When a man is trying to win the heart of a woman he studies her.
He learns her likes, dislikes, habits, and hobbies. Her smell, her thoughts, what makes her happy and whats makes her sad. But, after he wins her heart, he don't study her like a high school diploma. But, he studies her like a Doctorate Degree.
It is a life long journey between the two that draws his heart closer to hers, and they become one flesh, read and Meditate on (Gen 2:24).
Then he marries her, because he know what he has obtained in his presence.
He praises her and tell everyone he knows, that he thank God that he love's her. He also have full Godfidence in her value, read and Meditate on(Prov 31:11-30).
Know your value and your worth QPE(Queen Platinum Eagle's). Because you are a Ruby a rare Jewel(Prov 31:10).