I speak with my mouth and believe, trust, have faith, and I know in my heart, subconscious mind, and mind that I am healed of all sickness, pain, infections, rejection, disease/dis-ease, and everything from my childhood trauma.
I speak, I am casting out out my body, my life, and my house now.
I am renouncing, and I am expelling, the sickness producing tendency in my mind, and subconscious mind. I am sending it to the dry places of love, and light.
I am depositing, uploading, and downloading, a good health producing tendency, healing producing tendency, and wellness producing tendency in my mind, heart, subconscious mind, and entire body now.
I am grateful 🙏 for my good fortune producing tendency.
I am bringing praise to my lips. I know that Shalom/Peace is with me everywhere, everyday, in every way Declares the Lord/Life/Love, Light, Liberty, Laughter, and Victory.
Thank you for Healing me, making me complete, and blessing me with abundance indeed(Isaiah 57:19)
I am in the timeline of my Highest good, my deepest desires, my good health, my good feeling, and my ultimate fulfillment.
I love that I have more wellness, more good health, more happiness, more love, more laughter, more money, more abundance, more opulence, and no regrets.
I am thankful my happiness produces good health, and my good wealth.
I love that I am blissed, I am blessed, and I am beautiful.
I am creating a church within me. I am the minister of my own psyche/soul, I absolutely am.
I have self-regenerating healing power's within me, and without. That's what I'm doing.
I embrace ✨️ my self-realization of my Superpower within me, and around me.
I am saying goodbye to all my dysfunction and pain. I am taking all masks 😷 off, and throwing it out now. I am expelling it, and I am sending it to the dry places of love and light in Yeshua/Jesus.
It is DONE(Directing Opulence Now Everywhere) Ne'Eman/Amen.