When one is surrounded the best thing to do is to attack. That is what God wants us to do, too, when seemingly surrounded by Satan's forces. We are to FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE of the apostles. They did what they did following Jesus' example and in His power (Matthew 10:1,8; Mark 3:15; 6:7; Luke 9:1). We, too, are given power over the enemy (Luke 10:19; Matthew 10:1; Zechariah 3:15). We have the authority and power to bind demons and loose oppressed believers (Matthew 16:18-19). This must all be done in the power of Jesus' name (Matthew 8:22; Luke 9:49) for that is the only thing demons will obey. Always refer to His full name: "The Lord Jesus Christ." We, however, must be a clean vessel for Him to fill and use for deliverance (Revelation 12:10-11).

Before anything can be said about how to bring about deliverance, there must be no doubt about whose power is in deliverance. It cannot be done in our own strength, we do not have any power to remove demonizing (Mark 9:14-18). In fact, we can cause more damage than good doing this in our strength and not Jesus' (Acts 19:13-20). Even Michael let God rebuke Satan and wouldn't do it himself (Jude 9). We must be strong in the power God gives us. Not our own. We can only be strong in Jesus' strength and power (Ephesians 6:10-18). We are strong "IN" Jesus (Ephesians 6:10-18), not just "from" Jesus. Strength only comes from a close personal relationship and dependence on Him. This is because Jesus has defeated Satan (Eph. 1:20-22; Philippians 2:9-11; Col. 2:15; Heb. 2:14; I John 3:8; Luke 4:18).

In Jesus we have both power ( dunamis dunamis - Luke 9:1; 24:49; Acts 1:8; 4:33; 6:8 Ephesians 1:18-23; Hebrews 2:14-15) and authority (exousia exousia - Luke 10:1,17-20; Matthew 10:1,8; Mark 3:15; 6:7; I John 4:4). Power comes from the Holy Spirit within (Acts 1:8), authority comes from our relationship as a child of Jesus (John 1:12). A policeman has both authority (badge) and power (gun or club). Both come from a source outside self, as do ours (Colossians 12:9-10). Satan also has power (Luke 10:19; I Corinthians 15:24; I Peter 3:22) and authority (Luke 4:6; Acts 26:10; I Corinthians 15:24; Ephesians 1:21; 2:2; 3:10; 6:12). Demons have these, also (Revelation 9:3,10,19; Colossians 1:16; 2:10; I Peter 3:22). God's power and authority is superior to that which Satan & the demons have. Men without Jesus do not have power or authority anywhere near to Satan and his demons, though.

In all areas it is Jesus' strength, not ours, that gives us victory (Philippians 4:13). God promises to give us power (II Timothy 1:7; II Thessalonians 3:2-3). God is faithful to keep His promise to strengthen us (Numbers 23:19; Philippians 1:4-6; Hebrews 10:22-23). Our part is to use His strength. We are to fight, but in His strength. We must put on the armor God provides and stand in His strength (Ephesians 6:10-18). We are promised what when we resist Satan in God's strength that Satan will flee (James 4:7; I Peter 5:8-9). Victory is assured when we fight in His might (I Corinthians 15:57; II Corinthians 2:14; I John 5:5). French Painter Emile Ranouf, in a painting called "A Helping Hand," depicted an old man dressed in fisherman's garb, seated in boat with little girl beside him. Both have hands on an oar. He is looking down fondly and admiringly at her. Apparently he has told her that she may assist him in rowing the boat, and she feels she is doing a great share of the task. It is easy to see it is his strong, muscular arm doing the work. That's how it is with us and Jesus! It’s all by His grace!

Therefore we need not fear Satan or his forces (Joshua 1:9; 10:8; 23:9-11; Leviticus 26:8; Exodus 14:13; I Samuel 17:45-47; II Samuel 22:33-35,40-41). They must have God's approval for all they do (Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7; Luke 4:35). God protects His people (Luke 10:19; II Thessalonians 3:3; Revelation 9:4; I Samuel 18:10-11; 19:9-10). Nothing can get us away from God (Romans 8:38; John 10:29). When we ask, God will put a hedge around us or those we are praying for (Job 1:10; 3:23; Isaiah 5:5). God's power is greater than Satan's (Exodus 7:12; 8:18; I Jn 4:4).

First PRAY FOR GOD'S PROTECTION around us, our families and our properties as we begin (Job 1:10; 3:23; Isaiah 5:5). Ask for protection from the enemy’s interference, that all things would be done decently and in order that angels would be present to minister and protect, that the demons would not hide or interfere and that the Holy Spirit would lead and guide in all that will happen. Claim your authority and power over the place, time and people involved. Forbid anything to interfere, distract or embarrass as the session continues. Ask God to take their power and authority away, as Jesus did when He rebuked the demons (Matthew 17:18; Luke 9:42). Seeing God's power over Satan's forces today brings glory to God (Psalm 149:6-9). God promises victory, saying we will see Satan crushed under our feet (Romans 16:20). The very gates of hell cannot prevail against God's work on earth today (Matthew 16:18-19).

Blessed Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I desire to walk in the Spirit today. I know that only as You manifest the life of Jesus Christ in me will I be able to have victory of sin and selfishness in my life. I pray Your Spirit may produce Your fruit within my whole being. Give me a greater love and devotion for You in all I say, think and do.

Forgive me for the many times I have grieved You by my sin and disobedience. Show me my sins so that I can confess and remove them. Give me a greater desire to pray, read Your Word and become more like the Lord Jesus Christ.

Fill me with Your presence and control me by faith. Fill me with Your power and authority that I may live in victory over the attacks of the world, the flesh and Satan. Reveal Your will to me. Show me anything You would have me do to become more like the Lord Jesus Christ.

I pray you would put a hedge of protection around us, our families and our property. In Jesus’ name we forbid any of Satan’s forces to anything to confuse, distract, hide or in any way work against the good work God will be doing this day. Fill us with your presence and wisdom. In James you promise abundant wisdom to those who ask and we are asking for your wisdom, guidance and leadership in what will take place.

We commit all this to you for your honor and glory. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Before anything positive can happen the person must be WILLING TO SUBMIT THEIR WHOLE LIVES TO GOD (Romans 12:1-2) and be willing to deal with any sin in their lives (1 John 1:9). There can be no known sin they are holding onto, no immorality or pride. They must be committed to daily Bible reading and prayer as well as regular attendance at a Bible-believing church. If they are not willing to obey and submit to God they won’t find deliverance. Ask them to pray confessing any sin that is still in their life and to reaffirm their total submission to Jesus and their willingness to deal with whatever He shows must be dealt with. It is not in response to our faith that God delivers, but faith in Him is of the utmost importance. It’s not that if we have enough faith good things will happen and if we fall short they won’t. God’s deliverance isn’t determined by nor limited to our faith. Still, faith in God to be able to deliver and trust in Him to bring to light what is necessary are primary ingredients for God to work.

Now it is time to START GATHERING INFORMATION. Before a doctor writes a prescription or gives treatment he first gathers all the facts he can. He will then know by the symptoms and patterns what to prescribe and how to proceed. The same is true in spiritual warfare. These are some of the questions I ask those I am counseling. Other questions might arise depending on their answers.

Can you briefly tell me what some of your earliest memories are? (this can shed light into childhood events, trauma, etc., that may have contributed to the demonizing)

When did your problems and difficulties begin happening? (going back to the start is very helpful in understanding why they began. If they’ve always been there then generational spirits can be assumed)

Do you know of any event that may have caused the first one? (this can show an opening that needs to be taken back or a sin that needs to be confessed)

How long have you been a Christian? (make sure they understand what it means to be a believer and really have trusted Jesus. Seeing when they became a Christian in relationship to when the demonizing started is helpful as well.)

Does anyone else in your family or any ancestors have/had the same things happening to them? (this shows generational demonizing)

Where are your parents spiritually? (this can show if it is generational as well as how the person was influenced)

Are you married? Where is your mate at spiritually? (through the sexual union and through soul bonding demons can claim access to the other person)

Have you ever been sexually involved with anyone outside of marriage? (through the sexual union and through soul bonding demons can claim access to the other person)

Is there any sin you are allowing to remain in your life? (God will convict them of this. If they aren’t honest not much good will proceed from here.)

Have you experienced any trauma in life? (abuse, car accidents, extreme fear can break down a person’s defenses and take control of their lives out of their hands, thus creating an opening for the demonic.)

Do you have a church you attend? (the Bible commands we are to not forsake the assembling of ourselves. If this command is being broken it is sin and disobedience and must be changed for God to work in their lives. Only in very extreme, rare circumstances is it all right to not be attending a church.)

What denomination is it? (this can tell you something about their beliefs and practices.)

Were you ever involved in occult or demonic activities? (many people have used Ouija boards of something similar in the past and this is a definite opening to demonizing.)

Do you speak or pray in tongues? (I and many others in spiritual warfare have found that a false tongue, really a demon, is present and entered through one asking for a spirit of tongues)

Did anyone ever lay hands on you to receive the gift of tongues, healing or any other reason? (when someone lays hands on another and prays for them, anything demonic he or she may be open to can be transferred to the person they are praying for)

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  • Glory be to God...

  • At some point in time we have to let go of the past in order to start receiving the blessing God has for us....this is a blocking spirit that keeps us from the goodness that are in store for us.

  • We must dig deep and go to the root of issues and behaviors that has brought us to certain points. The steps we take are play a big part in our deliverance. It all starts with us asking the Lord to purge us, in the purging process old things come up that we can go back to and ask forgiveness for not realizing what was hindering us in the first place. Purging oneself is cleansing and with cleaning comes deliverance. At the Name of Jesus, the no name and all his helpers must flee. We hold all power and authority at our finger tips and have no reason to fear. Renewed mind and refuse to entertain anything not pertaining to building up and edifying the kingdom of God. Faith not fear, standing on the Word and in the power of His might. I'm so thankful that deliverance is available to all.... who believe

  • This is such great information because some of us are still dealing with the issues of the past that hinders us to move forward in the present and look forward to a bright and glorious future. Looking at some of these questions they are really soul searching answers. Before we can attempt to deliver anyone else out of the demonic bondage we must be free our selves.

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