A Sabbatical is not an extended vacation, nor is it limited to advanced studies. A carefully planned sabbatical allows a Senior LeaderShifter, or LeaderShifter the chance to rest, refresh, replenish and reflect on their faith in God. The Body of Christ, can expect their LeaderShifter to return from sabbatical with a fresh outlook on their faith and with renewed energy to perform their job. This allows them to be the Best LeaderShifters they can in the Kingdom of the Heaven's. A Sabbatical cleanses the mind, subconscious mind, soul/psyche, spirit, and anointing. It allows the LeaderShifter to pour back into the people fresh Manna and Rhemaric word of the Lord to the people.
A Sabbatical, is a Divine Consecration with Dad(Abba/God) and allow him to regenerate, transform, and shift, the LeaderShifter, into their purpose anointed equilibrium.
Read and Meditate on(Math 4:1-11 and 1 Kings 19:8:11).