Apostle Claudia Boatwright's Posts (2555)

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You’re An Eagle – So Soar!

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 


There was a time when many of life’s lessons were taught to children through various Bible stories or through secular tales and fables.  One of my most remembered stories is the one entitled, “The Ugly Duckling”.  To summarize the entire story; there was one duckling that was drastically unlike the other little ducklings.  It just didn’t belong.   It didn’t matter what it attempted to do; as a duckling… it was a complete failure.   However one day, this duckling saw another group of fowl.   He seemed very comfortable and related to them very well.  Long story short… This so called duckling finally discovered that it wasn’t an ugly duckling as it had been labeled and wasn’t really a duck at all – but a swan….a beautiful swan!


Sometimes in our lives we are not progressing simply because we are attempting to force ourselves into conforming to a standard that is totally contrary to our natural composure.  As a child of the most high God, you are called to be an eagle.  You are called to extend your wings, to lift your head, and to soar high above any and every obstruction.  Many of us are still possessing the mentally and character traits of a common pigeon.  We gather on the ground in clusters, and flutter from one crumb to the next.


An eagle is the only bird that loves a storm.  Other birds will flee from storms; however the eagle will fly into a storm.  They will allow the winds from the storm to quickly lift them higher. When in a storm, an eagle will lock its wings in place, soar to a height higher than the storm, and enjoy the ride. So when you’re in a storm – because you are an eagle…….focus on the Word of God and nothing else. Rebuke fear. Then you will have the peace to extend your wings and ride above the storm!


Eagles have keen vision, are fearless, tenacious, nurturing, full of vitality, and love to fly in high altitudes.  So in spite of how you may view yourself or how others view you – you are an eagle.  An eagle also has an extremely wide wingspan. It is because the eagle’s wingspan is so wide – they can’t be cramped into a small area. 


I would like to encourage you to extend your wings and soar!  The place where you are attempting to fly probably doesn’t possess the space that is required for you to open your wings and to soar!   Nothing else matters today other than the fact that you KNOW that you are an eagle.  Therefore as an eagle refuse to be bound any longer.  As an eagle, face every storm head on.  As an eagle, stand fearless in your place of dominion and exercise your authority. As an eagle, know how to revitalize yourself so that your strength will be renewed.


Lastly, eagles are comfortable being alone.  However when they flock they do so with other eagles (Iron sharpens iron – Proverbs 27:17).   Let’s not forget to take advantage of the vast array of materials that the Lord has made available to enhance your growth. We DO possess within us the DNA of an eagle!  Be determined that from today forward you will only view yourself as an eagle.  Don’t become heady or arrogant… But bold and confident!  Then be unwavering in your conclusion…… and soar yourself through a lifetime of victories!


So as an eagle ….   Spread your wings…… RUN your own race and don’t become weary;

As an eagle… endure your course and DON’T FAINT!!!

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I Have GODfidence, Therefore

I Won’t Sit In Fear….. I’ll Walk By Faith!


“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I John 4:18




No matter what comes my way, I now walk in GODfidence!  My hope, my trust, my everything is centered and placed in the Lord and in what HE is going to do!  I have learned to ask the Holy Spirit to signal me whenever that spirit of fear attempts to invade.  Sometimes we are not aware of the entrances that this spirit has within our lives.   However, because we walk in GODfidence, we can NEVER be tricked or caught unaware of the enemy’s schemes. 


The spirit of fear is always looking for opportunities to enter, dominate and paralyze us.  Usually, when the time arises for us to embark upon and advance into a new place in the Lord, he (the spirit of fear) – will faithfully grace our stage for a grand performance!  In other words that spirit of fear will always seek to gain an entrance into our spirit man – and play a major role in preventing us from moving forward in the Lord. 


So, it’s time for us to “take the bull by the horns” and aggressively pursue our next adventure in the Lord.  Remember, walking in faith isn’t always walking in the absence of fear.  There will be times when you will have to move forward while “feeling” afraid….  But you must continue to advance.  If your level of faith is going to increase, you can’t stand still and wait until you don’t feel afraid. 


I would like to encourage you to embrace the prayer below that I had written quite a few years ago concerning the spirit of fear.  Remember….you are in control and the decision is yours.  Your actions will always reveal whether you have chosen to SIT in fear or to WALK by faith.    Although you may have undoubtedly read it before, because you are in a new place, this prayer will have an enhanced application.  Walk, stand and live in the GODfidence of the Lord in the your new season!


Fear Be Gone! (© 2003)


Faher God in the name of Jesus, I denounce the spirit of fear in my life.  As of this day, I forbid the spirit of fear to dominate, reign or sit passively in any area of my life.


Holy Spirit, I surrender right now to you my entire being.  I ask that you reveal to me now every area of my life where ungodly fear is present.  Every area in my conscience or sub-conscience arena where fear may have a stronghold.  Any area from my past where fear has been the comfort zone.  Reveal every open door that satan has used to bring fear into my life.


Lord God, your word declares that your perfect love will cast out, drive away, eradicate and will replace fear.  So Father, I come to you now and ask that you reveal to me your perfect love in every area of my being.  Your love that will not fail.  Your love that is unconditional.  Your love that is incomprehensive to my natural man, but is conceivable in the spirit realm.


Father, as I have asked the Holy Spirit to reveal the entrances where fear has entered, I ask you for the wisdom needed to close every open door.  I decree those doors closed, shut, sealed - never to be opened again.


 I thank you Father God for my new found freedom in you now that the weight of fear is gone. Hallelujah!


Psalm 56:4 “When I am afraid, I will trust in you”.

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 Focus, Fill, Forget

“…………………….the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10


Today the Lord wants us to know that it doesn’t matter how things may appear, it doesn’t matter the sort of negative or bad news we may get – we must allow the joy that is contained within His Word to be our strength, our support system and our well from which we can draw cool and refreshing water.


Many times we have a way of permitting the cares of this world to weigh us down and weaken us.  Most of the diseases and ailments that we are afflicted with today have occurred as a result of years of worry and stress.  In many instances, we have even inherited genes which were marred because of previous generations, where stress and worrying were prevalent. 


However, now the Lord wants us to remember that he has told us to rejoice in Him always – and again, He reminds us to rejoice.  HOW? By allowing our strength to come from the Lord.  HOW? By learning to Focus, Fill and Forget.

  1. Focus more on the Blessings than on the Curses, on the positive more than the negative, on the good rather than the evil. Focus, Focus, FOCUS!!! (Deuteronomy 28)
  2. Fill your mouth with more positive than negative words. (Proverbs 18:21) Fill your territory, your home, your desk, and your car with constant reminders of faith filled words. Replace as many things in your life with items that will build and affirm - not diminish your faith.  Create an atmosphere of being optimistic – wherever you are!  Let praise and “a praise” always be in your mouth. 
  3. Forget yesterday; today is a new day. Forget the arguments, the misunderstandings, the regrets, the childhood rejections, and anything that attempts to steal your peace.  Not one decision that occurred in the past can be amended.  We can only attempt to alter the consequences of those decisions.  So begin each day as a new day, with new opportunities, new strategies, and a new agenda…..  An agenda of forgetting the past and pressing forward.                  (Philippians 3:13)


Many years ago, our youth choir sang a song and it said, “I’ve got the J - O - Y; JOY, Joy of the Holy Ghost…. Don’t Let the Devil steal your joy…. Joy of the Holy Ghost.


Then another song said “Hallelujah Anyhow”.  Never, never let your troubles get you down, when life’s troubles come your way, hold your head up high and say HALLELUJAH ANYHOW!


Our only survival plan for this era and our guaranteed foundation for the future is to:

Focus, on the goodness of the Lord,

Fill, our minds with more positive than negative thoughts

 Forget, the misfortunes of yesterday~

Then we will be in the position, and have the mindset, which will usher us into the place, that will truly allow the joy of the Lord to be our strength.

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Who Opened That Door?

Who Opened That Door?

“Be not deceived” Galatians 6:7a


There is a saying, “All that glitters is not gold.” In other words, everyone and everything that appears to be authentic at a glance; is not always what it or they seem to be. This is particularly true in the realm of the spirit.  Someone or something may seem to emit a certain “weightiness” in the realm of the spirit; however, a closer examination will reveal the truth.  Don’t be deceived by what your physical eyes may behold! 


The spirit of Deception is running more rampantly, and rapidly than in previous times.  We must therefore enhance our ability to quickly discern the authentic actions of the Lord; apart from the imposturous, deceptions of our adversary.


We must also remember that every open door was not opened by the Lord.  Every new opportunity is not always the answer to your prayer! In our attempt to advance, we must not become anxious. Trust the Word of God and WAIT for Him.  God will never, ever permit or present to us an open door or an opportunity - which in any fashion cannot be aligned with His recorded promises.  The Lord will never open a door whose entrance will lead us to compromise nor negate our relationship with Him….. nor will He ever present us with an opportunity where we must compromise our allegiance to Him. 


In I John 4:1 we are reminded that we must not merely accept what appears to be ordained of God. “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” 


Accompanying advancement and elevation are the introduction of an array of open doors.  Therefore, prior to entering into any open door, be certain of its validity.  Prior to entering into any open door, be certain that you maintain your “alertness” in the realm of the spirit.  Be anxious for nothing!  God’s open doors are accompanied by His peace and His assurance.  When uncertain about embarking or venturing into a new area; wait and seek the face of God. 


Always remember that far too often, the adversary desires to make YOU sabotage your own destiny by enticing you to move in the incorrect timing.


So, again… prior to entering into any open door, proceed with caution, stay alert and above all, you must know who has opened the door!



“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.”  Psalm 27:14

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Your Axe-head Will Float Again

(Read: II Kings 6:1-7)


This story as recorded in II Kings has always been among one of my favorites.  Today we will not even be able to “scratch the surface” to reveal all that can be gleaned from the examples and principles provided in this story.  However, we’ll probably come back to it at a later date.


The focus for this meditation is the servant who was experiencing a problematic situation.  He was: working, in the right place, doing what he was instructed to do, using the proper tool and appearing to be accomplishing the task that was required of him.  However, all of a sudden – he was faced with a dilemma.  The very tool that he was using for advancement – which wasn’t even his, (he had borrowed it) – had vanished into the river – never to return again…. So he thought.


When you are faced with a dilemma – who/what is your first line of defense?  Many times we turn to a spouse, friend, colleague or family member.  Our servant in this story cried to his master.  He cried to someone who had the wisdom, faith and the solution to recover for him what he had lost. Therefore, our first lesson learned from this servant is this: my first line of defense should be my Master…. prayerfully that would be our Lord.  When faced with a situation which is beyond your control – to whom do you turn… FIRST???? (Think about that for a second!)


As we proceed through the story we reference the axehead.  This tool can represent any tool (or weapon), that’s necessary for me to be effective as I attempt to advance. It can be any tool (or weapon) used to bring down, cut down or cut through diabolical plans or natural road blocks.  The servant had temporarily lost sight of his weapon.  However with the proper guidance, and instruction, he was able to see the return of his valuable tool.  So, just remember that your situation isn’t hopeless; no matter how it may appear to you.  You always have the ability to regain and recover all that you have lost or no longer have within your view. 


Recovery is possible, however there are some prerequisites.  It is only when we are in the proper place; receiving the proper supervision; anchored by the proper support and obeying the instructions which are given to us - that we will be able to cause our “axehead” to float again.


The servant had to DO something.  He didn’t just sit and weep about his situation.  He didn’t just tell his friends or colleagues. He told his MASTER! He told someone who had the wisdom to correct the dilemma, and the power to bring about the recovery of want he had lost.  The servant may have had faith, however “Faith” without corresponding actions – is dead.   Faith w/o a corresponding action will not bring anything into manifestation! 


As we are in this season of recovery; expect your axehead to float again.  Expect every weapon that is needed for your advancement in this season to be recovered.  Expect the outcome of every situation that appears to be impossible, to receive an immediate reversal.


 So go now and recover your axehead – but don’t do it your way (leaning to your own understanding!). You must listen to and adhere to the voice of your Master!  You must listen to the voice of wisdom….which may be delivered to you by God directly through His word or by someone who is sent by Him to provide you with the careful and watchful guidance. 


Your axehead will float again.  However you must be in the proper place, listening to the voice of your Master and doing only that which is relevant in this season for your recovery.  


  “Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights.” 

                                                                                                                       Proverbs 18:15 (MSG)

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Stay in the Race!

Stay in the Race!

“Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.” I Kings 19:18


While in prayer one morning the Lord simply said, “Encourage my people”.  


So no matter who you are; just know that it’s not by mistake, happenstance, nor by coincidence that you’ve decided to read this message today.  This message is for you!   God knows each of His children and He gathers; or groups us together as He sees fit. God also likes diversity as depicted by the numerous nationalities represented globally.  However, today He sees us as one.  One group…His people.  He sees us as a people who haven’t swayed in their commitment to Him.  A people who haven’t been hoodwinked or distracted by the nonsense of the adversary.  You are a vital part of this group….. And for this YOU are to be commended.


In our text we can read and observe the fact that the prophet of God was on the verge of becoming discouraged and giving up…but the Lord had to reveal to him that there were still others in this race.  So God is still saying today …”Stay in the race!”  You’ve accomplished much – yet, there is more work to be completed.  Your road may have been long and seemingly endless  - but just know that the Lord is well please with your achievements.  You may have incurred some bumps and bruises along the way – but you didn’t give up.  Just for that alone…the Lord is saying…. “Well done!”


Whatever you must do; (That’s in accord with the Word of God) that will permit your mind to stay focused – do it.  Always remain cognizant of the fact that our God knows our every motive.  Every single minute occurrence in your life was already prearranged by Him and has emanated from a heart of His pure love for you….  And for your advancement.


Remember David.  Through all of his victories and defeats; he had learned the art of edifying himself (I Samuel 30:6); and not permitting the enemy’s tactics to diminish his love for the Lord.  Therefore, the Lord said that he (David) was a man after His (God’s) heart. 


You have accomplished much……however you must continue to press forward towards YOUR destiny…. While still enjoying your today!


So be encouraged – now is not the time to give up or give in to the constant parade of attacks from the enemy’s camp.  Stay in the race! Whatever your pace….stay in the race.   You aren’t walking alone – the Lord has “quadrillions” globally who are still standing for Him – REGARDLESS!


Today is truly the first day of the rest of your life!!! Stay determined… Stay focused…. And Stay in the Race!!!


“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.”  Matthew 24:13

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What Is F. A. I. T. H.?

What Is F. A. I. T. H.?

Note: The word faith is one of those interchangeable words which can be communicated as a noun or a verb. 


There is one element that we must possess if we are going to walk in obedience to God.  This is verified in Hebrews 11:6; “But without FAITH it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him”.                       .

Faith involves vision.   Proverbs 29:18a states: “Where there is no vision, the people perish:”

Therefore if we are going to please God; and walk with a purpose – we must exercise faith which is expressed through vision.


One of the goals of the enemy is to get us to doubt the promises of God – and not walk by faith; or/and to have no outlook for the future; no vision.


Therefore, to make certain that we continue to walk in our God given vision we can view faith as our: Firm, Assurance, In, Trials & Hardships.


So, when I have faith IN God; I am able to have the faith OF God. When I have the faith IN God and the faith OF God; He IS my “FIRM ASSURANCE IN TRIALS & HARDSHIPS”!


God is my:

Firm –(Stable anchor) Hebrews 6:19 – “Hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast….”


Assurance –(Dependable Presence) Isaiah 26:4 – “Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.”


In – (Accompanying Me) Isaiah 41:10 – “Fear not, for I am with you, ….”.


Trials –(Times of Testing)  I Corinthians 10:13 – “No testing has overtaken you this is not common to everyone. God is faithful, He will be with you in your testings…..”.


Hardships – (Extreme difficulties of any sort) Isaiah 43:2-3  “ When you go through the fire, you will not be burned….”.


It should matter not what we may encounter in a given day; if we allow God to be our F.A.I.T.H. we will have the ability to work through every phase of our vision.  We must never forget that the enemy has launched every diabolical plot, plan and scheme for our demise.  However, without regards to anything that he proposes – we have the ultimate victory!  Whatever he does, we must have the firm assurance that he is no match for us – when we stand in the Lord. 


If we are going to stand as the victorious warriors that we are; we must daily “gear up” with our spiritual weapons. Now is not the time to become weary in your well doing. Remember your battle may be long – but the key to your endurance is to have F. A. I. T. H. ; express F.A.I.T.H. and above all, to tell others about your “FIRM ASSURANCE IN TRIALS & HARDSHIPS”!


And they overcame ……… .by the word of their testimony;” Revelation 12:11


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Transitioned for Transformation


If change is to be effective, relevant and complete, it must occur in our minds.  Therefore, if I haven’t altered my thoughts, opinions and ideas concerning a certain matter, then my actions will not produce a permanent change.


According to the dictionary; transitioned refers to a process or period during which something underwent a change and passes from one state, stage, form, or activity to another.   Therefore by its very nature the word “transitioned” bears witness that I have altered some component of my being.

I have not transitioned if everything about me has remained the same.  However, as previously stated this process of transitioning begins in our minds.  My actions will only reflect the activity that my control center - my mind - has ordered. 


Transformation however, expresses the end product; a completed change. 


Today, in this season, God is especially using those who are permitting their minds to be transitioned by the indwelling power of Holy Ghost…. and through that transition, He has brought them into a state of transformation that cannot – will not ever be diminished!  It is these Saints who have now “Transitioned for Transformation”. 


Although the renewing of my mind is a progressive process; once the transition has produced transformation in a given area – then, that area cannot ever be controlled by the enemy again.


When I have been transitioned for transformation:

        I now have the ability to treasure and to be entrusted with the “weightier” matters.             (Luke 16:11)

When I have been transitioned for transformation:

        My total allegiance is to no one but the Lord. (Matthew 22:37)

When I have been transitioned for transformation:

         I have no excuses for not walking in obedience to the call of the Lord on my life.       (Luke 11:28)

When I have been transitioned for transformation:

         I know no defeat – I don’t have the ability to, nor the knowledge of failure.       (Philippians 4:13)

When I have been transitioned for transformation:

         I have not reached perfection in every area – but I am a great threat to the kingdom of darkness!          (Luke 10:19)


Above all; when I have been transitioned for transformation, I am now ready to:

  Receive the Manifestation of what God has promised;

  Reveal the Revelation of what God has shown to me .. and

  To be a living Demonstration… an Activist and an Advocate for God by adhering to His written        

  Word on a daily basis.  I am now capable of and walking in the victory, success and supernatural manifestations that God has prepared for me from before the foundation of the world!  Hallelujah!  To God Be The Glory!!!

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Brokenness = Maturity

Brokenness = Maturity

My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; ……. Psalm 51:17


Simply put….God desires to take us to an added dimension in Him; however we are still lacking the maturity that occurs as the result of a totally broken spirit before the Lord.


When we refer to various Biblical patriarchs we can observe that they all had to experience a season of brokenness prior to being used mightily for the Lord.  One of the keys to brokenness is to place the flesh under subjection through fasting.


In our modern culture here in America, we have expanded the concept of fasting to incorporate the meaning of “the abstinence of”……whatever. We are, in many instances not referring to food; but abstaining from various activities, mindsets and behavioral patterns. 


When we refer to the Hebrew word used in the Bible for fasting, (pronounced ts-oom), it means to cover the mouth.  Then the Greek word, (pronounced nace-ty-oo), means to abstain from food.  So we could conclude, that both the Old and New Testaments place the emphasis on “food”.


Could the reason why true brokenness hasn’t occurred be that we’ve attempted to alter its original definition?  Could it be that we have replaced instead of enhancing?  Without regards to any additional concepts – fasting must; according to the Biblical definitions; at some point include an abstaining from food. 


God needs us to be totally free IN Him – to be totally used freely OF Him.  He needs and is requiring of us a deeper relationship with Him..  He is requiring a level of maturity which is representative of one who is broken from any and everything that doesn’t resemble Him.


Consider these types of fast as you deepen your relationship with the Lord. (Only a brief listing.)

Elijah Fast – I Kings 19

Widow’s Fast – I Kings 17:8-16

Paul’s Fast – Acts 9:9

Daniel’s Fast – Daniel 1:8-14; 10:3

John’s Fast – John 1:6 &7

Esther’s Fast – Esther 4


God needs to use YOU to do great exploits….. but we, as a people, still need to obtain a level of maturity that only true brokenness has birthed!

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Be Encouraged! Your Samuel Is On The Way!

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” Galatians 6:9


The Lord has instructed me to remind you that all of your praying and all of your fasting has not been in vain.  When we consider the example which was given to us by Hannah; we can glean an insight into the diligence which is required to remain faithful…… until your “Samuel” has been manifested.


The Lord has said that we must read once again the story of Hannah (I Samuel 1.)  We must remember that Hannah’s womb was closed by the Lord.   There was nothing wrong with the seed that was sown.   The seed had been sown into good ground.  The potential of the ground to produce wasn’t the problem.  God had intervened and would not permit the ground to receive and produce the seed.


God today is saying that for many of you, you have sown good seed, into good ground; however His appointed time for your manifestation had not arrived.  He has permitted you to be ridiculed, criticized, and mocked….. Even by those in the house of the Lord.  (Remember Hannah’s actions and intents were even mistaken by the man of God!)  Yet, you, like Hannah have continued to remain faithful and to endure through every test and trial. 


We must remember that as we have been awaiting the arrival of our Samuel – our level of faith has been greatly increased and our stamina intensified.  Birthed within us; as we waited, has been a powerful level of humility and strength.  This dimension from which we now operate permits us to be as synonymous to a “bull walking through a china store”… however not breaking a single dish!  The wait has so fortified our faith and our relationship with the Lord – to the extent that we have become that profitable servant; totally sold out and “souled” for the Him.


No one had to remind Hannah of the vow that she had made to the Lord.  If you have not arrived at the place in your walk with the Lord that you can honor your vows made to Him without the assistance of anyone – then you are not ready for the birth of your Samuel!


However, if you have prayed like Hannah did; remained faithful like Hannah did; endured the times of disappointment, discouragement and seemingly being defeated year in and year out – like Hannah did…..then you will receive your Samuel…..just as Hannah did!


Be encouraged….. God’s appointed time IS at hand!  You WILL receive your Samuel – just as Hannah did – simply because God is not slack concerning His promises!  Every one of His promises are still YEA & AMEN….. WHATEVER He has promised will; without a shadow of a doubt… come to past…….  However in HIS divine timing!


Now is not the time to throw in the towel!  Nor the time to throw up your hands in a loss of hope.    Remain steadfast…. Your Samuel IS on the way!!!!


“ For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”  Habakkuk 2:3

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The Spirit of Goliath

The Spirit of Goliath

“Your servant has struck down both lions and bears, and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, since he defied the armies of the living God.”                              I Samuel 17:36


We, the body of Christ must continually be on guard for the endtime release of familiar spirits.  Although their approach may be enhanced or altered to reflect our current times – the underlying spirit is the same as before.  One of these is the spirit that I’ll call the spirit of Goliath (very similar to the spirit of leviathan).


This spirit will attempt to taunt, boast, and present an appearance of supreme rule over the body of Christ.  It will attempt to paralyze the body of Christ and to infiltrate our minds with fear, doubt and disbelief.  It will also attempt to challenge, mock and to belittle through repeated verbal proclamations.  Unless this spirit is recognized; we the endtime body of Christ will begin to become subject to and submissive to the boundaries which it will impose.   We are gradually beginning to be plagued by thoughts of hopelessness and the feelings of defeated and worry – simply because of the constant onset of negative harassment emulating from this spirit.


However, we have been already been given the “Ability & Authority” capsulized with the wisdom from the Holy Ghost, thus enabling us to conquer every demonic force (Matthew 10:1; Luke 10:19).  The power that engulfed David (I Samuel 17) and empowered him with the wisdom to defeat the lion and the bear had already prepared him to successfully stand and slay Goliath.  We also have defeated our lions (things that have attacked us from the ground) and our bears (attacks which have approached from above; spiritual wickedness in high places).  Therefore we have passed the test and are ready to kill this “Goliath Spirit” without hesitation. 


Lastly, we must also remember that in this season, the attacks are geared more to our minds than to any other areas of our being and our lives.  If this or any spirit – other than the Holy Spirit can intervene into our thought patterns for just a brief moment we risk defeat!


The attacks are just beginning and will become more intense in the future.  However we must never forget that– THE BATTLE HAS ALREADY BEEN WON!  We only have to remain focused, and adhere to our instructions from the Lord concerning the maintenance of our daily walk with Him.  Set your affections, your cares and your attentions more on the things which are above….  Above your present level of operating….Above what you currently think that you are capable of accomplishing… Above the opinions and stimulations of others! Take the limits off! (Colossians 3:2)


Remember that the sky isn’t the limit…you have no limit!  In this season, you can achieve MORE than anything that you can ask or think! (Ephesians 3:20) Refuse to become intimidated by anyone or anything.  You ARE more than a conqueror!  (Romans 8:37) So place everything that is contrary to what God has decreed, under the subjection of the power that reigns within you!


Slay that spirit of Goliath at its onset, maintain your focus, keep your affections on Kingdom Principles….and you won’t have to be overly concerned about succumbing to the power of this or any other demonic force.


“Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”  I Peter1:13 NASB

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It’s Legally Mine - I’m Still The Legal Heir

Read: II Samuel 4:4 & II Samuel 9


One of my favorite writings from the Bible is found in II Samuel 9.  This story is about a boy named Mephibosheth.  I don’t have the time to relay the entire story…. But, the bottom line is that Mephibosheth, who was the son of Jonathan, and the grandson of Saul was being carried by his nurse when he was quite young. One day Jonathan and Saul were both killed in the same day.  The city became in an uproar.   Mephibosheth’s caretaker was trying to protect him from any harm by removing him from the commotion.  So she began to run with him in her arms. However, while she was running; in her haste, she dropped him – and as a result, he became permanently crippled.   Longer story short…. He was therefore sent to live in a place called Lo Debar.   Years later, King David (who had bed the best friend of Jonathan) inquired if there was anyone still alive from the linage of Jonathan.  Mephibosheth’s name came up. King David sent for him; rescuing him from Lo Debar and brought him to live in the king’s palace.  (Please read the entire story again to obtain and to grasp a more in-depth understanding.)


So… Today we must remember that we must take authority over the results of negative incidents which occurred in our past.  They can’t prevent us from receiving what is rightfully ours, if we walk in obedience to the directions of the Lord!  There are certain blessings that we are privy to - simply because of whom we are.  Mephibosheth had no idea that he was going to be blessed.  As a matter of fact, when King David sent for him, he was fearful thinking the worst!  The fear arose  because usually when a King sent for someone it meant unpleasant circumstances.   However…Mephibosheth was a legal heir – and wasn’t even aware of that information.  He had no idea that the King’s summon for him was to relay some awesome news!


What lesson can I glean from this story?  Frankly, I should NEVER forget that because of my spiritual lineage, I am a legal heir to everything that my Heavenly Father possesses! Hallelujah!!!!   I am an heir of my father’s; and that makes me a joint heir with Christ (Romans 8:16).  I therefore, can expect to walk in the power and in the authority the Christ possessed; yet in a greater magnitude; producing a greater return (John 14:12).  Wealth and riches ARE in my house (Psalm 112:3); and the devourer IS rebuked! (Malachi 3:11)


As a legal heir I must realize:

  • Who I am, whose I am and for what purpose I have been placed where I am.
  • I am called to live in this world; however my royal lineage will not permit me to become comfortable in anything that doesn’t represent my regal status.
  • My every anticipated provision has already been accommodated for.
  • When God’s appointed time arrives: He is able to and will send someone from somewhere to come and rescue me from my “Lo Debar” … invite me to the King’s table… and reward me what is rightful mine.


…..Because I AM a legal heir…. I have at my disposal ALL that I truly need; all of my needs ARE met.  I AM the head and not the tail…Above ALWAYS and NEVER beneath.  So it matters not the physical APPEARANCE of my current situations.  I AM the legal heir…. therefore, I decree that soon and very soon…today even…. the continued manifestation of who I really am will begin to become physically evident!  (Because it already exists in the realm of the Spirit!)


Therefore... Because I am a legal heir…  I AM walking in my greatness, and Greatness is my portion – REGARDLESS!!!

…… AND my legal heritage is not for a “season”…It’s an ETERNAL LIFESTYLE!!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!

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Don’t Worry.... You have the Keys

"You are Peter, a rock. This is the rock on which I will put together my church, a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out. And that’s not all. You will have complete and free access to God’s kingdom, keys to open any and every door: no more barriers between heaven and earth, earth and heaven. A yes on earth is yes in heaven. A no on earth is no in heaven.”  Matthew 16: 18 & 19 (The Message Bible)


In our lives today, we are constantly encountering various situations that are not under the jurisdiction of our immediate control.  I’m certain that most of us could establish a never ending list of such.   We must remember that these situations are those which have been permitted and allowed to confront us.  Every obstacle or adverse situation that we encounter in life can be viewed from at least two perspectives. We can view these situations as being presented by the enemy in hopes of opening the door to fear, doubt and unbelief; or these same situations can be perceived as those which have been permitted by the Lord to serve as opportunities where He will gain the ability to reveal His divine guidance, direction and protection.


When we encounter adverse conditions, we must remember that God has given to us keys in the form of His word.  These keys will equip us with an immediate access to His divine intervention.    For example; we have been given the key to unlock the entrance into that area of our mind that still must be renewed concerning ungodly fear.  When we truly unlock our minds and permit them to become freed by comprehending the love of God; we will never again walk under the umbrella of ungodly fear.  This type of fear is often manifested through a spirit of pride.  Why? Because “I” feel as though “I” can/can’t handle or “I” can/can’t control what is occurring.  When I excuse God from the picture, I have diminished, decreased and eradicated the intervention of His divine authority & power.  I have unconsciously decided that my problem or situation is of a greater magnitude than my God!  I have also decided that God’s love isn’t powerful enough to bring me through my current dilemma.


Therefore, it doesn’t matter what I encounter I must make a conscious decision that I won’t worry – nor become fearful, perplexed, confused, or dismayed…simply because I have the keys!  


When I observe my spiritual key ring there is a master key labeled “FOCUS”.  I must learn to F.O.C.U.S.  


F= “First things first” (Matthew 6:33)

O= Only Believe (Mark 9:23)

C= Count & Cast (James 1:2 & I Peter 5:6&7)

U= Unbelief (Mark 9:24)

S= Stand (Ephesians 6:10)


So, how do I focus in the midst of adversity?

  1. By hiding the Word of God in my heart…. Prior to the onset of negative conditions.
  2. Daily quoting and saying out loud the Word of God.
  3. By refusing to quit!


Whatever adverse situation is presently prevalent or currently existing in your life is only an attempt by the enemy to distract you; to divert your attention; and to challenge your knowledge of the Lord.  However remember….you never have to bow to the lesser authority of worry…. Because you have the master key, and that key is called focus.

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Independently Independent – Yet Dependent

“He whom the Son has set free, is free indeed.” John 8:36


In America today we are celebrating a holiday entitled Independence Day.  There have been festivities all week long; which will be concluded tonight with a finale marked by an elaborate musically choreographed firework display. People from various states have come here to Philadelphia for the purposes of expanding their knowledge of their country; as well as to engage in the enormous plethora of pleasurable activities.  Everyone is enjoying and sharing in the celebrations concerning the independence of America.


Just as equally or of greater importance is the fact that we, the Saints of the Most High God should be enjoying the fact that we are independently independent.  To be independent is to be; freed, liberated, unconventional, unconstrained and to be an individualist.  We must never cease to remember that we have been released from all of the chains of the enemy; which previously held us captive. Our freedom has given to us the power and the authority to no longer be suppressed by the mindsets of this world and its chaotic influences. Our freedom has given to us the ability to excel in every task that we undertake.  Our freedom has given to us the advantage to decide for ourselves whether we will live or die.  Our freedom has afforded us with wisdom – if we avail ourselves to it.  That wisdom enables us to come to the realization that we must not – although free, be without; guidelines, perimeters and boundaries. 


Therefore, although I am free…..I am yet bound. Although freed from the chains of the enemy; I have chosen to be totally dependent upon the established Kingdom Principles which will assure my current and future success.  I am free enough to be bound! I am free enough not to bow to the conventional, constrained guidelines of man – which are desensitizing the effects of God’s Word. I am free enough to appreciate the individualistic character qualities that God Himself has entrusted to me.  I am free enough to walk above every circumstance in this life. Above all; I am free enough to stand in faith until the manifestation of God promises are made visibly evident.


So on this day of independence – I am totally independent of every: methodology, ideology, concept and precept of this world; its standards and its mandates. Yet, I am totally dependent upon the Holy Spirit for the wisdom, guidance, and the perseverance to implement every strategic plan that is required for me as a powerfully effective endtime warrior.


I’ve been freed!  So…. I’m free! Praise the Lord….I’m free!!


“ What actually took place is this: I tried keeping rules and working my head off to please God, and it didn’t work. So I quit being a “law man” so that I could be God’s man. Christ’s life showed me how and enabled me to do it. I identified myself completely with him. Indeed, I have been crucified with Christ. My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God. Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not “mine,” but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not going to go back on that.”                                       Galatians 2:20  The Message Bible

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Wisdom “IS” The Principle Componant…

…Not more Word….But More Wisdom 

“Lord may I daily walk in a state of wisdom that operates above my physical age, and experiences.”

El De’ot”

(The God of Knowledge - Proverbs 19:8)


“Wisdom is the principle thing, therefore get wisdom and in all of thy getting, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7


Read: Proverbs 4 & James 1


To have obtained information, yet lack the knowledge and the understanding of its application; is equivalent to walking in a rain storm; carrying a closed umbrella; and complaining that you are now soaking wet!  Many Christians today are experiencing a since of being “overwhelmed” by the circumstances and the occurrences of their daily lives.  Most are truly devoted Saints - who can tote, quote and know who wrote the Bible.  However, they have not received the wisdom for proper application of God’s word.


So today Father, I will no longer be content; and I refuse to be one who has simply memorized your Word – but lack the wisdom that is embedded within your Word.  I ask that you El De’ot, reveal to me the hidden treasures of your Word.   I understand that I can no longer afford to walk in ignorance concerning the application of your principles.  You have given me a work to accomplish. I have the tools, I have the plans, and I have the true desire to continue to walk in your divine guidance.  However, the missing element which is now vital, is a degree of your wisdom which is equivalent to or which surpasses the amount of your Word that is within me. 


El De’ot, May I always remember that for every minute that I am not aggressively applying your wisdom, “I” am permitting a delay in the manifestation and the execution of your plans for my life.   “I” am opening the door for diabolical distractions. “I” am giving fuel to the kingdom of darkness and giving it permission to release and execute its plans…… Simply because “I” have not intensely sought you for wisdom.


Therefore, I will plunge into you and seek your wisdom at any cost.  The degree of your wisdom which I have already attained, mandates that I push through EVERY obstacle, and pursue not to get more of your Word – but a fuller understanding of the Word that I have already obtained.


 I will, I must, with a renewed tenacity seek the guidance and direction that is only procured from you; My omniscient Father…. My God of knowledge… My El De’ot.

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Who Is Like Th e Lord???

There’s Nobody Greater!!!

Lord, you are supreme in power & position.

Elhoy Marom”

(The God of heights – Micah 6:6)



As this text is researched, we can observe that the word “height” here signifies supremacy of power and position.


So Lord, may I now align and place everything under the authority of who you are.  May I never exalt the power of my thoughts or actions above what your word demonstrates and declares.


I will no longer surrender to; and I forbid, any other power to rule or to reign in my life.  My acceptance of your sovereignty and my knowledge of your omnipotence validates who you are.  I  now request that those character qualities fully infiltrate my every thought.  May I renew my mind to the extent that I have reworded my vocabulary to release from my mouth, only the words that will reflect what your Word declares.


There is no other; nor has there ever been; nor will there ever be; any force; - visible or invisible, that is able to be in comparison with who you are.  Your attributes reveal that you are matchless. Therefore you are the monarch, the exalted one.  We could climb up to the highest mountain; even search the lowest valley….  And the supremacy of your power and authority would yet reveal that… There’s NOBODY GREATER THAN YOU!


May I continuously  position my spirit to operate in submission only to your sovereign reign, your absolute authority and your ultimate guidance… For YOU ALONE ARE GREAT!



"You Are God Alone" (Marvin Sapp)
There's no question of Your greatness, no searching of Your power.
All the wonder of Your glory, to You forty years is but one hour.
Your knowledge is all encompassing, to Your wisdom there is no end;
For You alone are God, You are God alone.

Your mercy is everlasting; Your truth is here always.
You are He who was and is, and is to come.
Who is He that can number your day, You've flung the sun to burn in space,
And the night's moon powers light from day; You are God alone.

Now unto the King, eternal, immortal, invisible,
The only wise God, the only wise God;
You alone are God, For You are God alone.

Be all glory and honor, dominion, and power - forever and ever, amen.
For You alone are God, You are God alone!

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Was That God’s Voice?

Was That God’s Voice?


“and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.  And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.” John 10:4 &5



Many of you have asked me from time to time questions concerning the ability to distinguish the voice of God from your own thoughts and from the noise of the enemy. 


As the end of time as we know it draws nigh, we have to maintain an alertness that will not permit the advancements of modern technology to further null or desensitize our natural abilities.  When we look in retrospect at those who have lived in previous generations – we will observe that they possessed the ability to be much wiser than we are today.  Our ancestors may not have had all of the “gadgets” that we now have, but they had the ability to use their natural senses in ways that are not common to us.  


Just to side track for a minute.  We must be aware of the attack that has come against the verbal communication skills of our younger generation.  One of the end time strategies of our adversary is to get them to become so dependent on their devices that their brains lose their desire to communicate verbally.  Therefore, now we have a generation who can sit for hours – in the same room – and not verbally say a single word to each other!  But….will text each other instead of verbally talking. Can you see the strategy?  If they don’t value their ability to verbally communicate with one another, how can they comfortably verbally communicate with God?  Will they use their verbal voices to oppose the kingdom of darkness? 


However, to be able to recognize the voice of God we must learn more about Him, and build a relationship with Him.  This is accomplished by spending valuable time in His presence and studying His word to the point that we will know exactly who He is.  When you were a child, no doubt there were times when your parents may not have been present.  However, because you had spent time in their presence and had come to know them, you knew whether you could or could not adhere to certain behavior patterns.  You knew your limits because you knew your parents.


How can a bank teller know an authentic bill from a counterfeit?  Because they have studied the appearance and texture of the real thing to the degree that they “know it”. So, how can we know the voice of God? By studying the real thing until we “know it”!  When we truly know God, then we will know His voice.  When we truly know God, we will know what behavior patterns are in accord with who He is.  When we truly know God, then our thoughts, nor the noise of the enemy will sound the same in our ears, nor feel the same in our spirits.  When we truly know God, we will know what He desires, what He agrees with and what He wants us to accomplish.  To know God is to truly love Him….And when you truly love a person….you will have no problem easily distinguishing their voice!   


“Take my yoke upon you and learn of me….” Matthew 10:29a

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Lord, Help Me To Slow down and Be Kind! 

“Kindness can only be sown from a heart that is tender.”

“Elohay Chasdi”

(The God of my Kindness - Psalm 59:11)

Love is patient, love is kind…... I Corinthians 13:4


Read Psalm 59 & I Corinthians 13


It has been said that our actions speak louder than our words.  The Bible states, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32 NIV).   May I remember, that if I constantly maintain a disposition of unforgiveness; I will be prevented from possessing the ability to express kindness to others.


So Lord, I ask that you reveal to me anything within me that is yet hindering me from the ability to show compassion, gentleness and thoughtfulness to EVERYONE.  May I not be bias in my actions, but develop a renewed mindset that has become yielding to the capacity to communicate your unconditional love to everyone that I encounter.


May the spirit of pride never mask its self in me, thus manifesting in an: unkind, arrogant, haughty, rancorous, vindictive, egotistical, overly confident, heart.  May I never forget; as a result of my own; pain, hurt or “convenient amnesia”; the countless acts of kindness that you have displayed and are yet displaying to me.   May I operate daily from that platform.


May my desire to show kindness become more than a mere desire; but become an automatic response especially to those who are not expressing that character quality to me. 

May I rapidly mature to the extent that I will become aware of every selfish motive that I still possess…. and actively make the necessary amendments.  May I also realize that I need not “feel” like being kind….. to produce the action. 


Therefore, I decree, as of today; that I have made a conscience DECISION to be kind. Holy Spirit I ask that you bring to mind strategies that will permit me the ability to outwit the enemy when he attempts to provoke me to be unkind.


Thanks  “Elohay Chasdi” for every expression of kindness that you have extended to me.



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The Strategy to Navigate

The Strategy to Navigate

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:” Philippians 2:5


Although we may not be aware of it, but each new day presents an array of situations and circumstances which require us to “assess and conquer”.   Many times we are aware of specific challenges that will “grace” our day – therefore, we’ve had the time to adequately prepare for them. However, sometimes these demands will be unexpected and require that we make split-second decisions.  Nevertheless, in either case – God has equipped us with an ability to advance through each situation successfully.  We have within us; although far too often undeveloped; the ability and the skill to strategically navigate through this maze that we call life.


To maneuver successfully through our own “obstacle course” not only requires skill, but: patience, endurance and concentration. (You’ll see this trio again!)


I found an app for my phone which gives me the opportunity to engage in a game called labyrinth.  Many years ago, I had an actual labyrinth board.  This board is composed of numerous holes through which one must successfully guide a small metal ball without the ball falling into any of the holes.  It is not until you’ve completed level 1, that you are permitted to progress to the next level - each level increasing in difficulty.


Life can be compared to that small metal ball on the labyrinth board.  Life is an obstacle course through which we must carefully, patiently and skillfully be guided and directed.   It demands that we take a seat – physically and mentally to map out a plan that will successfully enable us  to navigate around all of the potholes that the enemy has waiting for us.  We can usually get a “heads up” on some of them by surveying our natural bloodline.  Then as you discover various inherited “potholes” –  whether in the natural or in the realm of the spirit; use your kingdom authority to completely eradicate them.  Declare that the buck stops here! Forbid the manifestation of anything that is not of the Holy Spirit to rest, rule or to reign in your life.    Remember…the enemy isn’t too smart!  However he is strategic and persistent.  Therefore, you must be strategic in your planning if you are going to outwit the enemy and navigate productively through your labyrinth board.


Lastly, but most importantly….as always…… we must consider our mindset … for it is our determining factor.  One of the most overlooked, misunderstood….. but vital focuses in Christendom is the subject of mind renewal.  Yet, it is essential and the prerequisite to our success on every level.  The process of mind renewal must be taken more seriously if we are going to effectively outmaneuver our enemy.


I would like to encourage you to increase, strengthen and awaken your current mental status – in the natural!   One sure way to begin this process is by engaging in logic puzzles and memory games.   Challenge your mind to accomplish a task that you haven’t been able to achieve in the past.  By trying a variety of puzzles, you will awaken various areas of your brain.   Without regards to your age, begin NOW and refuse to permit the spirits of Alzheimer, Dementia and the like, to occupy space in your mind….simply because some of your brain cells have become deaden due to the lack of proper activity or deterioration! 


To be victorious we must come to the realization that every successful battle is won when the proper strategy has been devised….. and the navigation process is formulated according to that strategy!   


We must remember that an active mind is a productive mind.  A productive mind now must become a disciplined mind. A disciplined mind is ready to begin the perpetual process of strategically navigating through your personally designed - endtime diabolical labyrinth board!


“Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”                                               Romans 12:2 - New Living Translation

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Invisible Scars…. Our Victory Banners

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.”                 II Corinthians 1:3&4



When we usually refer to scars, our minds tend to envision some type of mark on the surface of our skin which has resulted from an injury.  Scars can also occur as the result of: surgical procedures, burns, acne and from some diseases (like chickenpox).  Whatever initiated the problem, the fact still remains that there was an abnormal break in or trauma to the skin; which then healed improperly, and now a scar has been produced.


We all bear scars.  However, some of the scars that we have “earned” can’t be seen.   There are those which have resulted from injuries which have occurred to and affected our hearts and our minds.  Invisible scars.  When we have scars on our skin, we can see them and then we can understand, our reactions to certain stimuli or in certain situations.  However, when we have invisible scars; in many instances, we aren’t even aware of the fact that they exist!


Scars are constant reminders of yesterday.   Yet, if I can’t “see” the scars, (and I don’t know how to spiritually discern and analyze them) I may not understand my reactions in certain situations.


No one can bear a scar from an incident that has not yet transpired. Therefore, my scars are those connectors to my past, which reveal areas where the skin was once sensitive and pain once occurred.  Some scars are permanent.  Yet, when the skin under the scar has healed – there is no more pain in that area.  Although the scar may remain – the pain is gone.


So it must be with our invisible scars.  Many incidents may have left permanent scars on our minds and in our hearts.  However, we must allow the Holy Spirit to bring healing to our total being – body, mind and spirit.  We can no longer allow our past hurts, failures, disappoints, etc. to remain “open sores” in our lives.  We may not have any control over the healing process that occurs in and on our skin.  However, we do have the ability to advance or delay the healing process of our inner being.


Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any areas where your invisible scars haven’t completely healed and remain to be like an “oozing wound”.  


Invisible scars, once healed can and should be used as victory banners to wave to others – proclaiming the faithfulness of the Lord.  They will also be reminders to us of God’s power to bring healing to those areas which at one time only yielded total despair and devastation.  Scars may remain – but just as our physical scars are no longer sensitive nor emit pain; our inner man must receive a total healing.  Scars will form… but the pain MUST subside….and vanish!


“All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort—we get a full measure of that, too.”  II Corinthians 1:3-5 (The Message Bible)

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