
Glimpses of Glory

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

When you look into your foggy mirror every morning through sleepy eyes, do you see what I do—all the flaws and imperfections in your face? More gray hair than this time last year. A slight double chin that just won’t go away, no matter how many neck exercises you do. One eyebrow that’s crooked and higher than the other one. More laugh lines (okay, wrinkles) than ever before but with a hint of sadness in your eyes that reflects life’s struggles and sins.

As ordinary people, it’s difficult to see past our own humanity: “People look at the outward appearance” (1 Samuel 16:7). It’s natural. And yet, as Christians, we were made in the likeness—the very image—of our glorious God. So what does that mean? We can be creative because he’s the great Creator. We can be powerful because he is omnipotent. We can show love to others because he is love. We can be saved because he is the Savior of the world. We can laugh because he is the source of true happiness. Yes, even though we’re single.

We are, in all reality, human glimpses of his glory to the world. Flashes of divinity. Glimmers of his grace. And those glimpses of glory are what draw other people to us like magnets and, ultimately, to God’s Son through us. They see him in us, and they want what we have—his forgiveness, salvation, hope and joy. Such joy!

So don’t be fooled by the flawed face you see in your mirror. That’s just your humanity. Look closer, and you will see glimpses of glory!


She, who finds herself, loses her misery.


Thank you, Lord, for sharing your glory with me. Let it shine brightly through me so that others can see you and want what I have in you.

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