.