Five-Fold Ministry

The Five-Fold Ministry doctrine is derived from Ephesians 4:11 "And He
gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some evangelists; and some,
pastors and teachers;"


Just as the "little a man's hand" (I Kings 18:44) preceeded the flooding rain, the five ministry giftings will preceed the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Holiness and power that the Church of Jesus Christ has ever known.

For almost two thousand years the Church has hobbled about in self-imposed weakness because of Her failure to recognize God's provision for power.

The same preachers who warn us: "Never pray for patience" for "tribulation worketh patience" (Romans 5:3) admonish us to pray and fast for maturity and unity, when our Father's provision is already revealed in Ephesians 4:11-15.

Perhaps their blindness to the truth is motivated by an improper understanding of the ministry gifts. Perhaps they feel that the recognition of these gifts would impose some sort of clerical heirarchy upon the Church. Quite the opposite is true. The function of the ministry gifts and their benefits are like salvation: our Heavenly Father doesn't force salvation on us, our acceptance of Christ as our Savior and all the ensuing benefits is voluntary. The same with the ministry gifts.

Several years ago, I flew to Florida to help my sister-in-law move back to Michigan. Before departing, I gave instructions to a friend to make sure the car was ready for the journey. When I arrived, I discovered that the car which was supposed to haul my sister-in-law and her family as well as a trailer had only four of it's six cylinders functioning. Additionally, the transmission had only second and third gear... no first or reverse! We survived the 1300 mile trip. However, our journey would have much easier had the car been functioning the way it's designers had intended.

As a young Christian, I was told to "read the red" (in other words: study the Gospels, especially the words of Christ). Well, I did. And one thing I learned by studying Jesus' teachings was that He expected the Church to walk in power, unity and maturity. Thirty years later, I can only deduce that today's Church is weak and divided because we are running on only one or two cylinders instead of the five originally intended.

Ministry Gifts in Ephesians 4:11
Responsibility Natural Manifestation
Apostle Doctrine and Discipline Enjoys building things: projects, businesses, etc.
Prophet Discern and Proclaim God's Word. Has a keen (sometimes problematic) sense of Justice.
Evangelist Present the Gospel of Christ to the lost. Enjoys direct contact with people. Most are successful salesmen.
Pastor To care for the everyday needs of the church family Enjoys serving. Loves to have people come to their home.
Teacher Instruct the Church in the practicalapplication of God's Word. Is able to explain complex issues in a way that even a child can understand.

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  • Its always important to know the true meaning of the five fold ministry..a church is basised on the five fold ministry I love talking about the five folds
  • Praise you God.  This reading is truly awesome as I can see the rise of the church taking place as the chosen members of the bible align.  There is great power in proper positioning and there are so many more of God's children operating out of false humility.  Why do I say false humility? Well, when God gives you instruction as he has given these particular individuals you are going to operate out of false humility, which is disobedience to God.  Every need that we see in the church is not necessarily for us to fill.  I have a servants heart and so I do adjust for what is needed, but only as God permits.  We can at times get so caught up in simple serving that we miss out on serving the most important of all, GOD.  False humility will also cause one take on spirits that will hinder not only your walk with God but everyone else around you because You are Miserable.  

    Just read what I wrote, my God.  false humility

  • The five fold ministry is very real and is very needed into today's church.because we all don't have the same gift's some have just one gift,other's might have multiple gift's but it all comes from above . for example you would'nt  call a plumber to build your house 'or you would'nt asked a police officer about your health' that's how the spiritual gifts work for the body of christ. we all work together for the building of his kingdom and one one is no greater than the other we need each other to work in prefect love and unity for God glory. 

  • The Scripture highlights five distinct areas or roles of ministry which God has given to the Church as a gift, so that it can operate in totality and reach maturity. Essentially the five-fold ministry establishes a group of leaders to govern the Church based on giftedness in one of five areas, which together provide a holistic and balanced perspective to complete Christian ministry.
    The five-fold model functions on the basis that leaders with the gifting’s of an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher oversee ministry areas where they have a proven anointing to grow and edify the Church. Much of the controversy stemming today about the 5-fold ministry is from a lack of thorough understanding of the various gifts and ministries God has given the church to help lead, guide, direct and edify the saints outlined in Ephesians 4:11. The major concern centres upon the abuse of power and the self appointment of people to positions of influence and authority that are not in submission to the Holy Spirit or accountable to other Leaders or to the body of the Church. 
    Leadership within the local Church is to ensure that all these gifts are in operation and that they are exercised in unity together. None can be dominant, none can be absent.

  • This is the five fold ministry, apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teachers.  All are for the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ.  To bring everyone in the unity of the faith of the son of God.  so we can bring the fullness of God to everyone who believes, speaking through us.

  • Whooop whoooop I am a "Prophetess" lol. Just fyi. hehehe

    But I totally agree. I think that most churches are not moving in the 5 fold. Thats why theres no order. But in this season gods getting ready to knock them down, and take full control so that his fullness can be seen.. the father wants to be seen now. Were running people away and no ones being healed, delivered, and no5nwalkimg im there calling because theres no order. Theyve been keeping the  5 fold out of the picture. But hes about to shake all that up. Daddy wants to be seen,

  • Bless you Evangelist Tina, I had prayed that God will give you clarity on your gift, and I am so excited that the Holy Spirit revealed to you who you are. I want you to purchase all the books you can on Evangelism. Watch God Mold you, Shape you, and Form you in the way he want you to be, a (Masterpiece) Have a bless and Prosperous night Love you and Agape~~~

    Tina Parks said:

    I have prayed and believe that I am an Evangelist Present to the Gospel of Christ to the Lost.  I do enjoy direct contact with people. I have been told I would be great in sales.

  • I have prayed and believe that I am an Evangelist Present to the Gospel of Christ to the Lost.  I do enjoy direct contact with people. I have been told I would be great in sales.

  • Not tursting in God in the five fold ministry csn be really stressful on the body of Christ. Most people just accept thr pastot but there is more to the ministry thsn just pastor.
  • Yes we have to study to show that we are approved in God's eyes, this also allows us to be able to break the word of god down so others are able to understand it even children need to be able to understand the word. The five fold mistry is important because it helps all gifts in the body of Christ to build up the ministry and the church can grow and flourish under the fivefold ministry.

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