Throughout the years, I have tried to give instruction to the congregation before ministering to them in the prophetic gifts in order to help those who have received a prophetic word or who are planning on requesting a word. There are certain things one who asks for a prophetic word needs to know.

First of all, I have never met anyone for whom God did not have a word. He desires to speak to all of us in the same love as He demonstrated at the Cross of Calvary, so when we ask for a word, we should expect to receive one and know that He is not going to condemn us or speak about the things we would not want anyone to know about. In fact, our Lord is such a gentleman that if He has something He wants to talk to you about which deals with something you would not want anyone to know, He will speak in such a way that no one will understand what He is saying except for you.

Write it down; read it; listen to it.Another point I would like to make is, when you receive a prophetic word, please do not try to make that word come to pass. First of all, you probably don't really even know whator how He plans on fulfilling His word for you. In fact, when you try and make your word come to pass, you will only delay the process of receiving the promise within His word that is intended to bless you. After you have received your word, listen or read it a few times, then put it away and wait a couple of months and then listen to it or read it again. Just remember God is quite capable of fulfilling His word, so leave it alone and wait upon Him to do that which He has planned.

Also, when you receive a prophetic word be sure you do not go around sharing your word with everyone. Oddly, sometimes what God says to you can make some people very angry for reasons that are not always known. Remember Joseph when he received his prophetic dream? He shared it with his family, and it angered his brothers, and they took him out and dumped him. I have witnessed this happen many times to various people who have been excited about their word and shared it with those who became angry with them and even brought harm upon them. Please be wise and prayerful about with whom you share your prophetic word.

Too many people make the mistake of making more out of their prophecy than is intended. In the Book of Revelation there is a warning given for adding or subtracting from the word of prophecy. Look at the life of Apostle Paul when he received his prophetic word from Ananias, which was, "Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name's sake" (Acts 9:15-16). First of all, most of us would erase the last part of this word that "he must suffer for My name's sake." However, the part about going to kings in the name of the Lord, well...that sounds very promising. Think of the financial blessing that could be received by going to the kings of the various nations in the name of Jesus.

However, Paul's word did not come to pass in the manner that most would think. He did share the Gospel message with a king, King Agrippa, but Paul was in chains as a prisoner for years waiting for his chance to preach before a king (see Acts 26:26-27). The point is, you never know how you will find the prophetic word coming to pass; therefore, do not assume you know just because you heard, for it is not enough to hear His word, you must know what it means.

Without the process, you will not be ready to handle His promise.There is a purpose for why God gives you a prophetic word, and there will be a process that the word will take you through before you receive the promise of His word. Most everyone wants to go straight from the purpose to the promise and bypass the process. Without the process you will not be ready to handle His promise.

When you receive a prophetic word, you will find up to three different gifts working in your word: prophecy, which is foretelling; word of knowledge, revealing things of your past or present; and the word of wisdom, which basically gives conditions and situations that will transpire if you choose to go one way or the other.

Most people are confused regarding their prophetic word because they think that the part spoken about what is taking place or that has already transpired is from God, but the parts that have not happened in their life are not of God. Most of the time the word of wisdom seems to be just confusing rhetoric that makes no sense; however, it all has meaning and purpose.

The word of knowledge helps you believe the prophecy within the word, because things are being revealed that you know there is no way the minister could know outside of God revealing them. When the prophecy is revealed, it should be received, knowing that if the present is being revealed, then the part that is prophecy, or foretelling of what is to come, will be much easier to believe. However, the prophetic word is not always received this way, even though this method should make it much easier to believe and not be incorrectly judged.

One final note: When a prophetic word is being given, do not assume that what is said in the first part of the word is what will happen first, for it is not intended to be delivered in any specific order: "For we know in part and we prophesy in part" (1 Corinthians 13:9).

What Is Prophecy?

This interview between Pastor Ras Robinson and Prophet Kent Simpson took place in August of 1994. Its purpose is to familiarize pastors and laypersons with those who operate in the prophetic gifts. It is our desire to see the Church allow freedom for the prophetically gifted to come into the congregations to minister to the saints.

The Body of Christ has been instructed in the Scriptures not to despise prophecy, and out of all the gifts, we are to pursue prophecy (see 1 Thessalonians 5:20).

Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.1 Corinthians 14:1

But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men. 1 Corinthians 14:3

.for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:21

Write it down; read it; listen to it.This Scripture clearly defines inspired speaking not as someone who is a good orator but one who is a vessel through which the Holy Spirit speaks. You referred earlier to Joel, that in the latter days young men would prophesy, old men would dream dreams, and the Spirit would come upon the sons and daughters.

And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. And also on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days.

And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD. And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance, as the LORD has said, among the remnant whom the LORD calls. Joel 2:28-32

This Scripture would indicate that the Holy Spirit is still giving inspired utterances to God's chosen vessels today. We really question whether that can happen these days; however, we will find out that it is possible. The Lord is definitely raising up the prophetic utterance in this day.

What Is the Word of Knowledge?

PASTOR RAS: One thing I see in your ministry, Brother Kent, is that you zero in on an individual. You prophesy directly to that person. I know there are other things you do, but that is what I have seen you do primarily. A person will come to you and you will tell them things about themselves that often only they and the Lord know. In that revelation it is almost as if their heart opens to receive your word of foretelling, or your word of encouragement. How does that work?

PROPHET KENT: When the Lord reveals things to a person (past or present, which is a word of knowledge) it brings them to a place where they can believe. My wife and I often see that when the Lord tells us of things that have happened in a person's life (word of knowledge), and then they receive their prophecy; they then are able to believe the prophecy will come to pass.

One of the things about prophecy that is most difficult for people to understand or believe is that God is going to build them up with a word of such great edification and encouragement. That is what edification is for, the building up of men. What God is doing is raising a temple, and we are the living stones. He is taking each stone, as a potter would, and is beginning to mold each of us for our perfect place in this temple.

We have had many people write and say, "Well, I got my prophecy, and I don't know, it sounds a little bit too far-fetched. I just can't see myself praying for the sick and someone actually being healed. I just can't see myself getting out of poverty. I can't see myself...(you fill in the blank)." What happens is that over time the prophecy begins to unfold. It will happen whether they believe it or not (if the word is true and from the Holy Spirit).

Jesus and woman at the wellThe word of knowledge that we were speaking of, telling of things already happening in a person's life, is the catalyst that helps them to be able to believe.

They may say to themselves, "Well, if he was right in what he told me in this area of my life, maybe there is a possibility that he is right about my future. Maybe the prophecy I just received will come to pass. After all, he was right about what I did that only God and I know, and he did reveal a prayer request I have not even told my spouse or my children. God evidently told this individual who is ministering to me what I have been praying. After all, God is answering my prayer through him, so there is a good possibility that the things he said about my future are going to happen, too."

What Is the Word of Wisdom?

PASTOR RAS: So the word of knowledge is like a faith door, and if the people receive it, then credibility has been established. Then you can speak that prophetic, foretelling word to them. Should an individual look to prophecy for direction in their life?

PROPHET KENT: No, because prophecy is not conditional. If it is of the Lord, it will happen, regardless. However, a word of wisdom will give guidance, direction, and has conditions. Many people have tried to work out their prophecies. They may have received a word from God that said that He would be moving them or they would start a new career, perhaps even establishing them in their ministry. They then try to help God fulfill the prophecy. The worst thing a person can do is try to make the prophecy happen.

Word of wisdomWe live in an instantaneous society, one where everything has to be "nuked in 30 seconds." We want it now. We, as people of God, must understand that we are people of an eternal God. He is not dictated by time. He does not wear a wristwatch, and He rarely tells us that we are going to receive tomorrow. Christians are going to have to learn that we are eternal beings. We must change our mindset and stop thinking that our life is going to be over when we are 80 years old.

It reminds me of Abraham when he received a word from God that his barren wife, Sarah, would give birth to a son, Isaac. After a period of time the word had not come to pass, so they thought, "Well, let's just jump in and help God a little." They took Sarah's handmaiden and gave her to Abraham so that she could conceive a child that they may see the prophecy fulfilled. They could not wait for God's perfect timing. Remember, Abraham and Sarah brought an Ishmael into their life. Ishmael became a real sore spot in their relationship. Everything began to fall apart until Isaac, God's appointed son, was born to Sarah. That was the promise, a son of Sarah.

The best thing to do when you receive a prophetic utterance, which deals with things to come, is to take that word and write it down or save it on disk. It is important to keep it in its exact form and entirety. Then put it on the shelf, listen to it from time to time, and judge it by letting time pass. If it is the Lord, it will come to pass. David had to wait 20 years to become King after Samuel prophesied that he would be king of Israel.

You cannot judge prophecy by your surroundings. David, for example, was hunted like a mad dog by Saul, who was the King. It looked as if there was no possibility of him ever sitting on the throne! God will reveal Himself and bring your prophecy to pass in such a way that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you had nothing to do with it. He does this so that you will know with confidence that God has given you this word and that He will fulfill that word in you in His perfect timing.

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  • God said what you do in secret He will bless you openly.  God also said don't let you left hand know what your right hand is doing.  This message is confirmation.  God said those that wait upon Lord shall renew their strength. 

  • When God gives someone something you don't want others to know about he will reveal it in such a way that's others will not know what is being said except for you. We should not try to help our prophecies to come to pass because we do not know how God plan on fulfilling that prophecy or who he will use to bring that word to pass, we have to be patient and trust that the word will come to pass as we have faith and believe God because it will take that much longer to be fulfilled. We should not share our word of prophecy with everyone because everybody do not have our best interest at heart and they can pray and hold up your word of prophecy from coming to pass. God is still raising up the prophetic in this day and time, when people can't see their word of prophecy coming to pass and begin to speak negative that word of prophecy will begin to unfold whether they believe it or not if it is a true word from a true prophet. We need to stop judging prophecy by our surroundings God will reveal himself and bring your prophecy to pass in such a way that you know that only God did it and you had nothing to do with it.

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