"Moving In the Supernatural Flow"
by James W. Goll, Encounters Network



This fall, the Holy Spirit shared with me that new classes were being offered in His School of the Spirit. He whispered to me, "It is time for recess."

I responded, "What does recess mean?"

A reply came, "It is time for the activity to take place outside the walls. It is time for P.E. It is time for Prophetic Evangelism."

The greater activity of God's Spirit today is spilling outside of the four walls of the church as anointed vessels go to the malls, coffee shops, schools, and the marketplace moving in the revelatory and power gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Harvest is upon us -- we simply need to change our venues and schedules to release the presence and power of God where the people are. It's time for P.E. Classes.


Are there keys to moving in the Supernatural? Want to move to a higher level? Then go find empty vessels!

We will have to go out of our typical way to find these hungry vessels. They are waiting for us. With this in mind, let's take a look at the prophetic lessons of II Kings 4:1-4 and apply them today.

"Now a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, 'Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the Lord; and the creditor has come to take my two children to be his slaves.'

"And Elisha said to her, 'What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?'

"And she said, 'Your maidservant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.'

"Then he said, 'Go, borrow vessels at large for yourself from all your neighbors, even empty vessels; do not get a few. And you shall go in and shut the door behind you and your sons and pour out into all these vessels, and you shall set aside what is full.'"


Ever think you are about to run out of oil? Are you still waiting for the big download to occur? Again, look at the word of the Lord through Elisha. Pour until!

"So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons; they were bringing the vessels to her and she poured.

"And it came about when the vessels were full that she said to her son, 'Bring me another vessel.' And he said to her, 'There is not one vessel more.' And the oil stopped."

1) Go find empty vessels! Hint: They are located outside of your comfort zone! You must go outside your own house to find them.

2) Maintain a secret place in God by building a private history before God!

3) Use what you have! Share your oil!

4) Your key to increasing is pouring into the lives of others!

5) Don't just wait for the next big encounter -- be faithful with the little you have.

6) Invite the empty vessels into your world and pour your oil into them!

7) The supernatural flow will continue as long as the empty vessels are in front of you! Pour until they are full!

8) Your needs will be met as well when you move in the supernatural flow! Provision is on the way!

"Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, 'Go, sell the oil and pay your debt, and you and your sons can live on the rest.'"


Over the years I have found a few special keys to flowing in the supernatural flow. Here are a few of them!

1) Be faithful in serving in another's sphere! You will be given your own! Faithfulness is the key to increase!

2) Receive the Lord's Supper -- Communion -- often! Get a home or portable communion set and have it available at all times. "As often as you take this cup." It's not as "seldom" -- it is as "often." You will receive a special blessing by celebrating what the blood of Jesus has already done for you!

3) Love the anointing! Get in the environment where His presence is already flowing and partake for Jesus' sake!

4) Maintain an atmosphere of worship! You will draw His presence! You are attractive when you worship! You will draw His attention.

5) Step out in Faith! All progress in the Christian life is by faith. Watch God Move!



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  • This is talking about outreach ministry to me. The empty vessels are those who would not come into a church house. We are to go out and find those souls that we need to pour into to. God will give us the words and the anointing (the oil) until we reach all the souls that are assigned to us.
  • Amen! to all the responses to this wonderful discussion. I am so grateful for this outline and guide. It is truly needed to help us continue to walk in Faith and Obedience. that we may be blessed and a blessing to other's as we operate in our Supernatural Prophetic Flow. God bless you Prophet Shaloria M. Mitchell.

    This must be our outline and guide amen to flowing perfectly in connecting and knowing what it takes to opperate in the prophetic
  • This information is so vital to our operating in The Supernatural Prophetic flow of our ministry. We must take a recess, get out of the box, outside the walls in order to help someone outside come inside. God told us to "Go" into all nations.....etc. We can't find empty vessels to pour out our oil if we don't have P.E. Going out into the highways and byways sharing Gods goodness, Testifying of His saving grace, His healing virtues. His Love and kindness, His tender mercy, way maker, heart fixer, mind regulator,...etc. God is so good we can't keep it to ourselves. The widow must have perceived that Elisha, the man of God was truly set apart for the ministry of God. Through her Faith and Obedience to the man of God, Elisha not only met her immediate needs but the long-range ones as well. The widow and her sons collected pots and pans from their neighbors, and they began to pour oil into them from their own small jar. The oil stoped pouring only when they ran out of containers. The number of jars was an indication of their faith and willingness to obey. We have to be aware of limiting God's blessings by a lack of faith and obedience. Lord help me get out of my comfort zone into another's sphere , using these tools by applying them daily to my life and ministry. That I may Minister under the anointing of the Holy Ghost, in the supernatural prophetic flow of God. Thank You Jesus 

  • WOW!!! A little oil will do much. we must be willing to help others.

  • I like the way he provides from the beginning of faith to the end

  • Amen to both responses! This is a wonderful step by step instruction guide on how to walk in prophetic flow.
  • Yes Sis Shaloria... a great guide indeed..

    Shaloria Michaela Mitchell said:

    This must be our outline and guide amen to flowing perfectly in connecting and knowing what it takes to opperate in the prophetic
  • I soo love this reading. P.E... yess Lord.... get outside the walls!!!  I can remember a time when I would minister to people alll night online. And w hen I would share what I was doing, I was told by my leaders basically that I should focus my efforts more on people that I could bring to the local church. I knew that was alll the way wrong!!!. 

    This is such a tasty meal. I'm thankful for this portion on 2day!!!

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