Father God in Jesus We come to right now laying down every weight at the alter, and casting aside every heaviness in Jesus. Oh God, it is written in your word Don't worry about anything instead pray about everything, lay our petitions before you; and the peace of God which passes understanding will guard our heart(Philp 4:6-7). Lord, we will trust in you oh God with all of our heart and lean not on our own understanding and acknowledge you in all of our ways, so you can direct our paths in Jesus.
Lord of Hosts you said, come to you all who are weary and laden and carry heavy burdens, and you will give us rest in the name of Jesus. Father, we thank you for VICTORY NOW, we thank you for success now over the enemy, over every situation in Jesus. I speak thy KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN OVER OUR LIVES JESUS.
God that you will answer every prayer request that is on this wall EXCEEDINGLY AND ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ALL WE CAN ASK OR THINK, ACCORDING TO THE POWER THAT IS WORKING IN US. We thank you now, and we know it is already done this we DECREE AND DECLARE AND IT IS ESTABLISH IN JESUS. Not one WORD will fall to the ground, it is SO Ne'Eman.
(Leave your prayer request below)
Blessings family, please pray for my father, he has type two diabetes and one of his toes on his right foot is infected, and if it don't heal properly, he will have to get it amputated.
Blessings Apostle Trina Davis
We speak, that your father is instantly healed, healthy, vibrant, and prosperous. We decree his body is ever being amputated, diminished, weak, or feeble. He is healed, strengthen, and energized in Yeshua/Jesus. It is Written in (Deuteronomy 34:7). It is done and SO(Spiritual Overflow, and Spectacular Outcomes) none of these good powerful healing 👏 words won't fall to the ground. It is spoken in the word of truth. Ne'Eman.
We love you, may you have a Majestic Healing night on Purpose, Godnight, Agape.
I have a dry cough and mucus, please lift me up in your prayers. Thank you so much family.
Blessings Apostle Trina Davis how are you doing on this Supersonically Healing day?
We are in agreement 🤝 with you for a total complete Healing from the inside out.
You are healthy, Healed, and Whole.
We love you. May you have a Spectacular day on Purpose, Agape.
God bless everyone, please lift up my son, I haven't seen him or heard from him in a while and he not that long ago got out of the system. Thank you so much for all your prayers.
Blessings family, I kindly ask for your support in praying for my son's mental health, safety, and salvation. May God's blessings be abundant in his life. Thank you for your prayers and love.
Blessings Apostle Trina Davis how are you doing on this Triumphant night 🌙?
We Decree, Declare, and Demand Divine Healing power in your son mind, subconscious mind body,heart, psyche/soul, and spirit.
The Blood of Yeshua/Jesus saturates his body from the air over the crown of his head to the sole/soil of his feet.
No weapons formed against him shall prosper. We command and activate by Faith Raphael, and all the Healing angels over his life.
It is done, Ne'Eman.
We love you to the Heaven's and beyond.
May you have a Terrific night 🌙 on Purpose, Godnight, Agape
Thank you
Please pray for Mr. Cox, who has lumps under his armpits and needs to see a doctor. Also, please pray for the cancellation of any cancer or sickness in his body, and for his deliverance too.
And we pray for the community nurse/ doctor.