Apostle Claudia Boatwright's Posts (2584)

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The Day of Creation

Day 4—The Day of Creation


O Lord  - Create in me!


(The Lord Creator - Isaiah 40:28)

“Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.”

   Psalm 51:10

Read Isaiah 40 & Psalm 51


Today O God may my cry unto you flow from a heart that has the capacity to receive your creativity.   I acknowledge now that it is only through your Divine craftsmanship that I will be freed from every impurity.  So I ask you not to renew my heart, but to create - to take from “my nothingness” and compose a throne from which I will have the ability to receive a renewed spirit.  May I no longer be enslaved to those concepts, precepts, ideologies and strongholds that are relative to my former sin nature. 


Today Jehovah Bore, may I begin to totally understand the awesomeness of who you are.   Only you could CREATE a plan that would permit the redemption of fallen man.  Only you could CREATE a plan for the justification of fallen man. Only you could CREATE a plan for the sanctification of fallen man.  Only you Jehovah Bore could CREATE a plan that reveals your ultimate love for fallen man.


So today, I submit and surrender my heart to you Jehovah Bore, for a complete cleansing, thus producing a “newly created” heart which is now composed from none of the negativity of my past.  A brand new heart which possesses a “newness” that only you through the power and presence of Holy Spirit have the ability to CREATE…… AND IT IS SO!!!  HALLELUJAH!!!!!


 I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.

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Day 3—The Day of Deliverance


Lord you are my ultimate Deliverer


(The Lord my Deliverer - Psalm 18:2)

“Surely you shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the noisesome pestilence” Psalm 91:3


Read Psalm 18 & Psalm 91


The Bible displays are least four concepts for the word deliverance. 

Briefly: (1) "to deliver out of the hands of..., to escape." We can find this example in the Hebrew word Natsal (Strong's #5337)

(2) "drawing someone to one's self." - Rhuomai (Strong's #4506)

(3) "to deliver into the hands of...for the purpose of judgment."  -  Nathan (Strong's #5414)

(4) "to have ample space between oneself and one's enemies." Yasha (Strong's #3467)


Therefore today we can stand assured that whatever our need is concerning deliverance; our Jehovah Mephalti is well able to manifest it.  When we combine the four definitions above we can comprehend that our God will not only rescue of His people from the dominion of Satan and the world system, but in the process of rescuing and delivering from, He will draw and deliver us unto Himself.  One commentary summarizes the entire process as:  “To be removed by God from the hand of the enemy and drawn close to Himself, from which position God places us in confrontation with the enemy on God’s own terms, in order for us to gain victory and defeat the enemy, and to experience freedom from oppression in an ample and secure place.”


As you seek your Jehovah Mephalti today, ask Him to reveal to you the areas in your life where total deliverance has not yet occurred - as well as any obstacles and road blocks that are still preventing you from obtaining your total victories. 


I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.

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Day 21- The Day of Victory


There is no battle that I may encounter where I will not be victorious.

Jehovah Izuz Wegibbor”

(The Lord  Strong and Mighty – Psalm 24:8)

Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah”

(The Lord mighty in battle—Psalm 24:8)


“Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle!”     Psalm 24:8


Read: Psalm 24, Luke 10:19 & I John 5


Lord, as this period of Consecration concludes, may I never forget your revealed perceptions and character qualities.  Daily you were reminding me of who you are, and that you alone have the authority, the power, and the wisdom, to enable me to become victorious, in every situation.


So this “IS” a day of victory because you have equipped me with the proper tools to successfully stand against the wiles of the enemy.

As I encounter various attacks throughout this year, may I remain focused on who you are.  May I obtain an increase awareness of your omniscient presence.  Since you through your Son Jesus, have already successfully defeated every adverse force – may I never forget that I have a blood brought right to the same victorious state.


I can only emerge from this consecration knowing that whatever I encounter at this stage; in this dimension—I will be victorious.  You have been re-establishing in me for these past 21 days, every facet of who you are, which is now necessary for my advancement, my encouragement and to maintain my stamina in you.


Because you are strong and mighty, because you are mighty in battle; I can truly proclaim….


Hallelujah—I AM VICTORIOUS!!!!

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“ ...Because you are my LORD, you are my glory.”

Jehovah Kabodhi”

(The Lord My Glory – Psalm 3:3)

“But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.”                      Psalm 3:3


Read: Psalm 3 & Psalm 27


Today, I will affirm that through your power, Jehovah Kabodhi, I will always walk protected, triumphantly and successfully.


You are my shield, safeguarding and sheltering me from every plot plan, scheme and schism of the adversary.  As my shield your power is both offensive and defensive.  May I always remember that as my Lord, it is through the sustaining power of your Holy Spirit, that you have sealed within me gifts and anointings. 


May I never cease to honor, and uphold you as my true Lord over and in every situation.  May my mind never wander nor become double - minded….because you are my Lord.  May I daily cast down every vain imagination and every high thing that attempts to exalt itself against your divine Lordship in my life.


Lastly, because you are my Lord, may I daily captivate and bring every thought captive to your obedience. Since every action is preceded by a thought, if I correct my thinking, and establish your “Lordship” mindset….then my daily walk will be one that is worthy of your approval.


Thank you Lord that will never walk in fear because I am perpetually protected, triumphant and successful in my every endeavor!



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“Lord may your peace and blessings be on Jerusalem”

Jehovah Elohe Yisrael”

(The Lord God of Israel – Psalm 41:13)

“Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting, and to everlasting. Amen and Amen.”                           Psalm 41:13


Read: Psalm 41 & Psalm 122


I must not conclude this consecration O Lord without my focus including your chosen ones. 


So on today I lift to you and pray for the peace of, Jerusalem.  May I always remember to include them in my times of intercession and thanksgiving.  I pray that your peace will invade both their natural and spiritual realms.  I pray that Jerusalem as a whole will begin to know and love your Son Jesus - thus receiving the true peace that only he can afford them. May they enjoy the benefits which result from a “peaceful mindset” which has developed a spiritual appetite and acceptance of your Holy Spirit.  


Let me always remember that I have at my disposal that most powerful weapon available to assist my brothers and sister in Jerusalem.  That weapon is prayer. 


May I come in agreement with these words of Matthew Henry in regards to the peace of Jerusalem:

“Let us consider all who seek the glory of the Redeemer, as our brethren and fellow-travelers, without regarding differences which do not affect our eternal welfare. Blessed Spirit of peace and love, who didst dwell in the soul of the holy Jesus, descend into his church, and fill those who compose it with his heavenly tempers; cause bitter contentions to cease, and make us to be of one mind. Love of the brethren and love to God, ought to stir us up to seek to be like the Lord Jesus in fervent prayer and unwearied labour, for the salvation of men, and the Divine glory.”



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Day 18—The Day of Positioning

3729434935?profile=original Lord, you are supreme in power &position.

Elhoy Marom”

(The God of Heights – Micah 6:6)

"With what shall I come before the LORD and bow down before the exalted God? “      Micah 6:6


Read Micah 6


As this text is researched, we can observe that the word “height” here signifies supremacy of power and position.


So Lord, may I now aline and place everything under the authority of who you are.  May I never exalt the power of my thoughts or actions above what your word demonstrates. 


I forbid any other power to rule nor to reign in my life.  I accept the sovereignty and omnipotence of who you are.  I ask that those character qualities fully infiltrate my every thought.  May I reword my vocabulary to only release from my mouth only the words that will reflect the same.


There is no other, nor has ever been, nor ever will be, any other that is able to be in comparison with who you are.  You are the supremely exalted one.


May I continuous position my spirit to operate in submission only to your sovereign reign, your absolute authority and your ultimate guidance.


In the name of Jesus.  


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Day 17—The Day of Compassion


Yet he, being compassionate, atoned for their iniquity and did not destroy them.

El Rachum”

(The God of compassion. – Deut. 4:31)

"For the LORD your God is a compassionate God; He will not fail you nor destroy you nor forget the covenant with your fathers which He swore to them.”       Deuteronomy 4:31

                                                        New American Standard Bible (©1995)


Read: Deuteronomy 4 & Romans 2:1-11


Lord, may one of my objectives for today be to extend to others the acts of compassion that you have shown to me. 


May my heart not be hardened to those who are not even seeking to know you and love you.  May I not retaliate and avenge others - but show to them true  concern and consideration regardless of their acceptance or rejection of my actions of kindness towards them.


Lord, I do realize that I must receive and understand your compassionate love towards me, if I am going to have the ability to reflect the same. 


May I not just sing about your love and compassion, talk about it and read about it; but may I, as another benefit of this consecration, daily increase my demonstrations of compassion towards others.


When I begin  to realize  and focus on how you, El Rachum, have been so compassionate and expressed  your unconditional love towards me; may I then remember that I have no other choice than to show to others the same.


“I CAN do all things through You, El Rachum, who has given me the strength!”

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Day 16—The Day of Integrity

 May I daily example to others a “lifestyle” of integrity.

Yahweh Sali”

(The Lord my rock. –Psalm 18:2)


The Lord is my Rock and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.                                           Psalm 18:2


Read: Psalm 18 & Psalm 34


The evidence that the Lord is my rock is proven and displayed to others by the degree of integrity that daily governs my life.   If the Lord is my rock, I will not fall prey to the mindsets of this world and its principles.  IF the Lord is my rock, I will not stand upon the motivations, nor, find rest in the comfort zones, of anything that doesn’t come into alignment with his Kingdom Principles.


Therefore, as of today O Lord, may I affirm the fact that you are truly my rock.  It is you that I run to daily to support and anchor me.  It is you that I depend upon as my pillar, as my prop, as my leaning post, as my only stake possessing the ability to remain stable in this ever - changing world.


I am capable of remaining unshaken in the midst of every storm because you have hidden me in the “cleft of yourself” and permitted me to find safety in the “secret place” of who you are. You have allowed me to abide under your shadow. It is in you that I can wholeheartedly trust.   May I never forget that you have been and will always be my perpetual ROCK.


“On Christ the SOLID ROCK I stand….ALL, ALL, ALL other ground is sinking sand!”

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Day 15 - The Day of Breakthrough

Day 15—The Day of Breakthrough

“Breakthrough, so that I may break forth”

Yahweh Perazim ”

(The Lord of Breakthrough –II Samuel 20:5)


So David went to Baal Perazim, and there he defeated them. He said, "As waters break out, the LORD has broken out against my enemies before me……………… (II Samuel 20:5)


Read II Samuel 20


As I enter the last week of this consecration, Lord I am requesting that you would permit the power of the Holy Ghost to “breakthrough” and break up any residue that is still attempting to linger in my spirit.  Any lingering mindset that will prevent your power from having its full range in my spirit, Yahweh Perazim, break through it.  Burst forth as the waters through an overly stretched dam.  Break forth with your explosive, uncontainable power. 


As you broke through and rescued David from his enemies, breakthrough the plans and devices that my enemy, the master deceive,r has devised for my destruction.   Break through every shackle that is still attached to my feet.  Break through the thorns and thistles in the realm of spirit.  Break through unhealthy, nonproductive relationships.  Break through every barrier and “smoke screen” that is still preventing me from aggressively and confidently advancing.


And now Yahweh Perazim, as you  break through, may I begin to break forth into one who is feared and hated by the kingdom of darkness.  As I observe the effects of the power that is received from your “break through”, may I never become arrogant or heady – only more confident as I walk and rest in the freedom that only you have the ability to provide. 

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Day 14—The Day of Loving God


Day 14—The Day of Loving God 

“Thou shall have no other gods”

El Chaiyai”

(The God of My Life –Psalm 42: 8&9)

But each day the LORD pours his unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life.

                                                                    New Living Translation (©2007)


Read Psalm 42


King David was known as a man after the heart of God.  Although he had his faults, his heart was full of the love of God and for God.  In Psalm 42, He is praying to “the God who gives him life”. 


Today, may I O Lord, have a heart that is full of love for you.  May everything that I encounter only bring me to an increased awareness of your love for me - and birth within me an added dimension of who you really are.


In this era when foundational principles have been abolished from the “white house to the poor house”, - and even many kingdom principles have been altered; I can without a doubt rely on your undying, unconditional love for me. 


May I know you as King David and heartfully say, Lord never take your Holy Spirit from me.  Meaning - may I never erect idols in my life that would “override the guiding and protective power of the Holy Spirit”. 


I love you Lord….and my worship to you is generated from a heart of true love.


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Day 13—The Day of Kindness


 “Kindness can only be sown from a heart that is tender.”

Elohay Chasdi”

(The God of my Kindness - Psalm 59:11)


Love is patient, love is kind…... I Corinthians 13:4


Read Psalm 59 & I Corinthians 13..........


This has been said that our actions speak louder than our words.  The Bible states, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32).   May I remember, to constantly walk in a disposition unforgiveness, will prevent me from possessing the ability to express kindness to others.


So Lord, I ask that you reveal to me anything within me that is yet preventing me from the ability to show compassion, gentleness and consideration to EVERYONE.  May I not be bias in my actions but develop the renewed mindset that has become yielding to the ability to express your unconditional love.


Let me never forget the kindness that you have shown to me, and operate daily from that platform.


In the name of Jesus.

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“My awareness of your omnipresence elevates my accountability to you O Lord”

Yahweh Hashopet”

(The Lord the judge - Psalm7:8)

“Yahweh administers judgment to the peoples. Judge me, Yahweh, according to my righteousness, and to my integrity that is in me.”               World English Bible


Read Psalm 7 and I Corinthians 4


Lord, as another benefit resulting from this period of consecration; I decree that I have an enlightened mindset in regards to my accountability toward you.   May I view with a higher regard every plan, idea and every strategy that you have given unto me - whether it be for me, your people or for the entire universe. 


Although you “Yahweh Hashopet, judge my motives and actions, I must never become stagnant, and further nurture the actions of procrastination that attempt to become a comfort zone.


Therefore, I acknowledge the fact that I hold in high esteem all that you have entrusted to my hands.  So…. as of today, I will begin to set in motion and actively pursue every avenue that leads me to, and takes me down, the path of your divine destiny for my life.  Because I regard my accountability to you far more superior than any earthly commitment, I have an increased zeal to aggressively accomplish your plans for my life.  


So Lord, may my actions always be in alignment with the motives that you, the righteous judge, see within my heart.

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Day 11—The Day of Wisdom


“Lord may I daily walk in a state of wisdom that operates above my physical age, and experiences.”

El De’ot”

(The God of Knowledge - Proverbs 19:8)

“Wisdom is the principle thing, therefore get wisdom and in all of thy getting, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7

Read: Proverbs 4 & James 1

To have information and have no knowledge of its application is equivalent to walking in a rain storm carrying a closed umbrella.  Many Christians today are experiencing a since of being “overwhelmed” by the circumstances and the occurrences in their daily lives.  Most are truly devoted Saints - who can tote, quote and know who wrote the Bible.  However, they have not received the wisdom for proper application of the God’s word.

So today Father, I ask that you El De’ot, reveal to me the hidden treasures of your Word.   I understand that I can no longer afford to walk in ignorance concerning the application of your principles.  You have given me a work to accomplish. I have the tools, I have the plans, and I have the true desire to continue to walk in your divine guidance.  However, the missing element necessary is the wisdom required for this level of ministry.


May I always remember that for every minute that your wisdom is not applied, is another minute that the kingdom of darkness is permitted to release its and execute its plans.


Therefore, I must, with a renewed tenacity seek the guidance and direction of your wisdom. 

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Day 10—The Day of Illumination

Lord may I permit your light to shine through me—REGARDLESS.   “JEHOVAH ORI”   (The Lord my light - Psalms 27:1)

“This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men love darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.”    St. John 3:19 (NIV)


Read Psalm 27 & St John 1


To summarize the concept of “Illumination”, we could state that illumination is when God, through the working Holy Spirit conveys to us an understanding of a revealed Bible truth.  


So today, Lord I ask that you illuminate every area of my mind that appears to be dark - void of understanding.   Your Son has come to us as our Light; as our path to understanding your desires for us.  Today may I seek Holy Spirit as never before for a fuller revelation of who you truly are.  For without revelation I will have no illumination. 


I ask you Lord God, my JEHOVAH ORI; that as a result of this consecration, I will continually seek your face for the true illumination.  May I never fail prey to the ideologies, concepts, and endtime thought patterns that have been released from the kingdom of darkness upon the earth.  Even if I must stand seemly alone; let me never compromise or keep hidden the illuminations that you have given to me.


“Lord may I permit you LIGHT to shine through me - REGARDLESS.

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Day 9—The Day of Redemption

HALLELUJAH! I am redeemed! “JEHOVAH GOELEKH” (The Lord thy redeemer - Isaiah 49:26 & 60:16)


“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons”         Galatians 4:4 & 5                       English Standard Version (ESV)

Read Isaiah 49 & Galatians 4

Even though it has been many years ago, whenever I heard the word redemption, I remember the redemption centers for those S & H green stamps that we used to collect. 

To summarize the entire process; at the center, you would bring the stamps that you had collected, and had pasted in a book - and they redeem your stamps for something of value.


The stamps were just worthless paper, but when brought to the redemption center, they would be traded for an item whose worth was far greater that mere paper.


So it is with us. In our sin nature, we were nothing short of mere paper; just dirt, just clay, just a blob of useless worthless nothing.  However, God; because of His unconditional love for mankind, has established a Spiritual Redemption Center.  At this redemption center the blood of Jesus has the power to convert, to trade, to exchange and to forever “buy back” our souls…….to release them from (the bondages their former state) and release them to (their new dimension in the Lord).


So on today, let us reflect on all that the Lord has permitted us to accomplish, however great or small and realize - had it not been for our  “JEHOVAH GOELEKH” we would be nothing more than mere S & H stamps - with no future or hope.

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Day 8—The Day of Strength

Lord, YOU are my strength!


(The Lord my strength - Psalms 28:7)


(O Lord my strength - Psalm 19:14)

My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. “  Psalm 73:26                                                          

                                                                   New Living Translation (©2007)


Read Psalm 28 & Psalm 73


As we have daily encountered the circumstances of life, we have realized that we have only maintained the ability to yet be triumphant because of an inner strength that has been and always will be prevalent.   This strength is not our strength, but strength of the Lord.


The word in the above text for strength translates as “rock”.  Lord may I remember that you are my perpetual “ROCK”.  When all else fails—you will remain constant.  Even if there comes a time when my health, wealth, and spirit become overwhelmed—you are still my strength.  Daily may I never attempt to stand in my own strength.  Daily may I acknowledge you in all of my ways.  Daily may I remember that I CAN do all things through your strength that will be that rock, that pillar and that fortress forever in my life.


So Lord, when everything: every foundation, every prop, every  support system that has been erected in my life—is shaken….may I never, never, never forget that YOU are my strength…..my rock. 


May I fully understand and cling to the words of an old favorite hymn which states:

“On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand”.

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We would like to invite you to join us in a period of Consecration for 21 days, which began on January 2, 2012.  This will be a time of consecrating and sacrificing ourselves before the Lord in fasting and praying.  We will be eating one meal a day, and drinking only water, natural juices and the like.  No sodas, fruits punches, coffees, cakes, pies, cookies, candies, etc. 

Also daily for the next 21 days, we will post the meditation for the day on aldcci2.ning.com.

Please feel free to join us.  If you have any individual concerns please feel free to contact us at 267-304-0856.

For your convenience, I’ve added below the daily meditations from our first week.  Be blessed, be increased, be motivated and  above all be stretched as you seek God for daily for guidance in this new dimension.

Moving Upward and Outward!!

Yours In Kingdom Power & Authority

Apostle Claudia Boatwright


It’s Consecration Time!

Our Prayer of Consecration

Father God in the Name of Jesus. I’ve come to you now at the beginning of this period of Consecration.  I’ve come God to seek your guidance, direction, permission, and above your wisdom. 


As I’ve already made a conscience decision to set aside the next 21 days as a time of renewal, rededication and repositioning, I’m now establishing a divine perimeter around my mind in the name of Jesus.  I set my mind now to FOCUS and not to wander. I decree that I will not become distracted by any of the nonsense that my adversary will attempt to impose upon me.  I am now decreeing that this time of consecration will establish in the realm of the Spirit an unquenchable flame.  This flame will perpetually be my source of fulfillment— enabling me to cast down vain imaginations and to bring captive every thought to the obedience of God.   This flame will ignite with me the desire, wisdom and the patience to strategically execute every plan that the Lord has envisioned for me. 

So now Lord, I’m thanking you in advance that during this time consecration,   you will continue to supply my every need.   I decree now that sickness and disease will find no place of comfort within my mind.   My disposition will be pleasant—but powerful.  Above all at the end of this time of Consecration, I will be catapulted to my next dimension in you.


These things I decree in the name of Jesus………..Amen.



Day 1—The Day of Reverence

I reverence you


(The Lord God of Gods - Joshua 22:22)

“As the deer pants for flowing streams, so my soul pants for you, O God. “                                                                                          Psalm 42:1


Read Joshua 22 & Psalm 42


Lord, as I reverence you today - I am aware of the fact that at this time in my spiritual journey , if I am to create the proper foundation upon which I can build a stable platform in this dimension  capable of reverencing who you are then …………...

I MUST “P.A.N.T.”  -


P - Position & Pour -  (Psalm 31:5)

Position myself to be used of God, as well as the continual process of pouring out of myself before the Lord.


A - Align -  (Proverbs 3:5; Psalm 51)

Align my entire being (inclusive of my thoughts, actions and motives) to the obedience of everything that God has decreed for ME.


N - Nourish - (II Timothy 2:15)

Discipline myself to the concept of “daily” nourishing my spirit man by the studying and APPLICATION of the same.


T - Turn - (Psalm 101:5; 2 Timothy 2:22)

Turn away from any and everything that doesn't assist in the growth, maturity, or maintenance of entire being.


In the name of Jesus – Amen.


Day 2-The Day of Joy

You O Lord are the source of my joy


(God my exceeding Joy - Psalm 43:4)

“……...This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”                                                        Nehemiah 8:10



Read Psalm 43 and Nehemiah 8


Today, Lord may I begin to comprehend that you ARE my joy.   May I realize that my mind must be renewed to the concept that my ability to remain joyful (full of joy) in the midst of adversity is one of the battles that must be won.  Consequently, Lord I will totally understand that you and you alone are the nucleus of my joy.  Everything that is necessary for my “JOY” is in you Lord.


Therefore today I invite you, El Simchath Gili to infiltrate my mind, thus permitting me to remain joyful throughout this day.  I will not allow any circumstance that may arise today cause me to lose my focus.  


So I thank you now, El Simchath Gili for your guidance, direction and the provision of your “joy” - that will be required for this day.  May the joy that you bring empower me and offer to me the foundation to    stand today and always.


May I continue to reflect on the strength and encouragement of our patriots who walked by faith as they sang:

 “This joy that I have, the world didn’t give it and the world can’t take it away.” 


Day 3—The Day of Deliverance

Lord you are my ultimate Deliverer


(The Lord my Deliverer - Psalm 18:2)

“Surely you shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the noisesome pestilence” Psalm 91:3


Read Psalm 18 & Psalm 91


The Bible displays are least four concepts for the word deliverance. 

Briefly: (1) "to deliver out of the hands of..., to escape." We can find this example in the Hebrew word Natsal (Strong's #5337)

(2) "drawing someone to one's self." - Rhuomai (Strong's #4506)

(3) "to deliver into the hands of...for the purpose of judgment."  -  Nathan (Strong's #5414)

(4) "to have ample space between oneself and one's enemies." Yasha (Strong's #3467)


Therefore today we can stand assured that whatever our need is concerning deliverance; our Jehovah Mephalti is well able to manifest it.  When we combine the four definitions above we can comprehend that our God will not only rescue of His people from the dominion of Satan and the world system, but in the process of rescuing and delivering from, He will draw and deliver us unto Himself.  One commentary summarizes the entire process as:  “To be removed by God from the hand of the enemy and drawn close to Himself, from which position God places us in confrontation with the enemy on God’s own terms, in order for us to gain victory and defeat the enemy, and to experience freedom from oppression in an ample and secure place.”


As you seek your Jehovah Mephalti today, ask Him to reveal to you the areas in your life where total deliverance has not yet occurred - as well as any obstacles and road blocks that are still preventing you from obtaining your total victories. 


Day 4—The Day of Creation

O Lord  - Create in me!


(The Lord Creator - Isaiah 40:28)

“Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.”

                                                                                                        Psalm 51:10



Read Isaiah 40 & Psalm 51


Today O God may my cry unto you flow from a heart that has the capacity to receive your creativity.  As I acknowledge now that it is only through your Divine craftsmanship that I will be freed from every impurity.  So I ask you not to renew my heart, but to create - to take from “my nothingness” and compose a throne from which I will have the ability to receive a renewed spirit.  May I no longer be enslaved to those concepts, precepts, ideologies and strongholds that are relative to my former sin nature. 


Today Jehovah Bore, may I begin to totally understand the awesomeness of who you are.   Only you could create a plan that would permit the redemption of fallen man.  Only you could create a plan for the justification of fallen man. Only you could create a plan for the sanctification of fallen man.  Only you Jehovah Bore could create a plan that reveals your ultimate love for fallen man.


So today,  I submit and surrender my heart to you Jehovah Bore, for a complete cleansing, thus producing a “new” heart which is composed of a “newness” that only you through the power and presence of Holy Spirit have the ability to produce.


In the name of Jesus! Amen.


Day 5—The Day of Forgiveness

Lord, May I remain cognizant that forgiveness is a decision!


(God that forgave - Psalm 99:8)

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9


Read Psalm 99 & I John 1


Without getting an in-depth comprehension of God’s love for us, we cannot even initiate a conversation on His forgiveness. 

Although we don’t usually envision it to be so, the concept of forgiveness is birthed from a seed of love.  Inevitably, when we increase and engulf an awareness of God’s love—then the decision to forgive one another will become as natural to us as breathing.


For far too long we have been deceived into thinking that forgiveness must involve forgetting as well.  Forgiveness is a decision not a feeling.  Forgiveness is not reliant upon the acceptance nor the initiation of the offender.  


Forgiveness is a principle that was established by God because He knew that man would sin. He also knew that (1) sin would separate man from Himself and (2) His love for man was so great that He didn’t want to be separated from him.   Hence He has given to us His most precious gift in the person of His son Jesus to atone for our sin, thus bridging the gap caused by sin.


Therefore, whatever “traps” that I become ensnared in that will cause me to commit a sin -  because of God’s unconditional love for me - the blood of Jesus has already made an atonement  for them. I must now learn how to receive God’s forgiveness for myself and apply it to others who may offend, misuse and abuse me.  I must also realize that to walk in unforgiveness is only a deceptive tactic which has been released from the kingdom of darkness!

Lord may I daily embrace and extend to other true forgiveness.


Day 6—The Day of Truth

Today, Lord I embrace your truth.


(Lord God of truth - Psalm 31:5)

“Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.”                                                                                                                                    Psalm 25:5


Read Psalm 31


Within today’s arena, there has been such a distortion of “truth”, that without the indwelling guidance and direction of Holy Spirit we will be lead down the path of error.


Many foundational concepts that were once upheld as the truth have now been replaced with the cunning influences of the enemy.    Not only has our government and its judicial system strayed from the truth, what is even more disheartening is that the body of Christ is beginning to lose its authenticity concerning what is truth.


We must now as never before plunge into the truth of God which He has revealed to us in His Word.   We must embrace it with a “bulldog” type of tenacity.   We must not only embrace it for ourselves, but for those to whom we come in contact with.  It is our mandate to read the truth, understand the truth, and above all apply the truth to every area of our lives. 


As the end of time as we now know it draws nigh, the kingdom of darkness will cunningly attempt to discredit the truth even the more.  However, God is truth and we must continue to proclaim it, avail ourselves of it and uphold the Kingdom principles that have been given to us.


If we adhere to the truth and allow it to infiltrate our minds, then we will have to ability to discern error immediately. 

Lord I pray for a keener discernment!


Day 7—The Day of Mercy

May I learn to extend the mercy that I’ve received from you Lord


(The God of my mercy - Psalms 59:10)

“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “ Lamentations 3:22 & 2                     
English Standard Version (©2001)


Read Lamentations 3 & Psalm 59


Lord, where would I be today if you had not extended to me an inexhaustible supply of your mercy?  May I remain humbled; may I remain appreciative; may I remain grateful; may I never ever forget that I am not consumed by the consequences of the deeds done in this life - because of your mercy.


May I now O Lord, receive such an overwhelming revelation of your love that I have the ability to offer your mercy to all.


As I enter the second phase of this Consecration, I thank you in advance for the tenacity and endurance to persevere and conquer every obstacle and every temptation that will be directed towards me.


I reflect on the past week and rely on those character qualities to fortify me for this week.  Let me remember that you are my: “JEHOVAH El ELOHIM” (The Lord God of Gods); my “El SIMCHATH GILI” (God my exceeding Joy); my “JEHOVAH MEPHALTI” (The Lord my Deliverer); my “JEHOVAH BORE” (The Lord Creator); my “El NORE” (God that forgave); my JEHOVAH El EMETH” (Lord God of truth); and above all my “ELOHE CHASEDDI” (The God of my mercy).   


Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

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Prayer Acknowledging God's Wisdom

Read slowly and thoroughly; digesting with the inner ear of your spirit.


Prayer Recognizing God’s Wisdom ©2003


Father God, in Jesus’ name, I come to you.     I thank you for the wisdom to acknowledge you in all of your ways. 


Your word declares that Wisdom is the principle thing - “The foremost ingredient”.  So I come to seek your WISDOM above all else.  With your wisdom, I will accomplish every task to the perfected level that pleases you.

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Still No Peace????

Still No Peace???

“Great peace have they which Love thy law; and nothing shall offend them”

Proverbs 118:165


Recently, as I’ve communicated with many of you it is apparent that a majority of you are still not allowing the peace of God to rule your lives. You must remember that peace is NOT the absence of troubles, trials, sickness and the like.  Peace is displayed in a mindset that is totally reliant on God for wholeness - and not our circumstances or situations. 


It is only as I understand what peace isn’t; that I can appreciate the concept that peace means: nothing missing and nothing broken.  One of the statements that I often repeat is…”Don’t lose your focus.”   So again, Saints of God I say…. “Don’t lose you focus!!!”  Set your affections on things above – and not on the things of this world (Colossians 3:2).  We can enjoy some of the benefits and pleasures of this world (as long as they don’t contradict the principles of God!) – …But we are not to love them…. nor permit them to dominate our thinking, actions and our motives (I John 2:15-17).


So as a personal application; when I totally comprehend the love that God has for me – then I will obtain the ability to permit Him to be the LORD of my life.  Then it won’t be a struggle to surrender every area of my mind unto Him.  Consequently…   at this point.. the process of renewing my mind can begin.   Now, I can finally begin to absorb the concept that – it is because of God’s love for me – no good thing will He withhold from me (Ps. 84:11).  


Therefore, whatever is attempting to invade your “space” today; whatever is causing you to doubt the Word of God; whatever adverse or negative spirit has “moved in” and brought their relatives, the cat and the dog! – Whatever is drowning out the presence of God….. MUST GO!   


I therefore, authorize you today to say, “ENOUGH is ENOUGH”!  Today is eviction day! Kick out every squatter and illegal resident!  Allow the legal resident; in the person of the Holy Ghost, to once again come in and have a free reign of your house.  When He comes in and has access to every area of your house – then he will bring with Him the peace of God that can surpass all understand. 


To have Peace….stand on the Promises…..and walk in the Provision.    If we are going to be triumphant in these endtimes, then we must learn to allow our minds to rest in our all wise, all knowing, everlasting Father…..who has, who is and who will always be.. more than enough! 


Reflect often on this familiar song which has been sung by: Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Jehovah Jireh, my provider; You're more than enough for me.
Jehovah Rapha, You're my healer, by Your stripes, I have been set free.

Jehovah Shamma, You are with me and You supply all of my needs;
You are more than enough, You are much more than enough,
You are more than enough for me.


..Simply because He is MORE than enough…. I will receive HIS peace….

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Still No Peace????

Still No Peace???

“Great peace have they which Love thy law; and nothing shall offend them”

Proverbs 118:165


Recently, as I’ve communicated with many of you it is apparent that a majority of you are still not allowing the peace of God to rule your lives. You must remember that peace is NOT the absence of troubles, trials, sickness and the like.  Peace is displayed in a mindset that is totally reliant on God for wholeness - and not our circumstances or situations. 


It is only as I understand what peace isn’t; that I can appreciate the concept that peace means: nothing missing and nothing broken.  One of the statements that I often repeat is…”Don’t lose your focus.”   So again, Saints of God I say…. “Don’t lose you focus!!!”  Set your affections on things above – and not on the things of this world (Colossians 3:2).  We can enjoy some of the benefits and pleasures of this world (as long as they don’t contradict the principles of God!) – …But we are not to love them…. nor permit them to dominate our thinking, actions and our motives (I John 2:15-17).


So as a personal application; when I totally comprehend the love that God has for me – then I will obtain the ability to permit Him to be the LORD of my life.  Then it won’t be a struggle to surrender every area of my mind unto Him.  Consequently…   at this point.. the process of renewing my mind can begin.   Now, I can finally begin to absorb the concept that – it is because of God’s love for me – no good thing will He withhold from me (Ps. 84:11).  


Therefore, whatever is attempting to invade your “space” today; whatever is causing you to doubt the Word of God; whatever adverse or negative spirit has “moved in” and brought their relatives, the cat and the dog! – Whatever is drowning out the presence of God….. MUST GO!   


I therefore, authorize you today to say, “ENOUGH is ENOUGH”!  Today is eviction day! Kick out every squatter and illegal resident!  Allow the legal resident; in the person of the Holy Ghost, to once again come in and have a free reign of your house.  When He comes in and has access to every area of your house – then he will bring with Him the peace of God that can surpass all understand. 


To have Peace….stand on the Promises…..and walk in the Provision.    If we are going to be triumphant in these endtimes, then we must learn to allow our minds to rest in our all wise, all knowing, everlasting Father…..who has, who is and who will always be.. more than enough! 


Reflect often on this familiar song which has been sung by: Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Jehovah Jireh, my provider; You're more than enough for me.
Jehovah Rapha, You're my healer, by Your stripes, I have been set free.

Jehovah Shamma, You are with me and You supply all of my needs;
You are more than enough, You are much more than enough,
You are more than enough for me.


..Simply because He is MORE than enough…. I will receive HIS peace….

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