June 10, 2011
Slow It Down
T. Suzanne Eller
"God called the light 'day' and the darkness he called 'night.' And there was evening, and there was morning..." Genesis 1:5 (NIV)
I was reading my Bible one day and noticed a huge "mistake" in scripture. Everyone knows that morning comes first, and then evening follows. Right? But there it was in black and white. Genesis 1:5 read "and there was evening, and there was morning."
Of course, it was no mistake. God started with evening — a time of rest — and a day's productivity resulted.
We live in a culture where rest is often viewed in a negative light. When we work, we work hard. When we play, we play hard. We know how to fill our time with e-mail, activities, carpool, cleaning, aerobics, and our list of tasks. But do we know how to rest?
Nineteen years ago at the ripe age of 32 I was diagnosed with cancer. When I found out, I blurted, "I don't have time for cancer!" But cancer didn't consult my schedule. My life changed as I put aside a lot of things I once thought were absolutely vital as I went through chemo, surgery, and radiation.
One beautiful result that emerged from that difficult time was a new list of priorities. I learned how to climb between the sheets and put aside my worries. To rest my body and my mind. To slow down when life became crazy and to weigh what was important, and what was not. Before long I began to see evening as the first part of my day. From rest, sprang morning; I had earned a good day's work.
It's a concept that changed my life. Not just physically, but also spiritually. Recently I had two speaking events sandwiched together. As the date approached, my time with my Heavenly Father became "evening." I prepared, but spiritually rested as I communed with God. Once I arrived in the city where I was to speak, I closed the door of my hotel room and listened to the heart of my Father instead of going over my notes. Out of rest, sprang true ministry. I was refreshed and filled by His presence, instead of my efforts.
How often do we run out of steam because we are out of balance? I wish I could say I was forever cured. But I'm not. There are times that I have to slow it down and reconsider my priorities all over again. And if physical rest or spiritual rest has been pushed to last place, I have to put it all on the table and let The Boss help me sort through it so I can put "evening" back where it belongs.
Dear Lord, when I push You to last place, I miss out on hearing Your voice. When I keep going until I drop, I get all tangled up in my to-do list. I know that life is busy, but help me to discern between what is important, and what is not. Reorganize my life, and reveal true rest that only comes from You. In Jesus' Name,, Amen.
Application Steps:
Write down all the to-do's that consume your time.
Are there any that aren't absolutely necessary?
Do you need to say "no" to one or two so that you can say "yes" to a more restful family and a more rested you?
As women, we often take care of the needs of our children, our community, our church, our spouses, our jobs, our homes, but we leave ourselves out of the nurturing process. Am I willing to nurture myself in one way today spiritually or physically?
Power Verses:
Mark 6:30-31, "Then the apostles gathered to Jesus and told Him all things, both what they had done and what they had taught. And He said to them, 'Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.' For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat." (NKJ)
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Great message Woman of God i was really touched by it!!! this Message helped me out alot.