Trusting your deliverer in the midst of suffering Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all. Psalm 34:19 It's been well said that God had only one Son without sin, but he had no sons without suffering. And I would be less than faithful to the Word of God and the testimony of Christ if I somehow told, or even suggested, that you could experience life without suffering or sorrow. The Scripture promises you and me that affliction is part of living the Christian life. In your journey on this earth, there are going to be times when you feel that you are all alone. But as a believer in Christ, you need to immediately identify those feelings as lies from the enemy. Now if God's character and nature were to leave you alone in your trials and allow you to walk through these valleys by yourself, then I would understand being hopeless in the midst of suffering. But the God you and I serve has promised time and time again to never leave us alone in tough times! Yes, bad things happen to good people. But God has promised that he will deliver you from every affliction. So when the inevitable hard times of life hit, trust completely that the God who raised Jesus Christ from the dead will resurrect you and bring you through any suffering! WHEN THE HARD TIMES OF LIFE HIT, TRUST IN GOD'S PROMISES TO BRING YOU OUT OF THEM!

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