1 Peter 3:4 Also read 3:1-5
Meekness is an inward attitude. Gentleness is expressed in an outward action. So meekness does NOT mean
gentleness because it is an inward attitude. It is one of the fruits of the Spirit spoken of in Galatians produced by
the Holy Spirit which is grown (like a fruit grows).
Webster’s definition is: modest, mild, submissive, unassuming, gentle.
Modest means not boastful, unpretentious, reserved and even bashful.
Mild means of a gentle disposition, moderate (as mild weather).
Submissive means yielding to the wishes of another, obedient, compliant, docile, passive, subservient, non-
The meek do not resist adversity because it accepts everything as being the effort of God’s wise and loving
purpose for them.
They accept injuries from others knowing these are permitted by God for our ultimate good.
Examples of meek men were:
Moses was called the meekest man on the face of the earth! Numbers 12:1-3 says that Moses had an Ethiopian
wife. Moses’ brother and sister, Aaron and Miriam, got together and started speaking against Moses because of
his Ethiopian wife. Moses bore this personal injury by his relatives without resentment or recrimination
Jesus went before His accusers and opened not His mouth. He didn’t fight back in self defense. Picture a lamb.
Jesus is referred to as the Lamb of God. Like a sheep led to the slaughter, they do not put up a fight or a struggle.
Now Meekness does Not Mean Weakness
Moses still maintained his strength of leadership and Jesus did not lesson His Lordship and Sonship. In fact, He
was even to be more admired by His courage and attitude. There is an old saying someone use to say, “Walk
softly but carry a big stick”. Someone who has his spirit and inward attitude under control does not indicate
weakness. Today and in times past, it is the self confident that are commended.
When Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek”, he said blessed are you because you have recognized your exceed-
ing sinfulness (blessed are the poor in spirit).
Mourned over the fact with total repentance (blessed are they that mourn).
and blessed are the MEEK. Those who realize that they are exceedingly sinful and being humbled by this fact,
realize that we have nothing that we can give to God. Our righteousness is as filthy rags, deserving only death,
so how can
we boast or glory save in the cross on which He died. All we are or have or ever will be can only come from Him
by His sheer grace alone.
Therefore, we have a humble, non-assertive attitude about ourselves. We do not think more highly of ourselves
than we ought, but we esteem others as better than ourselves.
Remember Moses at the burning bush. Who me? No Lord, I can’t! He was not high minded even then, but
modest in his estimate of himself. Just the opposite of being meek is one who is domineering, blustering,
haughty, arrogant and proud.
I do NOT believe meekness has to do with the outward personality. A shy person can be proud or haughty. So
if you have an exuberant, joyous personality it doesn’t mean you can’t be meek because it is an inward attitude
towards us and towards God. That’s what God wants.
The Bible tells us women that a “meek and quiet spirit is of great price in the eyes of God”. Quiet means tranquil,
noiseless and not conspicuous. Spirit is the essence of anything (who we really are). So a tranquil personality
inside of us (one which is at peace) is very precious to our Father. One that is not raging, frustrated, angry,
upset, screaming for our own way. But instead one that trusts God in the midst of any and all circumstances.
One that doesn’t take matters into our own hands, but instead trusts her heaven Father to hand the matter for her.
I use to believe that meekness and gentleness was the same thing, but NO, it is how you see yourself and God.
I am only what I am by His grace and HE is worthy to be trusted with all of my life. Therefore I need not struggle,
fight, defend myself, worry, stew or fret over ANYTHING! For my Father loves me and He aims to do me well!
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