Father God, I am casting out all sickness, abcess, cyst, leasions, diseases, pain, fibroids, hernias, tumors, polyps, infirmities, welts, boils, plagues, spleen inflammation pain, costochondritis, diverticulosis and growths that try to attach itself to your body in Jesus. I am sending it to the dry places in Jesus. You are not accepting anything negative in your life and body, that does not belong to you.
I Am casting out, and expelling all chronic inflammation, that are associated with asthma, wheezing, recurring infections, viruses, corona virus, bronchitis, appendicitis, influenza, pneumonia, phlegm/mucus, upper respiratory infections, allergies, side effects, allergic reactions, drug sensitivity, gerd, acid reflux, copd, agina, tremors, blood clots, cardiovascular diseases, pleural effusion,and certain immune disorders off your life in Jesus.
I am casting out sibo, streph, epstein bar virus, lyme disease, and any type of sickness, that tries to attach itself to you, that you ever heard of in Jesus.
The Blood of Jesus covers you, and heal you now, from the crown of your head to the soul of your feet in Jesus.
I Command you are healed, whole, and rejuvenated in Jesus. God is the God, of the nation's, is there anything to hard for the Lord. You are standing on the report of the Lord. Every malfunction part of your body, cells, vessels, veins, arteries, and health system is coming subject to the healing power of God. By Jesus stripes you are healed. You are loose from all infirmities, sickness, and diseases in Jesus. Yahweh Rapha is the Lord that Healed you before and he is healing you now.
I Decree, Declare, and Demand Divine Healing power in your body in Jesus. I Command Healing in your endocrine system, renal health system, cardiovascular health system, immune health system, nervous health system, mental health system, cells, vessels, veins, arteries, and every malfunction part of your body, be repaired, restored, and regenerated in Jesus. Yokes are destroyed because of the Anointing over your life. No weapons formed against your body shall prosper in Jesus. I command Raphael, and all the Healing angels over your life. Your health shall spring forth speedily, according to(Isa 58:8) not one word shall fall to the ground Suddenly you shall see the hands of God in Jesus, it is Done.