Apostle Claudia Boatwright's Posts (2672)

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Was That God’s Voice?

Was That God’s Voice?

 “and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.  And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.” John 10:4 &5



Many of you have asked me from time to time questions concerning the ability to distinguish the voice of God from your own thoughts and from the noise of the enemy. 


As the end of time as we know it draws nigh, we have to maintain an alertness that will not permit the advancements of modern technology to further null or desensitize our natural abilities.  When we look in retrospect at those who have lived in previous generations – we will observe that they possessed the ability to be much wiser than we are today.  Our ancestors may not have had all of the “gadgets” that we now have, but they had the ability to use their natural senses in ways that are not common to us.  


Just to side track for a minute.  We must be aware of the attack that has come against the verbal communication skills of our younger generation.  One of the end time strategies of our adversary is to get them to become so dependent on their devices that their brains lose their desire to communicate verbally.  Therefore, now we have a generation who can sit for hours – in the same room – and not verbally say a single word to each other!  But….will text each other instead of verbally talking. Can you see the strategy?  If they don’t value their ability to verbally communicate with one another, how can they comfortably verbally communicate with God? If they don’t verbally communicate, how can they have the ability to verbally bring a halt to the enemy’s devices?  Remember that death and life are where? ….. In the power of the tongue….the spoken word!


Ok …let’s get back on today’s thought.  To be able to recognize the voice of God we must learn more about Him, and build a relationship with Him.  This is accomplished by spending valuable time in His presence and studying His word to the point that we will know exactly who He is.  When you were a child, no doubt there were times when your parents may not have been present.  However, because you had spent time in their presence and had come to know them, you knew whether you could or could not adhere to certain behavior patterns.  You knew your limits because you knew your parents.  You could be in a crowded area; and if they called to you, you knew exactly who was calling you.  Why? Because you KNEW them.  You knew the sound of their voice because you had spent time in their presence.


How can a bank teller know an authentic bill from a counterfeit?  Because they have studied the appearance and texture of the real thing to the degree that they “know it”. So, how can we know the voice of God? By studying the real thing until we “know it”!

When we truly know God, then we will know His voice. 

When we truly know God, we will know what behavior patterns are in accord with who He is. 

When we truly know God, our thoughts, nor the noise of the enemy will sound the same in our ears, nor feel the same in our spirits. 

When we truly know God, we will know what He desires, what He agrees with and what He wants us to accomplish.   


“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me….” Matthew 10:29a

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The Comma ….. The Resting Place

The Comma ….. The Resting Place

“Be still, and know that I am God. …………..” Psalm 46:10


When using written communications to convey our thoughts to others, it is much easier for us to be understood when we use various punctuation marks.    Whether you are the writer or the reader; without the use of punctuation marks it would be virtually impossible for the written communication to be successfully comprehended.  


One such marking that most of us are familiar with is the comma.  The comma, unlike the period informs us the we haven’t arrived at the end of the sentence; there is still more to come; so just take a brief pause and continue on.


Our lives are also accompanied with various “accent or punctuation marks”.  There will be times when we arrive at the place when it becomes necessary to take a brief rest – and then continue on.  In other words – we’ve arrive at a place that we know isn’t the end or the final stage of the project.  Yet, we are not feeling as though we should proceed “right now”.  This may be the time when it is necessary to take a brief pause – and then continue on. 


You just might be experiencing the awareness of a “spiritual comma” that God has inserted into the “sentence of your life”.  God strategically places the commas in our lives where He knows that they will effectively impact us and those to whom he has called us to minister.  Don’t ignore the God inserted commas, or else the remainder of the spiritual sentence will be perplexing.  In other words, don’t push forward when God is telling you to wait.  Don’t try to MAKE God move in a given situation.  Far too often I hear people say that they are going to fast and pray when they are faced with a difficult situation….. because they want God to change His plans concerning their situations.  Fasting doesn’t change the mind or decision of God – it changes us and increases our level of faith.  Therefore, don’t lean to your own understanding.  Seek the face of God… and walk or wait there in.


So just remember, the comma is the signal to stop briefly; and then continue on.  Don’t become too comfortable or discouraged in the “comma” place.  There is still more to be accomplished. God will use YOU to achieve all that He has promised.  Don’t become disheartened when the situations and circumstances which were once “sailing smoothly”; suddenly appear to hit a few bumps in the road…..even though you know that the journey isn’t complete.  Maybe you’ve just encounter a spiritual comma.  So remain calm, seek the face of God for any amendments that need to be implemented… and wait for the release to proceed further.


Acknowledge and appreciate the commas…. They are the brief resting places along this “sentence” of life.


And He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest a while."……

Mark 6:31

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..They Are Only A Weight

….They are Only A Weight

“Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in.”  Hebrews 12:1 (The Message Bible)


Today the Lord has said that we are running this race…..and we are running well….however we are still carrying too much baggage.  God has said that we are still attempting to drag and pull everyone with us to our next place in Him.  Some – NO…. most of the people with whom you communicate on a daily basis are not ready to go with you!  They haven’t made the proper preparations and advancements in the realm of the spirit.


Everyone will not, has not and cannot receive nor embrace the mantle that the Lord has given unto you. They are just not ready to go where you are going.  The pace will be too rapid; the journey too long; the mission too intense and the level of strategic maneuvers too in-depth.  Therefore, even without your knowledge, they have become the hindrance – the weight, which is preventing you from running with the speed and endurance that you know you possess.


The Lord has also said: “In this new dimension, we must stay free, move quickly, cautiously, and quietly.  Don’t disclose the information that I give to you to everyone.  Only reveal what I tell you to reveal – to whom I direct you.  View everything, everything through the eyes of your spirit.  Listen through the ears of your spirit.  Sensitize and synchronize your spirit to the emotions of my Spirit – not your mind.  Rest in me to the point that nothing “catches” you in a state of being “unaware”.  Fear no man nor his position.  Go where I send you.  They are already waiting and expecting your arrival.”


Note: The Lord has also said that I am not to further explain or add anything else to this message.  Those who are to receive more – will get it directly from Him!


……And it is so!

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…… Can’t run this race with those “cement boots”!


“We have all these great people around us as examples. Their lives tell us what faith means. So we, too, should run the race that is before us and never quit. We should remove from our lives anything that would slow us down and the sin that so often makes us  fall.”         Hebrews 12:1 (ERV)  


Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins.”                                                                    Hebrews 12:1 (MSG)



In many instances we have turned from the sin – but we are still carrying too much excess “baggage”.  It’s time for an upgrade.  Let’s kick it up a notch.  In this season God is requiring a lifestyle of: discipline, integrity and diligence.


The Lord is saying, “Don’t lose what you’ve acquired during the 21 days of consecration.”  It matters not the type of fast that you were engaged in; simply because your mind was focused EARNESTLY towards Him and His attributes – you have been thrust into a new dimension.  However, as you have gradually returned to your regular diet, don’t permit your mindset to return to: sinful (those things which are a transgression) or wicked (those things which may not be a sin, however, things that we become interwoven with and can taint our anointing) appetites.   To avoid returning or “slipping” backward; maintain a level of discipline; uphold a level of integrity and adhere to a level of diligence.  You must also release from your life EVERYTHING that is no longer necessary in this dimension.  Although some things may have been quite beneficial in the past; now….in this dimension…. they are only weights….cement boots!  In this dimension; in this portion of the race which you are now running – there is no place for unnecessary weight…. Cement Boots!


Can you identify the “cement boots” in your spiritual life?  God is daily revealing them to you.  Whatever or whomever He is attempting to strip from you - don’t try to cling on to it or them.  Let them go! Trust God! 


When we fully trust Him – we will obey Him. Then we will have the ability to retain all that we have acquired during this time of consecration.


Look! I’m doing a new thing; now it sprouts up; don’t you recognize it?  I’m making a way in the desert,  paths in the wilderness.  Isaiah 43:19 (CEB)

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Lord, I’m Available

Lord, I’m Available

Into your hands I commit my spirit….. Psalm 31:5


A little while ago, I had the opportunity to speak to someone that I hadn’t seen for quite some time.  This person is a minister and has been used mightily for and by the Lord.  When I questioned them concerning their current status; they informed me that they were no longer “interested” in ministry.


 Although we all have those days when we FEEL as though it’s easier to just throw in the towel, we can’t be motivated by our feelings!  We can’t afford to permit the enemy to bring us to the conclusion that the Lord has made a mistake when He has chosen to give to us certain gifts!


So how do we keep up the momentum?  How do we remain available to the Lord year upon year upon year? How do we continue to stand - regardless?   Listed below are a few suggestions.  Always remember… although you may not be able to physically see the impact that you are making in the realm of the spirit… if you weren’t accomplishing anything – then the enemy wouldn’t try to convince you to give up!   The stronger that the desires are for you to just “give it up” - the more you should be assured that you are really a “thorn in the flesh” of the enemy.  Now is not the time to take our spiritual gifts for granted. The Lord needs the availability of ALL of us more now than ever before. 


We must, as endtime Saints; remain available to and for the cause of Christ; available for the move of God, available for the work of ministry and above all available to be used totally for and by the Lord.


To be certain that I remain available I must:

  1. Spend quality time in the Lord’s presence ( Matthew 6:9-15; Psalm 92:2)
  2. Develop a pattern of fasting on a regular basis (Matthew 6:16)
  3. Read your sword daily (Psalm 27:8)
  4. Don’t ignore the whispers of the Holy Spirit (I Kings 19:12)
  5. Live a lifestyle that is so committed to the Lord, that the devil finds no open door within me to gain an access. (Galatians 2:20,21; John 14:30b; Romans 12:1,2)
  6. Know that the Lord wants to use me, can use me and will use me on a daily basis…IF I present myself unto Him.


Ron Kenoly expressed it this way: “If you can use anything Lord, You can use me. Take my hands Lord, take my feet, Touch my heart Lord, speak through me, If You can use anything, You can use me.


So, continue to “make yourself” available to be used of the Lord.  Remember…. Some lost soul may be waiting just for you; so be available.   Some discouraged sister or brother needs to hear your testimony/ praise report;  so be available.   


Remember that the enemy is counting on you to give up or to be so “busy” that you are not available to hear the voice of God.  Think about it…. if I am not available to be used by God….…..I AM available and already being used by the enemy!!!!!!


I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”                                                                                                                     Galatians 2:20

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No More Fear …..Just Faith!

No More Fear …..Just Faith!

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love."   I John 4:18                                                                                                                                        

Are you aware of the area in your life where fear has become your favorite pillow, your warm comforter or your pair of fuzzy slippers?  Or maybe your escape from fear leads you to binges of over or under eating, excessive spending sprees, or becoming involved in behavior patterns that are totally ungodly. 


The spirit of fear is always looking for opportunities to enter, dominate and paralyze us.  Usually, when the time arises for us to embark upon and advance into a new place in the Lord, he (the spirit of fear) – will faithfully grace our stage for a grand performance!  In other words that spirit of fear will always seek to gain an entrance into our spirit man – and play a major role in preventing us from moving forward in the Lord. 


However it’s time for us to “take the bull by the horns” and aggressively pursue our next adventure in the Lord.  Remember, walking in faith isn’t always walking in the absence of fear.  There will be times when you will have to move forward while “feeling” afraid….  But you must continue to advance.  If your level of faith is going to increase, you can’t stand still and wait until you don’t feel afraid. 


I would like to encourage you to embrace the prayer below that I had written quite a few years ago concerning the spirit of fear.  Remember….you are in control and the decision is yours.  Your actions will always reveal whether you have chosen to SIT in fear or the WALK by faith.    


Fear Be Gone!

 Father God in the name of Jesus, I denounce the spirit of fear in my life.  As of this day, I forbid the spirit of fear to dominate, reign or sit passively in any area of my life.


Holy Spirit, I surrender right now to you my entire being.  I ask that you reveal to me now every area of my life where ungodly fear is present.  Every area in my conscience or sub-conscience arena where fear may have a stronghold.  Any area from my past where fear has been the comfort zone.  Reveal every open door that satan has used to bring fear into my life.


Lord God, your word declares that your perfect love will cast out, drive away, eradicate and will replace fear.  So Father, I come to you now and ask that you reveal to me your perfect love in every area of my being.  Your love that will not fail.  Your love that is unconditional.  Your love that is incomprehensive to my natural man, but is conceivable in the spirit realm.


Father, as I have asked the Holy Spirit to reveal the entrances where fear has entered, I ask you for the wisdom needed to close every open door.  I decree those doors closed, shut, sealed - never to be opened again.


 I thank you Father God for my new found freedom in you now that the weight of fear is gone. Hallelujah!


Psalm 56:4 “When I am afraid, I will trust in you”.

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The Virtues of Victory

The Virtues of Victory

“…….. and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.”

                                                                                     I John 5:4


What are some of the factors that will assist us as we establish foundations that will enable us to remain victorious throughout the year?  How is victory obtained and maintained ?  Here’s a simple acrostic.


V – Vision - To be victorious I must have a mental image of my future state. 

       “Where there is no vision, the people perish” Proverbs 29:18


I -   Intensify – To intensify is to exhibit increase by: enhancing, strengthening and deepening. Therefore to be victorious I must not cease to eagerly and powerfully intensify every area of my life that exhibits a positive nature.

                  But you, beloved, build yourselves up [founded] on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit;  Jude 20 (AMP)


C -    Concentrate – Concentration equals an ability to focus.  Victory is never accomplished by one who has loss their ability to maintain their focus.

                “And SET your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth.”   Colossians 3:2


T -    Trust – to gain total victory, I must solidify my trust channels – from the inside out.               Proverbs 20:7; 3:5; Psalm 146:3 (ESV)


O -   Opposition – Accept the fact that there will always be oppositions; some will edify, some will challenge and some are sent to destroy. To be victorious; I must possess the ability to differentiate; to avoid…through ignorance self-sabotage. 

                “....In this world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33


R –   Rules - No task in life is ever accomplished w/o abiding by the established guidelines. To be victorious; I must know the rules….and obey them.        Romans 12:1-5 (ESV); Proverbs 4:7; Titus 3:1


Y -   Yoked - To be victorious I must remain free of any restrictive burden; and only become yoked to those things that will permit the furtherance of God’s plan and purposes for my life.

           “….Let us lay aside every weight..” Hebrews 12:1


We can also observe that the letter “Y” is the last letter in the word victory.  The shape of this letter reminds us of a fork in the road.  At the end of every victory – we stand at a fork in the road.  We have to make a decision.  We must decide whether to prepare for the next level and advance forward.... or to become satisfied with our present accomplishment and remain at that place.  The Lord always requires that we advance forward.   The ability to continually walk in a state of victory is achieved, when I decide to never become satisfied with my current achievements – but to always strive for an added dimension of greatness.


So again I ask, “What are some of the virtues of VICTORY”? 

The answer: To have a Vision; To Intensify my actions; To value the relevance of Consecration; To free up my Trust channels;  To expect Opposition,  To obey the Rules and To become Yoked only to what is ordained and established by Kingdom Principles.


“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it on my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13 & 14

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Day of Evangelism

Day 30 - The Day of Evangelism

  Ha'ed Ha-Ne'eman”
Jesus -The Faithful Witness (Rev. 1:5).


“……………Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne; And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.                                                              Revelation 1:4 & 5


 Read: Revelation 3:14 John 8:14 Proverbs 14:5


In these remaining days of this consecration, let us enhance and embrace the mandate that God though Jesus has given to each and every one of us.  The concept which is contained in what we refer to as, “The Great commission”.


The Scriptures reveal that Jesus illustrated to us the importance of being that faithful witness in every aspect of life.  Therefore no matter what we are experiencing, we should remember that we are undergoing: the good, the bad and the ugly; for no other reason than to be a faithful witness to the awesomeness of God our Father.  We are called to endure as good soldiers, and to remind everyone that our God is still the Lord over every circumstance.


So Lord, I ask for your assistance in altering my outlook on evangelism.  May my concepts on evangelism not remain condensed to the notion of distributing tracts or specific “outreach programs”.   May my attitude emanate from the viewpoint that I am God’s evangelist “24 - 7 - 365”. May I remember that I am to be a faithful witness for the Lord on a daily basis through my: lifestyle, appetites, desires, conversations and even my appearance.   May I always remember that Jesus, as that faithful witness, never lost His focus; nor permitted the daily occurrences of life to persuade Him or cause Him not to be faithful in His commitment to you, His Father.  May I no longer relinquish or diminish the power and presence of the indwelling power of the Holy Ghost by stating, “Well I’m not Jesus”.  May I now advance towards the walk of maturity and willingly submit, surrender and transform myself to mirror: “I CAN do all things through Christ who gives me the strength”……even become a faithful witness when I, myself may not “feel” up to par.  I will continue to press pass anything that I personally am experiencing.  I will seize every opportunity to bring an awareness of your love to everyone…. Especially to those who do not know you as their Lord or Saviour.


May I become infectious with a never dying desire to “needs go through my Samaria” at any cost; to experience those “uncommon” situations that are necessary in these times.


I thank you my  Ha'ed Ha-Ne'eman” that my thirst for the unsaved will permit me to intensively heed to every inkling that the Holy Spirit places within me.  I will not become comfortable in using outdated methods of evangelism – but will adhere to your divine wisdom which will enable me to be an effective evangelist today and always.


I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 29 - The Day of Acknowledging My Helper

 “Elohim Ozer Li

(God my Helper - Psalm 54:4)

 “Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul.” Psalm 54:4


Read Psalm54


The word helper in this verse can be referenced to, and obtains its meaning from the root Hebrew word “azar”; which means to surround, help or succor.  


As always, may you, the reader personalize this decree.


So today, Father God, I can find comfort and a sense total tranquility in the fact that you are my helper.  It is your assistance and support that is forever surrounding me and permitting me to remain stable in an unstable and ever changing world.  It is because you are surrounding me that I will never ever need to be overly concerned with the apparent attacks from the enemy.  May I always remember that you have established an impenetrateable, imperforateable, force field around me.


Therefore, whatever I may encounter; whether it seems to be good, bad or indifferent; it has received your stamp of approval, -  you have permitted it to gain an entrance into my “safety zone” that you have provided.


 May I never authorize the spirit of pride to ever convince me to walk in the erroneous concept, that I have the ability to make any accomplishments without you.  May I remain humbled and appreciative that you have chosen to support, comfort and assist me; thus enabling me to stand stable on high terrain - with hinds’ feet.  Just as you have assisted me to remain diligent in my devotion to you during this first month of the year, you will continue to assist me throughout this entire year.  In the years to come, I will continue to be the mighty warrior that you have created me to be.  I truly can do all things….. because you are my ultimate helper ….…… my Elohim Ozer Li.


I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen.


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Day 28 - The Day of Integrity 

Day 28 - The Day of Integrity 

May I daily example to others a “lifestyle” of integrity.

Yahweh Sali”

(The Lord my fortress. –Psalm 18:2)


The Lord is my rock and my FORTRESS, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.                                           Psalm 18:2


Read: Psalm 18 & Psalm 34


As this decree is read, envision yourself personally saying each statement.

 The evidence that the Lord is my rock is proven and displayed to others by the degree of integrity that daily governs my life.   If the Lord is my fortress, I will not fall prey to the mindsets of this world and its dishonest principles.  “IF" the Lord is my fortress, I will not stand upon the motivations, nor, find rest in the comfort zones, of anything that doesn’t come into alignment with the integrity of His Kingdom Principles.


Therefore, as of today O Lord, may my every thought, motive and action affirm the fact that you are truly my rock and my fortress.  It is you that I run to daily to support and anchor me.  It is you that I depend upon as my pillar, as my prop, as my leaning post, as my only genuine stake which possesses the ability to remain stable and non-influential in this ever - changing world.


It is only because of your revealed quality as Yahweh Sali, that I am capable of remaining unshaken in the midst of every storm. Even nature has revealed that in the eye of every hurricane or tornado is a place of total peace. I have discovered that it is the guidance of your eye, Yahweh Sali, which is capable of giving me total peace and stability when the turmoil and devastative effects of hurricanes and tornados manifest themselves in my life.   No matter what occurs, because of your integrity, towards me - I can always find comfort in the fact that you have hidden me in the “cleft of yourself” and permitted me to find safety in the “secret place” of who you are.  You have allowed me to abide under your shadow. It is in you that I can wholeheartedly trust.  


I have learned to live a lifestyle of integrity because my life is founded upon the foundation of the pillar of who you are.  I will never lower myself to the place where my level of honesty yields to: deceitfulness, cheating, deception or pretense.  May I never forget that because you are that Fortress; I must apply the essence of who you are to my life.   Whatever composes the nature of a fortress; those are the identical traits upon which I must build my standard of integrity. May I never forget that you have been and will always be the example of true integrity…. Therefore, YOU are my perpetual place of comfort….my FORTRESS.


As the hymn states….. “A mighty fortress is our God, A bulwark (safeguard) never failing!”


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen. 

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Day 27 - Day of Reality

Day 27—The Day of Reality 

The truth will always prevail! 

(Lord of all the earth.)


“The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth”.  Psalm 97:5                                                                                                                                  

Read:  Jos. 3:11, 13; Ps. 97:5; Zech. 4:14; 6:5.


Lord, you have established and revealed yourself throughout history as the “Lord of all the earth.”   Without regards given to the: political, economic, religious customs and any other trend of this world – the truth yet remains ….. YOU are still the Lord of all the earth. 


So today may I do a reality check.  I ask that you produce within me awareness that will illuminate every thought pattern that contradicts the reality of who you are.  Areas that have not yet been surveyed.  Areas where I may have permitted the cares of this world to become residents.  May I carefully “weed out” and forcefully evict these thoughts which have caused me to conform to the ideologies and methodologies of this world.  (Realizing that they have opened the doorways for fear, doubt, unbelief, and the like to enter.)


Since your character qualities don’t possess the ability for you to change; may I find security in knowing that it doesn’t matter what occurs within this earth – you are still the Lord of this earth and all that transpires in it.  You have given to us the dominion over the functioning and governing this earth – but you are still Lord (Psalm 24:1).


Therefore, I will exercise my power and authority to exemplify the reality of the fact that your Lordship is ever present.


  I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.



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Day 26 - Day of Servanthood

Day 26—The Day of Servanthood 

 Eved HaKadosh

Jesus, The Holy Servant – (Acts 4:27)

“Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed.”  Acts 4:27 NIV


 Read: Matthew 20:26-28 (NIV); I Corinthians 7:22 (NASV); Philippians 2:7 (NIV); I Corinthians 9:19 (NIV)



Prayer of Servanthood © 2003

(Extracted from my book, “Because I Know Your Word, I STAND” )


Father God I thank you for the opportunity to be used of the Holy Spirit to minister to your people.......


Therefore, I have come to the realization that if I am to lead effectively, I must first become a servant.  I will therefore refine my “servanthood mentality” to the upmost.                                                       

As I seek to obtain a more in-depth perception of those whom you have given me to serve, may I continue to curtail or “redirect” my own opinions.  May I submit to the spirit of humility that is required of me, to serve you effectively through serving them.


Lord, I realize the mandate on my life to constantly cultivate every area of my being.  I will never permit pride to mask itself in my life, thus enabling me to become nonchalant, self-satisfied, or complacent in my relationship with you.


You require an excellent commitment as a servant.  I therefore decree to align every aspect of my life to display the same.  I will continue to press into your sovereignty; as you servant.  I will lead with integrity, with expectation and with dedication…as your servant.  I am a faithful and obedient steward over all that you have positioned in my charge….as your servant This places me in the position to be totally used of you as your proficient servant at all times and in every situation that I may embark upon.


Daily may I continue to realize that I, if I am going to be your profitable servant, must strive, with my entire being to: love the unlovable, teach the unteachable, and reach the unreachable. Then and only then will I be able to demonstrate the servanthood qualities displayed by Christ, and have at my disposal the mentality to serve you to the fullest, by serving all men.


I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 24 - Day of Comfort

Day 24—The Day of Comfort

 “Jehovah El Ha-Melitz

…….My Lord, My God, My Comforter


(The Lord God my Comforter - Isaiah 51:12A)

                                     "I, even I, am the one who comforts you. Isaiah 51:12A


Read Psalm 91


Storms don’t come to last…they come to pass.


Therefore, Oh Lord, may we always retain our focus – regardless to the severity of any storm that we may encounter.  May we never permit the tragedies or the abrupt and sudden onset of negative situations; to overtake our minds or emotions.  May we always find the comfort and peace that we need, in our assurance of who you are our Jehovah El Ha-Melitz


Every storm has a purpose.   You have fore warned us that in this world we will have trouble, trials, and tribulations - storms.  However, you have also said to be of good cheer because you have overcome the world.  Therefore, since you have successfully overcome all that this world has presented to you – we also are overcomers.


When I reflect, I can hear my Grandmother saying that the darkest hour is just before dawn.  So Lord, may we always take comfort in knowing that the sun WILL always appear again.  May we perpetually find comfort in you, Jehovah El Ha-Melitz .  May we stand in the midst of every storm and still yet declare that you are Lord.  


May we also remember that every storm has been orchestrated with the correct timing and the correct nature to push us towards our destiny.  May we always trust and cling to your immutable anchor.  May we never cease to find solace in the guidance of your omniscient and omnipotent eye. 


You ARE– our COMFORTER, our LORD, our GOD…… our Jehovah El Ha-Melitz…. Hallelujah!


We decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 23 -The Day of Conscientiousness

 Elohim Kedoshim

(The Holy God)

 Joshua 24:19


 "And Joshua said unto the people, Ye cannot serve the LORD: for he is an holy God; he is a jealous God; he will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins."               Joshua 24:19


Read: Joshua 24


What is meant by the word “holy” or “holiness”?  These two words are two of the most misunderstood words in Christendom.  From God’s perspective; neither refers to an outward appearance, denomination, or anything that can be accomplished in our flesh.  True holiness is that quality within us that brings us to a conscious awareness of the sinless nature of our God.  It is then, because of that enlightenment, that we begin to transform and conform everything that is in us, to reflect the same.


Let our prayer for today be as follows.

Lord, when I begin to become conscientious of the awesomeness of God; I will with pleasure delight myself in Him and Him alone.  Not in Him AND whatever my flesh desires – but in Him alone.  I must always remember that it is a diabolical plot from the enemy, that causes me to allow my thoughts and actions, to challenge the Word of God.  I can no longer entertain thoughts that are contrary to the Word of God.  If my actions are going to change, my thought patterns must first be amended.  May I not remain so immature, as to not realize, that my strength and power, lies in the releasing of those concepts, motives and actions, that are not in accord with who God is.


May I from this day forward, ask you Lord, to increase my territory – the territory of my mind. That portion which stores and houses everything that I consider when I think about the word “holy”.  Since you have told me to be “holy” as you are Holy; and, without Holiness no man can see you; then this “holiness” attribute is one that I am well capable of accomplishing.  I know that these are the last days and that the end of time as I know it is fast approaching.  I am therefore determined, with urgency; to begin the process of renewing my mind; AGAIN! (Because I’m in a new place now.) Then, that conscientiousness obtained, will be displayed in accord with who you are, my Elohim Kedoshim, my HOLY GOD.


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen 

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Day 22- The Day of  Resurrection  

 “El Hay”

(The Living God – Joshua 3:10, Jeremiah 23:36, Daniel 3:26)

            “And Joshua said, Hereby ye shall know that the living God is among you, and that he will without fail drive out    

                   from before you the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Hivites, and the Perizzites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Jebusites.”   Joshua 3:10


      Read: Joshua 3


    To bring resurrection to something it must first be: dead, lying dormant, non-productive, insensitive, or non-responsive.  Therefore, every position, every platform, every angle from which I operate, must be brought into the alignment of what corresponds with “life”.  


Today is the day that I will look in retrospect at my life from my earliest remembrance.  I will search for those character qualities that were once common ground and associated with who I was.  Although there may have been instances when those character traits where “out of control”, I must now resurrect them by the power of you, El Hay. I must realize that since you instilled them in me – they are to be used for your glory.  Everything and anything that at one time may have been distorted; and used for the edification of the kingdom of darkness – and that I have discarded; must be resurrected and used for its intended purpose; which is the exaltation of your glory.


Since you, El Hay are the living God; and you dwell in me, I have the power of life within me.  I have the ability to effectively administer C.P.R. (Controlled Positioning & Restoration) to the heart of the many ideas, dreams, and aspirations that I have “placed on the shelf”.  I also have your God given authority, to take an affirmative position against the enemy and to place his attacks of death under “H.G.A.” (Holy Ghost Arrest).   I will never again permit him to intimidate me through disappointments, discouragement and the like.  


Because you live – I SHALL live.  Because you restore life – I SHALL restore life.  Because you produce rebirth – I SHALL produce rebirth. Because you generate revival – I SHALL generate revival.  It is because of whom you are, my El Hay; that I SHALL LIVE and not DIE, but efficiently and successfully declare the works that you have assigned to me.


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 21- The Day of Victory 

Day 21- The Day of Victory 

“There is no battle that I will become engaged in or encounter where I will not be victorious.”

Jehovah Izuz Wegibbor”

(The Lord Strong and Mighty – Psalm 24:8)

Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah”

(The Lord mighty in battle—Psalm 24:8)


“Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle!”     Psalm 24:8


Read: Psalm 24, Luke 10:19 & I John 5


Lord, as this period of Consecration concludes, may I never forget your revealed perceptions and character qualities.  Daily you were reminding me of who you are, and that you alone have the authority, the power, and the wisdom, to enable me to become victorious, in every situation.


So this “IS” a day of victory because you have equipped me with the proper tools to successfully stand against the wiles of the enemy.

As I encounter various attacks throughout this year, may I remain focused on every concept of who you are.  I have obtained an increased awareness of your omniscient presence.  Since you, working through your Son Jesus, have already successfully defeated every adverse force – may I never forget that I have a blood brought right to the same victorious state. HALLELUJAH!


I can only emerge from this consecration knowing that whatever I encounter at this stage; in this dimension—I will be victorious!   You have been revealing and re-establishing in me for these past 20 days, every facet of who you.    May I remain cognizant of the fact that I am required to stand firm and unmovable totally engulfed in who you are,  if I am going to maintain my effectiveness in the realm of the spirit.  I am therefore equipped with every tool which is now necessary for my advancement, my encouragement and to maintain my stamina in you. As one of the benefits of this consecration, I realize that I have been catapulted to an augmented plateau from which I will only ascend higher – never to return to my former status.


Because you are strong and mighty, because you are mighty in battle; I can truly proclaim….


Hallelujah—I AM VICTORIOUS!!!!


 …and I decree and declare that it is so in the name of Jesus….AMEN!!

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Day 19 - The Day of Remembering Israel

“Lord may your peace and blessings be on Jerusalem”

Jehovah Elohe Yisrael”

(The Lord God of Israel – Psalm 41:13)

“Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting, and to everlasting. Amen and Amen.”                           Psalm 41:13


Read: Psalm 41 & Psalm 122


I must not continue this consecration O Lord, without my focus including your original chosen nation. 


So on today I lift to you and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  May I always remember to include them in my times of intercession and thanksgiving.  I pray that your peace will invade both their natural and spiritual realms.  I pray that Jerusalem as a whole will begin to know and love your Son Jesus as their Saviour - thus receiving the true peace that only He can afford them. May they enjoy the benefits which result from a “peaceful mindset”… which has developed a spiritual appetite and acceptance of your Holy Spirit.  


Let me always remember that I have at my disposal that most powerful weapon available to assist my brothers and sisters in Jerusalem...  That weapon being prayer. 


So may we obey your word as recorded: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you. Peace be within your walls, Prosperity within your palaces. For the sake of my brethren and companions, I will now say, “Peace be within you” (Psalm 122:6-8).


 “May I also come into agreement with these words of Matthew Henry in regards to the peace of Jerusalem:

“Let us consider all who seek the glory of the Redeemer, as our brethren and fellow-travelers, without regarding differences which do not affect our eternal welfare. Blessed Spirit of peace and love, who didst dwell in the soul of the holy Jesus, descend into his church, and fill those who compose it with his heavenly tempers; cause bitter contentions to cease, and make us to be of one mind. Love of the brethren and love to God, ought to stir us up to seek to be like the Lord Jesus in fervent prayer and unwearied labour, for the salvation of men, and the Divine glory.”


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen

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Day 16 - The Day of Integrity

Day 16 - The Day of Integrity

 May I daily example to others a “lifestyle” of integrity.

Yahweh Sali”

(The Lord my rock. –Psalm 18:2)


The Lord is my Rock and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.                                           Psalm 18:2


Read: Psalm 18 & Psalm 34


The evidence that the Lord is my rock is proven and displayed to others by the degree of integrity that daily governs my life.   If the Lord is my rock, I will not fall prey to the mindsets of this world and its dishonest principles.  “IF" the Lord is my rock, I will not stand upon the motivations, nor, find rest in the comfort zones, of anything that doesn’t come into alignment with the integrity of His Kingdom Principles.


Therefore, as of today O Lord, may my every thought, motive and action  affirm the fact that my allegiance is based in integrity. It is the principles of your integrity that I run to daily to support and anchor me.  It is your integrity that I depend upon as my pillar, as my prop, as my leaning post, as my only genuine stake which possesses the ability to remain stable and non-influential in this ever - changing world.


It is only because of your revealed quality as Yahweh Sali, that I am capable of remaining unshaken in the midst of every storm. Even nature has revealed that in the eye of every hurricane or tornado is a place of total peace. I have discovered that it is the guidance of your eye, Yahweh Sali, which is capable of giving me total peace and stability when the turmoil and devastative effects of hurricanes and tornados manifest themselves in my life.   No matter what occurs, because of your integrity, towards me - I can always find comfort in the fact that you have hidden me in the “cleft of yourself” and permitted me to find safety in the “secret place” of who you are.  You have allowed me to abide under your shadow. It is in you that I can wholeheartedly trust.  


I have learned to live a lifestyle of integrity because my life is founded upon the foundation of the pillar of who you are.  I will never lower myself to the place where my level of honesty yields to: deceitfulness, cheating, deception or pretense.  May I never forget that because you are that Rock; I must apply the essence of who you are to my life.   Whatever composes the nature of a rock; those are the identical traits upon which I must build my standard of integrity. May I never forget that you have been and will always be the example of true integrity…. Therefore, YOU... my perpetual ROCK.  My integrity is solid…..as solid as a rock.

“On Christ the SOLID ROCK I stand….ALL, ALL, ALL other ground is sinking sand!”


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen!

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Day 15 - The Day of Breakthrough

Day 15 - The Day of Breakthrough 

“Breakthrough Oh Lord, so that I may break forth”

Yahweh Perazim ”

(The Lord of Breakthrough –II Samuel 5:20)


So David went to Baal Perazim, and there he defeated them. He said, "As waters break out, the LORD has broken out against my enemies before me……………… (II Samuel 5:20)


Read: II Samuel 5


As I enter this New Year – a time of fasting, and consecration; Lord I am requesting that you would permit the power of the Holy Ghost to “breakthrough” and to break up any negative residue that is still attempting to linger in my spirit.  Any lingering mindset that will prevent your power from having its full range in my spirit, Yahweh Perazim, I summit my will to you now, and request that you break through it.  Burst forth as the waters through an overly stretched dam.  Break forth with your explosive, uncontainable power. 


As you broke through and rescued David from his enemies, breakthrough the plans and devices that my enemy, the master deceiver, has concocted for my demise and destruction.   Break through every shackle that is still attached to my feet, thus attempting to prevent me from being in my “appointed places” at the correct times. Break through the thorns and thistles in the realm of the spirit, which produce the “snags” that permit me to misuse or waste valuable time.  Break through unhealthy, nonproductive relationships.  Break through every barrier and “smoke screen” that is hindering and blocking my vision - still preventing me from aggressively and confidently advancing.  Break through every negative spirit that the traditions of man have instilled in me, which are hindering the effectiveness of our twenty-first century church.  Yahweh Perazim, search my entire being, layer by layer.  Whatever concepts, precepts, ideologies, methodologies and the like, that are contrary to yours – break them up, move them out, replace them with your wisdom, knowledge and understanding.


And now Yahweh Perazim, as you break through, may I daily begin to perceive the results which are being produced from my enhanced position of power and authority.  May I begin to break forth into one who is: feared, detested, hated, envied and begrudged by the kingdom of darkness.  As you use me mightily, may I always remain cognizant and grateful to you, Yahweh Perazim - for your prodigious “break -through” anointing.  May I never become arrogant, conceited or heady – only more confident as I walk and rest in the freedom that only you have the ability to provide. 


 I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen


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Day 14 - The Day of Kindness

Day 14 - The Day of Kindness

“Kindness can only be sown from a heart that is tender.”

Elohay Chasdi”

(The God of my Kindness - Psalm 59:11)

Love is patient, love is kind…... I Corinthians 13:4


Read Psalm 59 & I Corinthians 13


It has been said that our actions speak louder than our words.  The Bible states, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32 NIV).  


Lord, may I remember, that when I constantly walk in a disposition of unforgiveness, haughtiness and arrogance; I am preventing myself from possessing the ability to express kindness to others.


So Lord, I ask that you reveal to me anything within me that is yet preventing me from the ability to show compassion, gentleness and consideration to EVERYONE.  May I not be biased in my actions; but develop the renewed mindset that has become yielding to the ability to express your unconditional love.


May the spirit of pride never mask itself in me, thus manifesting in an unkind, egotistical, conceited, rancorous, vindictive, narcissistic, overly confident, heart. 


May I never forget; because of my own pain, hurt or “convenient amnesia”, the countless acts of kindness that you have displayed and are yet displaying to me.  May I govern myself - and operate daily from a platform that will aggressively look for opportunities to express your kindness to others.


Lastly, may I receive your strength to endure all that this walk of kindness will present.  May I not become discouraged or bitter when my acts of kindness are met with a reciprocation of negative and adverse reactions with diabolical intent.  Elohay Chasdi, simply because you are a God of kindness; my determination is to be so engulfed with your presence that your kindness will have no other alternative than to flow from me to everyone that I encounter.  May your unconditional love be mirrored through me daily; thus producing a degree of kindness that will flow from me ….. UNCONDITIONALLY!


I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus.  Amen 

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