Welcome to Hands of Blessings Members Responsibility Page!
Each member is responsible for their own business account information and handling, you should never give this information to anyone and you should not let anyone administer your account. We will not give out any of you information except to the Owner from the email on file.
Each Owner is responsible for their own actions. Each Owner is accountable for their postings and words, we have a rule of courtesy that will be enforced, we afford everyone respect, no solicitation and peace. Therefore,anyone in violation of these personal rights, will be banned.
Each owner are responsible of the amount of income him-or-her obtain. It all depend on the work you put into your own business..
This is a Kingdom Business, and we are all about blessing the Kingdom.
Hands of Blessings only provides information, it has no responsibility for any sales of products, payments sent or received.
This is an Online Business that is for anyone who love giving and ready to receive and obtain all that God has for you.
Blessing is only good when you pass it on. Get ready for your miracles
Hands of Blessings(CEO)