My two favorite people in the bible are King David and Paul. They were both warriors which I like .They both at one point or another fell short and went to the Lord for forgiveness. King David was a woshiper and so am I although I have been through things in the past but what I have done in the past or at that moment that I might have done it I ask God for forgiveness and went into worship like  David. King David led many men into battle but when he came out of battle he went right into worship and that's how King David reminds me of myself. Now Paul was touched on the road to Damascus and became one of the greatest Evangelist in the bible. In fact most of the New Testament are attributed to Paul .Paul  reminds me of myself because I am an Evangelist and my style is not like Paul's because God has given us our own style .In  fact although God gave Paul a thorn in His flesh and he still continued in the race. I feel like God has given me a thorn in my flesh with certain things that I struggle with but I'M STILL IN THE RACE FOR

Jesus. Paul did not have material thinngs but he learned to be content with what he had or didn't have. I'm like that I don't care about material things all I want is Jesus.......

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