You are somebody,
Before you were bom-God saw you. He knew the specific purpose you were designed to fulfill, so He provided the gifts you'd need and the environment required to put it all together. Then He looked at you and said, "Very good."
It's important that you can say that too, because others will only treat you according to how you treat yourself. If you don't like the way people respond to you, stop and ask yourself, "What's the message I'm sending out?" For people to treat you well, you've got to send out a message that says, ''I'm somebody, because God made me somebody!"
We're talking about an inner strength that makes you attractive when you walk into a room, and causes others to say, ''Who's that?" And they won't be asking because your appearance is stunning. No, they'll be asking because your character is magnetic and your presence has impact. This is not pride-it's just healthy self-esteem based on God's opinion of you. When you have it, it affects the way you... talk to others ... sit in a classroom ... apply for a job ... perform the ministry God gave you... and even the way you pray. That's right; if you think you have no value, you'll pray with less confidence and conclude that the promises of God are for everybody but you
(l Jn 3:21)!
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