Manna Wealth Declaration(Share this with everyone you know, and watch great things happen in your life).
I am so happy and grateful and thankful for my life. I Decree, Declare, and Command I am generous with my Wealth. Money is Life and positive energy. Money is helpful to me. Money is a good thing in my hands. Wealth comes easily to me! I am Creating Wealth, and it is easy for me! I am enjoying making a lot of money. I deserve money in my life. I feel really good about money. I am living a life of Abundance. I am using my Wealth wisely. I am financially free. I am a cash magnet. I am wealthy and happy. I OBTAIN and take OwnerShift all the forms of WEALTH in Jesus. I am easily and effortlessly attracting, money, checks, cash, Riches, deposits, transfers, Windfall's, jackpots, stocks, bonds, trust funds, fiats, bonanzas, sweepstakes, contests, drawings, seed money, large donations and inheritances into my life NOW.
I am a Jacuzzi of finances and jet of hundreds is coming through the portals now. I am attracting extremely large amounts of money into my life. I am grateful and thankful for the Wealth in my life. A Swift Action is taking place in my life, just like a deer. I respect and appreciate the money in my life. Money nourishes my reality. I am in love with providing for my family, spiritual family and others. My inner mind(subconscious mind) magnetizes money into my life even, while I am asleep. I am abundantly rewarded for my time, gifts, teachings, counsel, and advice, and the wisdom of my mind. I am living in abundant and prosperous life.
I am stress-free because the Lord have hidden Treasures, stockpiles, secret Riches, and riches from dark places stored up in secret places just for me because it is Written. Because he summons me by name, and he has released the WEALTH, Money, and Riches into my life. I am walking in prosperity consciousness. I am walking and living in the positive Success of my Kingdom belief instantaneously. I am having money work for me. I am not working for money, it automatically works for me.
Because I am working smarter, greater, better, wiser, and not harder. I am possessing everything that is due to me today, and it is MINE because I have Faith in God. No longer will anything keep me from money, millions, wealth, prosperity, and nothing will keep it from me. God of Heaven will give me Success in all that I do(Nehe 2:20). Wealth and Riches shall be in my houses forever(PS 112:3). With me is Enduring Wealth, Riches, Honor, Prosperity, and Righteousness(Prov 8:18). I am grateful and thankful that money answers all things and it solves all challenges(Eccl 10:19).
Not one word will fall to the ground in Jesus, I Decree, it is GOOD Ne' Eman