Greatest Wresting Match Revelation of all time. Man left alone by himself, so he thought. Man wrestled with stranger(God) all night long, until daybreak. Stranger(God) seen he could not win-or-prevailed against him. The stranger(God) knocked his joint(hips) out of socket, as they wrestled. The stranger(God) told the other man, let me go, it's over, it is morning(daybreak). The determined,and persistent man, said I do not think so, I will not let you go, until you Declare and give me what I want(Bless me). The stranger(God), seen this man was serious, and very confident in his request. The stranger(God),ask the man what is your name? The man told him: [supplanter, schemer, trickster, swindler]! The stranger(God)was shock(pleased with his honesty) told the man, your name is no longer your past. It is new Israel which means [contender, maintain,held on, declare, profess,affirm,and announce with God]; for you have contended and have power with God and with men and have prevailed(won every battle). Then the new man(Israel) ask the stranger(God) what is your name? The stranger(God) said, Why is it that you ask me my name? Then the stranger(God) Decree, and Declare a blessing on(Israel)that day, his life was change after that experience(Gen 32-vs-24-29, PKDB)~~This is a sneak peak off our new #Propel #Kingdom#Devotion #Bible. Get ready in stores all over the world, my God(#Grateful#Kings #Kid)~~~
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