Apostle Claudia Boatwright's Posts (2585)

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Still No Peace????

Still No Peace???

“Great peace have they which Love thy law; and nothing shall offend them”

Proverbs 118:165


Recently, as I’ve communicated with many of you it is apparent that a majority of you are still not allowing the peace of God to rule your lives. You must remember that peace is NOT the absence of troubles, trials, sickness and the like.  Peace is displayed in a mindset that is totally reliant on God for wholeness - and not our circumstances or situations. 


It is only as I understand what peace isn’t; that I can appreciate the concept that peace means: nothing missing and nothing broken.  One of the statements that I often repeat is…”Don’t lose your focus.”   So again, Saints of God I say…. “Don’t lose you focus!!!”  Set your affections on things above – and not on the things of this world (Colossians 3:2).  We can enjoy some of the benefits and pleasures of this world (as long as they don’t contradict the principles of God!) – …But we are not to love them…. nor permit them to dominate our thinking, actions and our motives (I John 2:15-17).


So as a personal application; when I totally comprehend the love that God has for me – then I will obtain the ability to permit Him to be the LORD of my life.  Then it won’t be a struggle to surrender every area of my mind unto Him.  Consequently…   at this point.. the process of renewing my mind can begin.   Now, I can finally begin to absorb the concept that – it is because of God’s love for me – no good thing will He withhold from me (Ps. 84:11).  


Therefore, whatever is attempting to invade your “space” today; whatever is causing you to doubt the Word of God; whatever adverse or negative spirit has “moved in” and brought their relatives, the cat and the dog! – Whatever is drowning out the presence of God….. MUST GO!   


I therefore, authorize you today to say, “ENOUGH is ENOUGH”!  Today is eviction day! Kick out every squatter and illegal resident!  Allow the legal resident; in the person of the Holy Ghost, to once again come in and have a free reign of your house.  When He comes in and has access to every area of your house – then he will bring with Him the peace of God that can surpass all understand. 


To have Peace….stand on the Promises…..and walk in the Provision.    If we are going to be triumphant in these endtimes, then we must learn to allow our minds to rest in our all wise, all knowing, everlasting Father…..who has, who is and who will always be.. more than enough! 


Reflect often on this familiar song which has been sung by: Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir

Jehovah Jireh, my provider; You're more than enough for me.
Jehovah Rapha, You're my healer, by Your stripes, I have been set free.

Jehovah Shamma, You are with me and You supply all of my needs;
You are more than enough, You are much more than enough,
You are more than enough for me.


..Simply because He is MORE than enough…. I will receive HIS peace….

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From Fetters To Freedom


From Fetters to Freedom


Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand, To execute vengeance on the nations, And punishment on the peoples, To bind their kings with chains, And their nobles with fetters of iron,           

                                                                                                                                                                  Psalm 149;6-8


Simply because we are privy to a dimension where the abundance of the Lord is ever present and manifesting itself in our lives; we must amend our ways to be assured that we will retain all that is being given back to us.   One of the strategies to be implemented is for us to be released from our fetters… and to walk in freedom.


There was a hymn entitled, “Jesus Breaks Every Fetter”.  Even though that song is rarely heard its implication hasn’t loss it validity.  When we bring to mind thoughts concerning the word “fetter”, we can correlate them to various obstacles that the enemy attaches to us to delay our progress in the Lord.   Whether they be: areas of sin or weaknesses in the flesh; the phenomena of life; or circumstances totally beyond our control; - a fetter is anything that is tied to me which restricts my mobility and/or my advancement. 


There are those things; some of which WE have permitted or instituted.  Others could have been inherited or the consequences of circumstances which were beyond our control.  Nevertheless, these obstacles still continue: to shackle, bond, chain and yoke themselves to us.  Therefore our effectiveness in the realm of the spirit is none productive.  Many times we are attempting to assist others in a deepen walk with the Lord, yet we have not been freed ourselves of our many “fetters”……  However Jesus still breaks EVERY fetter.


What are some of the evidences that our fetters have been broken?  

¨ When Jesus has broken every iron fetter, my concern is to increase my relationship with the Lord - just because of who he is - not because of what he can do. 

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, I will realize that as I increase in my love walk and in every other walk in my life - so will those with whom I am connected.  (The proof IS in the pudding!  Leaders.. We cannot any longer expect others to walk in a level of excellency and devotion that we are not committed to!) 

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, my appetites are disciplined and my motives pure.

¨ When Jesus has broken every iron fetter, the manifestation of the enemy’s work won’t frighten me, his maneuvers don’t surprise me and his schemes can’t outwit me.

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, I won’t just sing, “It is Well With My Soul”, but my life will exemplify and verify so.  (By your fruit shall you be known!)

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, the peace of God WILL rule my mind,  I WILL walk above EVERY circumstance in this life, and I WILL remain focused on and committed to the plans and purposes  that the Lord has assigned to me.


Therefore to obtain the freedom which will permit the peace of God to continually infiltrate our lives; surpassing all understanding;…. every fetter and its suppressing power must be broken!  


So ….its once again dependent upon the status of my mind! Once my mind has been liberated from its fetters – I will have the ability to be…and to maintain total freedom in every area of my life.  Then and only then will I have at my disposal the matured lev

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From Fetters To Freedom


From Fetters to Freedom


Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand, To execute vengeance on the nations, And punishment on the peoples, To bind their kings with chains, And their nobles with fetters of iron,           

                                                                                                                                                                  Psalm 149;6-8


Simply because we are privy to a dimension where the abundance of the Lord is ever present and manifesting itself in our lives; we must amend our ways to be assured that we will retain all that is being given back to us.   One of the strategies to be implemented is for us to be released from our fetters… and to walk in freedom.


There was a hymn entitled, “Jesus Breaks Every Fetter”.  Even though that song is rarely heard its implication hasn’t loss it validity.  When we bring to mind thoughts concerning the word “fetter”, we can correlate them to various obstacles that the enemy attaches to us to delay our progress in the Lord.   Whether they be: areas of sin or weaknesses in the flesh; the phenomena of life; or circumstances totally beyond our control; - a fetter is anything that is tied to me which restricts my mobility and/or my advancement. 


There are those things; some of which WE have permitted or instituted.  Others could have been inherited or the consequences of circumstances which were beyond our control.  Nevertheless, these obstacles still continue: to shackle, bond, chain and yoke themselves to us.  Therefore our effectiveness in the realm of the spirit is none productive.  Many times we are attempting to assist others in a deepen walk with the Lord, yet we have not been freed ourselves of our many “fetters”……  However Jesus still breaks EVERY fetter.


What are some of the evidences that our fetters have been broken?  

¨ When Jesus has broken every iron fetter, my concern is to increase my relationship with the Lord - just because of who he is - not because of what he can do. 

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, I will realize that as I increase in my love walk and in every other walk in my life - so will those with whom I am connected.  (The proof IS in the pudding!  Leaders.. We cannot any longer expect others to walk in a level of excellency and devotion that we are not committed to!) 

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, my appetites are disciplined and my motives pure.

¨ When Jesus has broken every iron fetter, the manifestation of the enemy’s work won’t frighten me, his maneuvers don’t surprise me and his schemes can’t outwit me.

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, I won’t just sing, “It is Well With My Soul”, but my life will exemplify and verify so.  (By your fruit shall you be known!)

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, the peace of God WILL rule my mind,  I WILL walk above EVERY circumstance in this life, and I WILL remain focused on and committed to the plans and purposes  that the Lord has assigned to me.


Therefore to obtain the freedom which will permit the peace of God to continually infiltrate our lives; surpassing all understanding;…. every fetter and its suppressing power must be broken!  


So ….its once again dependent upon the status of my mind! Once my mind has been liberated from its fetters – I will have the ability to be…and to maintain total freedom in every area of my life.  Then and only then will I have at my disposal the matured lev

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From Fetters To Freedom


From Fetters to Freedom


Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand, To execute vengeance on the nations, And punishment on the peoples, To bind their kings with chains, And their nobles with fetters of iron,           

                                                                                                                                                                  Psalm 149;6-8


Simply because we are privy to a dimension where the abundance of the Lord is ever present and manifesting itself in our lives; we must amend our ways to be assured that we will retain all that is being given back to us.   One of the strategies to be implemented is for us to be released from our fetters… and to walk in freedom.


There was a hymn entitled, “Jesus Breaks Every Fetter”.  Even though that song is rarely heard its implication hasn’t loss it validity.  When we bring to mind thoughts concerning the word “fetter”, we can correlate them to various obstacles that the enemy attaches to us to delay our progress in the Lord.   Whether they be: areas of sin or weaknesses in the flesh; the phenomena of life; or circumstances totally beyond our control; - a fetter is anything that is tied to me which restricts my mobility and/or my advancement. 


There are those things; some of which WE have permitted or instituted.  Others could have been inherited or the consequences of circumstances which were beyond our control.  Nevertheless, these obstacles still continue: to shackle, bond, chain and yoke themselves to us.  Therefore our effectiveness in the realm of the spirit is none productive.  Many times we are attempting to assist others in a deepen walk with the Lord, yet we have not been freed ourselves of our many “fetters”……  However Jesus still breaks EVERY fetter.


What are some of the evidences that our fetters have been broken?  

¨ When Jesus has broken every iron fetter, my concern is to increase my relationship with the Lord - just because of who he is - not because of what he can do. 

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, I will realize that as I increase in my love walk and in every other walk in my life - so will those with whom I am connected.  (The proof IS in the pudding!  Leaders.. We cannot any longer expect others to walk in a level of excellency and devotion that we are not committed to!) 

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, my appetites are disciplined and my motives pure.

¨ When Jesus has broken every iron fetter, the manifestation of the enemy’s work won’t frighten me, his maneuvers don’t surprise me and his schemes can’t outwit me.

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, I won’t just sing, “It is Well With My Soul”, but my life will exemplify and verify so.  (By your fruit shall you be known!)

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, the peace of God WILL rule my mind,  I WILL walk above EVERY circumstance in this life, and I WILL remain focused on and committed to the plans and purposes  that the Lord has assigned to me.


Therefore to obtain the freedom which will permit the peace of God to continually infiltrate our lives; surpassing all understanding;…. every fetter and its suppressing power must be broken!  


So ….its once again dependent upon the status of my mind! Once my mind has been liberated from its fetters – I will have the ability to be…and to maintain total freedom in every area of my life.  Then and only then will I have at my disposal the matured lev

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From Fetters To Freedom


From Fetters to Freedom


Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand, To execute vengeance on the nations, And punishment on the peoples, To bind their kings with chains, And their nobles with fetters of iron,           

                                                                                                                                                                  Psalm 149;6-8


Simply because we are privy to a dimension where the abundance of the Lord is ever present and manifesting itself in our lives; we must amend our ways to be assured that we will retain all that is being given back to us.   One of the strategies to be implemented is for us to be released from our fetters… and to walk in freedom.


There was a hymn entitled, “Jesus Breaks Every Fetter”.  Even though that song is rarely heard its implication hasn’t loss it validity.  When we bring to mind thoughts concerning the word “fetter”, we can correlate them to various obstacles that the enemy attaches to us to delay our progress in the Lord.   Whether they be: areas of sin or weaknesses in the flesh; the phenomena of life; or circumstances totally beyond our control; - a fetter is anything that is tied to me which restricts my mobility and/or my advancement. 


There are those things; some of which WE have permitted or instituted.  Others could have been inherited or the consequences of circumstances which were beyond our control.  Nevertheless, these obstacles still continue: to shackle, bond, chain and yoke themselves to us.  Therefore our effectiveness in the realm of the spirit is none productive.  Many times we are attempting to assist others in a deepen walk with the Lord, yet we have not been freed ourselves of our many “fetters”……  However Jesus still breaks EVERY fetter.


What are some of the evidences that our fetters have been broken?  

¨ When Jesus has broken every iron fetter, my concern is to increase my relationship with the Lord - just because of who he is - not because of what he can do. 

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, I will realize that as I increase in my love walk and in every other walk in my life - so will those with whom I am connected.  (The proof IS in the pudding!  Leaders.. We cannot any longer expect others to walk in a level of excellency and devotion that we are not committed to!) 

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, my appetites are disciplined and my motives pure.

¨ When Jesus has broken every iron fetter, the manifestation of the enemy’s work won’t frighten me, his maneuvers don’t surprise me and his schemes can’t outwit me.

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, I won’t just sing, “It is Well With My Soul”, but my life will exemplify and verify so.  (By your fruit shall you be known!)

¨ When Jesus has broken every fetter, the peace of God WILL rule my mind,  I WILL walk above EVERY circumstance in this life, and I WILL remain focused on and committed to the plans and purposes  that the Lord has assigned to me.


Therefore to obtain the freedom which will permit the peace of God to continually infiltrate our lives; surpassing all understanding;…. every fetter and its suppressing power must be broken!  


So ….its once again dependent upon the status of my mind! Once my mind has been liberated from its fetters – I will have the ability to be…and to maintain total freedom in every area of my life.  Then and only then will I have at my disposal the matured lev

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