Apostle Claudia Boatwright's Posts (2508)

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Remember.... It's A Process!

Remember …..It’s A Process!

“Despise not the day of small beginnings……”  Zechariah 4:10


One vital piece of information that we must remember is that mighty oak trees are birthed from tiny acorns; and an apple orchard from one apple seed.   In other words, remember…it’s a process!


The embryotic stages of any living creature must be carefully guarded and protected to assure its ability…. once it reaches the stage of maturity; to successfully reproduce.  Each stage of development is vital. 


Sometimes we tend to forget that ministry also has its stages of development.  We forget that our spiritual walk has stages of development.  So don’t permit the spirit of abortion to have the victory in your life or ministry. Remember: Every one of us is unique – therefore our journey will not be a carbon copy of anyone else’s.    We must learn the art of being confident in whom we are in the Lord; using only His plumb line as our guide.  Far too often we feel as though because our ministry or our spirit walk is progressing slowly or not even showing any signs of progressing – that we should just give up.  However, growth initiates from the inside out.   It’s a process. 


When I was a school teacher, in our science class the children would plant seeds.  Sometimes they would want to throw the containers away when they didn’t see anything happening.  However, as they continued to care for them, they would eventually see a tiny sprout coming out of the soil…. And the excitement would begin!  They would then be able to see the evidence of the work that was already taking place under the surface.  We as adults, many times seem to forget those simplistic lessons that we’ve learned as children.  We tend to forget that the visible manifestation of anything is secondary…. And everything is a process.


Life is a waiting game.  However, when we have ENDURED as a good soldier (2 Timothy 2:3) – we will reap the harvest.  God has promised that we will reap in DUE season - however, only if we don’t permit that spirit of abortion to be victorious (Galatians 6:9).   God CAN’T lie (Numbers 23:19).  Therefore learn to wait on the Lord (Psalm 27:14; Isaiah 40:31). 


Remember…It’s a Process.  You must go THROUGH each stage of your process….because tomorrow’s success will stand tall on today’s perseverance!  

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Go With the Flow!

Go With the Flow!

“See, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? …. “    Isaiah 43:19 NIV


Don’t fight the change! Saints….especially those of you who are actively serving in Leadership; it is imperative that   you become more characteristic of the flow of electricity.  The electrical current will follow down the path of least resistance. 


I’m sure that most of you have noticed the recent atmospheric occurrences which have transpired.  Therefore, because there has been a major shifting in the realm of the spirit; we are in a new place.   We are therefore experiencing and sensing the “newness” all around us.  We must remember that change is attempting to materialize in all things and in everything which concerns us.  The Lord is saying, “Don’t fight the change….just go with the flow!”.


Many times we will gladly welcome change - in some areas, but resist it in others.  “Don’t fight the change”. 


Ok…. let’s refocus our minds back to thinking about electricity.  Why do people get shocked?  One of the reasons is that they interfere with the flow of the electrical current.  The Lord has permitted the release of a new flow; a different type of flow.  Saints, stay in the flow!  Avoid getting shocked!


Years ago, there were occurrences when we would to listen to a radio station or television broadcast and we would hear a sound that we called static.  This sound is produced because something has interfered with the natural flow of the sound waves or the current.  The sound of static is not the problem.  The sound of static is the indication that there was a problem.  The problem is that something has caused a stillness; an interference; or a break in the flow of the electrical current.  In other words, the static is relaying to us that there has been a change in the flow.  Something is resisting, fighting against and interfering with the natural flow.   The static is communicating that something needs to be altered.


Saints, (especially Leaders), don’t become the cause of static in your ministry.  Don’t fight the change.  Go with the flow of the Holy Ghost.  Our increase in every area of our lives can only be received when we are pliable enough to go with the flow and not become our own hindrance.


Don’t wait for the lack of sound … or the sound of static…… Flow along the path of least resistance in the realm of the Spirit.  This flow will not be familiar to your natural man or mindset; but within your spirit you will receive an affirmative confirmation that it is from the Lord. This flow will require major adjustments.  However your successfulness as an endtime warrior is dependent upon your ability to swiftly adapt and adjust to the new flow.


When uncertain – enter into a season of consecration to receive specific instructions.  Remember go with the flow of the Holy Spirit – whether it be upstream or across stream!  Just as in the natural – when we go against the current or the flow….we will receive an indication that we’ve interrupted the flow.  That indication is referred to as a “shock”.  There may be times when the Lord will need to send us a spiritual shock to bring us to a state of alertness.


Let’s listen to the Lord.  Let’s avoid interrupting or causing an interference in what the Lord is now permitting to transpire.  Let’s get in the current…...prevent getting shocked.   Let’s just go with the flow and be guided by the eye of the Lord!


“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.”

Psalm 32:8

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Go With the Flow!

Go With the Flow!

“See, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? …. “    Isaiah 43:19 NIV


Don’t fight the change! Saints….especially those of you who are actively serving in Leadership; it is imperative that   you become more characteristic of the flow of electricity.  The electrical current will follow down the path of least resistance. 


I’m sure that most of you have noticed the recent atmospheric occurrences which have transpired.  Therefore, because there has been a major shifting in the realm of the spirit; we are in a new place.   We are therefore experiencing and sensing the “newness” all around us.  We must remember that change is attempting to materialize in all things and in everything which concerns us.  The Lord is saying, “Don’t fight the change….just go with the flow!”.


Many times we will gladly welcome change - in some areas, but resist it in others.  “Don’t fight the change”. 


Ok…. let’s refocus our minds back to thinking about electricity.  Why do people get shocked?  One of the reasons is that they interfere with the flow of the electrical current.  The Lord has permitted the release of a new flow; a different type of flow.  Saints, stay in the flow!  Avoid getting shocked!


Years ago, there were occurrences when we would to listen to a radio station or television broadcast and we would hear a sound that we called static.  This sound is produced because something has interfered with the natural flow of the sound waves or the current.  The sound of static is not the problem.  The sound of static is the indication that there was a problem.  The problem is that something has caused a stillness; an interference; or a break in the flow of the electrical current.  In other words, the static is relaying to us that there has been a change in the flow.  Something is resisting, fighting against and interfering with the natural flow.   The static is communicating that something needs to be altered.


Saints, (especially Leaders), don’t become the cause of static in your ministry.  Don’t fight the change.  Go with the flow of the Holy Ghost.  Our increase in every area of our lives can only be received when we are pliable enough to go with the flow and not become our own hindrance.


Don’t wait for the lack of sound … or the sound of static…… Flow along the path of least resistance in the realm of the Spirit.  This flow will not be familiar to your natural man or mindset; but within your spirit you will receive an affirmative confirmation that it is from the Lord. This flow will require major adjustments.  However your successfulness as an endtime warrior is dependent upon your ability to swiftly adapt and adjust to the new flow.


When uncertain – enter into a season of consecration to receive specific instructions.  Remember go with the flow of the Holy Spirit – whether it be upstream or across stream!  Just as in the natural – when we go against the current or the flow….we will receive an indication that we’ve interrupted the flow.  That indication is referred to as a “shock”.  There may be times when the Lord will need to send us a spiritual shock to bring us to a state of alertness.


Let’s listen to the Lord.  Let’s avoid interrupting or causing an interference in what the Lord is now permitting to transpire.  Let’s get in the current…...prevent getting shocked.   Let’s just go with the flow and be guided by the eye of the Lord!


“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.”

Psalm 32:8

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Encourage, Enlighten, Empowered

Encourage, Enlighten, Empowered

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus….” Philippians 2:5a


During my prayer time one morning, I heard these three words: encourage, enlighten and empowered.   The Lord has said that in this season; if we can embrace the essence of these words…..  permitting their meanings to become as one anchor… we will obtain the ability to stand firmly in any situation.


First, I must learn how to truly encourage myself….as David did (I Samuel 30:6). Because of the rapidity of events in the realm of the spirit and in the natural; unless we establish a pattern of daily renewing our minds with the Word of God; depression, oppression and the like will attempt to take residence within our minds.  However we must not allow our attentions to wander, nor our allegiance to the Lord to become altered.  We must maintain an attitude of gratefulness.  Remember to speak over yourself and encourage yourself …..REGARDLESS!


Next, we must daily seek to educate ourselves concerning some subject. Enlarge the territory of your mind! (I Chronicles 4:9 & 10).   Never let a day end without having learning something new.  Be determined that you will learn at least one new thing every day.  When we don’t actively use our minds, because of the inactivity of certain brain cells; we have opened the door to various psychological disorders.  To become enlightened concerning any subject on a daily basis only requires one key element…. Discipline! 


Lastly, I must remember that I have already been empowered to accomplish EVERY task that I may encounter.   I will triumph in every situation!  (II Corinthians 2:14). God has given to me the power and the authority to successfully triumph in every situation.  However… when I am uncertain concerning this; I will permit the enemy to make me think that he has the upper hand.  We have the power…we have already been empowered.  Therefore, we must stand in the midst of any and every situation……commanding it to come into an alignment with what the Lord has said.  Our dilemmas don’t surface because of a lack of power.  However the restraint on the manifestation of our power could very well be: fear; a lack of wisdom; or a lack of correct information.


Therefore, it I encourage myself; become more enlighten; and walk in the empowered state that the Lord has already given unto me…..I can’t be defeated!  When my mind has truly been renewed to this position…… and I used these words as my foundation…… then I have become that feared individual that the enemy’s camp so dreads!!!


“The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight.” Proverbs 4:7 (ESV)

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Check Your Connections!

Check Your Connections!

 “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, unless He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7


Would you like to know the newspaper headlines for tomorrow?  What if your country’s security intelligence forces had the proper connections in advance to focus on where the next terrorist attack would occur …. Or the next major local catastrophe?  It doesn’t matter the situation; proper preparation requires that I get connected to the correct source.  When I am properly connected I can advance to my next place in the realm of the spirit; in peace and harmony…. On time!


The Lord loves us to the extent that He doesn’t want us to become alarmed or caught by surprise with the negative occurrences which will transpire in the future.  He has promised to inform us of His intentions. However we must avail ourselves to those to whom He has given the ear to hear His prophetic voice.  It is imperative in this season that we get connected to those who can authentically represent and relay the voice of the Lord concerning the future.  We must get connected to those who have truly been anointed by God and have the ability to communicate to us His specifics concerning future events.


As I have so often said, the time to prepare for the calamity is prior to its occurrence. Our successful survival is dependent upon our ability to be proactive– rather than reactive; to be prepared rather that caught by surprise when major tragedies occur.  So now is the time to connect or to re-connect. 


  • Get connected to someone who can correlate their insights concerning the future to the Word of God.
  • Get connected to someone who has a proven positive track record.
  • Get connected to someone who is willing to teach and lead by example; rather than just prophesy.
  • Above all, get connected to the person (or persons) that the Lord is leading you to - not necessarily the person that is the most popular – but the person with whom the Lord validates within your spirit.


We can possess proper and powerful tools; however without the intervention of our God given connection(s), our production will be limited or possibly non-existent.    For example; one may purchase the finest electrical equipment possible.  However if they have no means of receiving an electrical current; if they can’t get connected to a working power source; their tools are useless! 


So in this season… check your connections.  It is possible that the hindrance that you are encountering could simply be that it’s time to amend those to whom you are connected.  Sometimes we are trying to fix and patch up something that has served its purpose and needs to be discarded, replaced or upgraded.


As we approach the ending of this year begin to survey your connections.  Ask the Lord for the wisdom and the grace to “clean house” in the realm of the spirit.  Examination your connections   and terminate those that the Lord deems are no longer beneficial.  Trust in the Lord ….He has never, nor will He ever steer you to the wrong connections.

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:  And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.”   I John 4:1-3

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Dead or Dormant???

Dead or Dormant?

Read Ephesians 6:10-18


As we progress and grow towards becoming that “profitable” servant; we should discover that many of our ungodly habits and desires appear to no longer be present…which is a great accomplishment.  However, as my Grandmother would say, “Every shut eye ain’t sleep”.


The Lord wants to deliver us from everything that would hinder our walk with Him.  Yet in many instances, we have mistaking thought that we have been delivered from a particular spirit when we really haven’t. Sometimes we’ve eliminated the fruit – but not the root.  For example, we may have seemingly had an issue with: uncontrolled anger, envy, or extreme competition. However, we may not realize that these are only the fruit which have been produced.  The seed or master spirit here may be jealousy.  So I may have dealt with the fruit – yet the root is still lying dormant within me – waiting….sometimes for years to manifest itself again in a different type of fruit.  (I’m really trying to keep this as elementary as possible… I know that some of you have no clue as to what in the world I’m referring to!  However, just hang in there…put this one on the shelf and come back to it later! LOL!)   


So we must ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us any of the areas in our lives where we think that we have received a “healing”, or deliverance.  (Now…if you are one of those “perfect” people who really can’t see any areas in our life – let me help you a little. Your number one culprit is pride!)  We must make certain that whatever appears to no longer be prevalent in our lives, is truly dead….and not just still sitting around….dormant.


Therefore, because we are living in these endtimes, we can’t make assumptions.  We must make certain that total deliverance has occurred in various areas of our lives – and that we are truly dead in those areas.  We can’t afford to have an issue surface – that we thought was gone!


Lastly, the Lord is telling me to remind/inform you that deliverance will not be obtained through professional counseling.  Spirits can’t be counseled! Attempting to counsel a spirit is synonymous to applying a band-aid to a broken leg and wondering why it won’t heal; or why it healed improperly!   However, once a spirit is dead (and not dormant)….then we can seek the proper counseling. (Luke 11:24-26)


So just be certain that issues that you once encountered; without regards to how major or minor they may seem to be;… have truly been bound and cast out….. and that they are not merely lying dormant….. awaiting an opportunity to surface ….at just the WRONG time!

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Don't Miss The Sound!

Don’t Miss The Sound!


“And when you shall HEAR the sound of marching in the top of the mulberry trees, then you shall advance quickly.”  I Chronicles 14:15


The Lord, our Baal Perazim (the God of Breakthrough) is confirming His position in our current battle.  Just as He was with David, He is reminding us that His wisdom still supersedes that of the adversary. 


When reading this story in I Chronicles (or II Samuel) we discovered that Baal Perazim required  David’s response  to be quick and at precisely the right time.  Let’s consider David’s responsibility.

  1. David had to know the voice of the Lord.
  2. David had to remain alert and attentive in the realm of the spirit.
  3. David had to already have his weapons and be positioned offensively.


When we attempt to correlate this story to our daily lives, we must remember that:

  1. David sought the Lord for direction prior to the onset of the battle.
  2. The Lord went before David and “Broke Through” the front line of the enemy’s defense.
  3. Whatever the Lord has done before, He still has the power to do again.


I found it interesting that David was told to LISTEN for a certain sound. If we are going to know exactly when to advance, conquer and reclaim our territory; then we must critique or fine tune our ability to recognize a specific sound. Far too often we are listening to and follow the wrong sound!  David’s specific sound was the sound of marching.  Are you aware of the sound that God is using in your life as a form of confirmation? 


Next, the sound was in a designated place - the tree tops.  Not on the ground, nor in the air, but in the top of the mulberry trees.  This fact reminds us that the specific sound will resonate from a specific destination.


So because Baal Perazim had already preceded David, he (David) was able to be victorious.

Our God is still operating as Baal Perazim today.  He has broken through the front line of defense in our enemy’s territory and is permitting us to recover all!  But we must LISTEN for our specific marching orders.


Don’t permit a delay in your recovery because you didn’t hear or recognize the voice of God concerning His specific instruction; advising you how and when to advance - and recover all!


Just as David did…. Seek the face of God, Listen for the Sound, and March your way to victory.  


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Don’t Miss The Sound!


“And when you shall HEAR the sound of marching in the top of the mulberry trees, then you shall advance quickly.”  I Chronicles 14:15


The Lord, our Baal Perazim (the God of Breakthrough) is confirming His position in our current battle.  Just as He was with David, He is reminding us that His wisdom still supersedes that of the adversary. 


When reading this story in I Chronicles (or II Samuel) we discovered that Baal Perazim required  David’s response  to be quick and at precisely the right time.  Let’s consider David’s responsibility.

  1. David had to know the voice of the Lord.
  2. David had to remain alert and attentive in the realm of the spirit.
  3. David had to already have his weapons and be positioned offensively.


When we attempt to correlate this story to our daily lives, we must remember that:

  1. David sought the Lord for direction prior to the onset of the battle.
  2. The Lord went before David and “Broke Through” the front line of the enemy’s defense.
  3. Whatever the Lord has done before, He still has the power to do again.


I found it interesting that David was told to LISTEN for a certain sound. If we are going to know exactly when to advance, conquer and reclaim our territory; then we must critique or fine tune our ability to recognize a specific sound. Far too often we are listening to and follow the wrong sound!  David’s specific sound was the sound of marching.  Are you aware of the sound that God is using in your life as a form of confirmation? 


Next, the sound was in a designated place - the tree tops.  Not on the ground, nor in the air, but in the top of the mulberry trees.  This fact reminds us that the specific sound will resonate from a specific destination.


So because Baal Perazim had already preceded David, he (David) was able to be victorious.

Our God is still operating as Baal Perazim today.  He has broken through the front line of defense in our enemy’s territory and is permitting us to recover all!  But we must LISTEN for our specific marching orders.


Don’t permit a delay in your recovery because you didn’t hear or recognize the voice of God concerning His specific instruction; advising you how and when to advance - and recover all!


Just as David did…. Seek the face of God, Listen for the Sound, and March your way to victory.  


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Intregrity Must Be Displayed

Integrity Must Be Displayed

May I daily mirror and display a “lifestyle” of integrity.

Yahweh Sali”

(The Lord my rock. –Psalm 18:2)


The Lord is my Rock and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.                                           Psalm 18:2


Read: Psalm 18 & Psalm 34


When we disrespect those who are in authority concerning us – and influence others to do the same; we are in walking in open rebellion.    At this point, WE have opened an entrance for the enemy to come in; take off his shoes and have a cup of cappuccino!   However, more importantly, we are also displaying the fact that the Lord is still not our rock.  We are not walking in the level of integrity that will permit us to stand undefeated in these last days.


The evidence that the Lord is my rock is proven and displayed to others by the degree of integrity that daily governs my life.   If the Lord is my rock, I will not fall prey to the mindsets of this world and its dishonest principles.  “IF" the Lord is my rock, I will not stand upon the motivations, nor, find rest in the comfort zones, of anything that doesn’t come into alignment with the integrity of His Kingdom Principles.  My level of integrity must excel the mere living a lifestyle that others can observe as being that of a “Christian”.  I must be an open display in the realm of the spirit; to every diabolical force; that my dedication to the Lord is authentic.


Therefore, as of today O Lord, may my every thought, motive and action affirm the fact that you are truly my rock.  It is you that I run to daily to support and anchor me.  It is you that I depend upon as my pillar, as my prop, as my leaning post, as my only genuine stake; which possesses the ability to remain stable and unyielding in this ever - changing world.


It is only because of your revealed quality as Yahweh Sali, that I am capable of remaining unshaken in the midst of every storm. Even nature has revealed that in the eye of every hurricane or tornado is a place of total peace. I have discovered that it is the guidance of your eye, Yahweh Sali, which is capable of giving me total peace and stability when the turmoil and devastative effects of spiritual or natural tsunamis manifest themselves in my life.   No matter what occurs, because of your integrity, - I can always find comfort in the fact that you have hidden me in the “cleft of yourself” and permitted me to find safety in the “secret place” of who you are.  You have allowed me to abide under your shadow. It is in you that I can wholeheartedly trust.   May I never forget that you have been and will always be my perpetual ROCK.


“On Christ the SOLID ROCK I stand….ALL, ALL, ALL other ground is sinking sand!”


Therefore, I will perpetually keep myself under the restraints of the Holy Ghost; who will assure me the power to walk in the level of integrity; that permits the Lord to be visibly displayed in every circumstance and situation that I may daily encounter.

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Nobody Greater!!!

Nobody Greater!!!

Lord, you are supreme in power & position.

Elhoy Marom”

(The God of heights – Micah 6:6)


As this text is researched, we can observe that the word “height” here signifies supremacy of power and position.


So Lord, may I now align and place everything under the authority of who you are.  May I never exalt the power of my thoughts or actions above what your word demonstrates and declares.


I will no longer surrender to; and I forbid, any other power to rule or to reign in my life.  My acceptance of your sovereignty and my knowledge of your omnipotence validate who you are.  I ask that those character qualities fully infiltrate my every thought.  May I renew my mind to the extent that I have reworded my vocabulary to release from my mouth, only the words that will reflect what your Word declares.


There is no other; nor has there ever been; nor will there ever be; any force; - visible or invisible, that is able to be in comparison with who you are.  Your attributes reveal that you are matchless. Therefore you are the monarch, the exalted one.  We could climb up to the highest mountain; even search the lowest valley….  And the supremacy of your power and authority would yet reveal that… There’s NOBODY GREATER THAN YOU!


May I continuous position my spirit to operate in submission only to your sovereign reign, your absolute authority and your ultimate guidance… For YOU ALONE ARE GREAT!



"You Are God Alone" (Marvin Sapp)
There's no question of Your greatness, no searching of Your power.
All the wonder of Your glory, to You forty years is but one hour.
Your knowledge is all encompassing, to Your wisdom there is no end;
For You alone are God, You are God alone.

Your mercy is everlasting; Your truth is here always.
You are He who was and is, and is to come.
Who is He that can number you day, You've flung the sun to burn in space,
And the night's moon powers light from day; You are God alone.

Now unto the King, eternal, immortal, invisible,
The only wise God, the only wise God;
You alone are God, For You are God alone.

Be all glory and honor, dominion, and power - forever and ever, amen.

For You alone are God, You are God alone!

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                                                                                Psalm 107:1

                                               “O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good”


                         T- TRIUMPH (2 Corinthians 2:14)

       Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ,


                       H - HOPE (Psalm 39:7 )

      And now, LORD, what wait I for? My hope is in Thee.


                       A -  ASSURANCE (I John 5:14)

      And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us


                       N - NO GOOD THING (Psalm 84:11b)

      For the Lord God is a sun and shield; …No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.


                       K - KINGDOM PRINCIPLES (Matthew 6:10)

      Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.


                       S -  SHOUT (Psalm 47:1)

      O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the triumph.


                       G - GIVE (Luke 6:38)

       Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over


                       I -   I CAN DO ALL THINGS (Philippians 4:13)

        I can do everything through him who gives me strength.


                        V - VICTORY (Psalm 44:5)

      Through thee will we push down our enemies: through thy name will we tread them under that rise up against us.


                      I -  INTERCESSORS (Romans 8:26)

       But the Spirit himself makes intercession for us


                      N -  NO WEAPON (Isaiah 54:17)

        No weapon formed against you shall prosper,


                      G  - GOODNESS (Psalm 23: 6)

        Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.


May Your Thanksgiving Day Celebration be one of true thankfulness for the Kingdom benefits that we all.., as Saints of the Most High God can share and appreciate!



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Don’t Allow the Problem to Steal Your Peace!


Great peace have they which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them”

Nothing can entice them to sin – Nor can the sins of others cause them to fall.

 Psalm 119:165


Our Christian walk is one that is very complex; possessing multifaceted combinations of ideas, concepts and percepts.   Therefore it is vital for every successful Christian to undergo a complete “makeover” if they are going to operate from the plateau that the Lord has decreed.  We must realize that we need to embrace a complete transformation beginning with our minds.  Now for some.. this was easier than for others.   Sadly to say, there are those who have been studying the word of God  for many years; …and are still having difficulty with comprehending the plans, purposes and intent of God.


 So… along this road as we journey towards our divine destiny; our minds must be renewed because there are mindsets that have been engrafted in us through our entire lives which must now be uprooted and replaced with those that are decreed by God. For example; We’ve been taught to think for ourselves and to use our own brains.  Now the Lord is telling us  – not to think for ourselves nor lean to our own understanding. We’ve been taught to govern everything using our five senses.  But God tells us to trust and adhere to a force which operates outside of the perimeter of those senses.  We’ve been taught to fear spirits and the like.  Now the Lord – whom we can’t see; is telling us to trust in the leadings and guiding of a Spirit. .. that we can’t see.  Also… we were taught to defend ourselves by avenging people for the wrongs done to us.  From childhood we were taught, “If somebody hits you…you better hit them back.”  But the Lord said that vengeance belongs to him. 


When we stop and really think about it, we can understand why our minds must be renewed.  We can truly understand that God’s ways are contrary to those that we have spent a lifetime adhering to. 


We also must learn not to worry.  When we can finally grasp the concept of God’s love for us….we will understand that the problems in life are only problems when we view them from our old mindsets and from the point of not fully understanding who God is.  Nothing in our lives occurs without the knowledge and approval of God.  Now, no God doesn’t send calamities and such….  But He will permit them and use them for His glory….( that’s another lesson for another time!)


So because God loves us, He has warned us that in this world we will have tribulations  - but the statement doesn’t end there.  It continues – but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.


Ok….so what is God saying?.. “ Don’t allow your problem(s) to steal your   peace.”  We must always remember that we have an enemy who has one thing in mind – and that is to make us doubt and distrust what God has said.


The two words problem and peace are words that everyone can relate to. 

But I need you to know that every problem that occurs in your life is preordained by the Lord to push you and enable you understand and to walk in His peace.


Life is full of situations, which if we are not alert in the realm of the spirit – will cause us to view them as problems instead of opportunities for God to manifest his peace.  The choice is yours.


How do we not allow the enemy to steal our peace?

  1. Daily renewing our mind with the word of God.
  2. Refusing to be confrontational – Know who you are. (Matthew 5:25a)
  3. Reminding yourself that you are in a spiritual battle – that our war is not against flesh and blood.
  4. Rehearsing in your mind and out loud the promises of God
  5. Remembering…Whatever is dominate in your mind will rule – what are you watching on TV, Listening to on your ipod, etc..?  If I am constantly listening to, reading or watching the incorrect material, I might be opening the door to fear and allowing the negative opinions of others to cause me worry.


Peace – is a mindset.  As I’ve often said… It is not the absence of adverse situations  - but it is the mindset that ALL IS WELL.,REGARDLESS!  So if I am walking in a lifestyle that is in accord with the Lord’s guidelines – I can claim the promises of God.  He has promised that I will ALWAYS prevail!


Just because the battle is intense, don’t allow the problem to steal your promise,

Just because the journey is long, don’t allow the problem to steal your promise

Just because the road is lonely, don’t allow the problem to steal your promise,

Just because it appears that things are not going to work out don’t allow the problem to steal your promise,



His peace will prevail…..it you demand and command it to do so!!!

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God Has Chosen YOU.....

“God Has Chosen U…So Get To Steppin!!


Read: I Corinthians 12:14-28


Many times when we think about those who the Lord uses for and in ministry, we think that He only wants to use those who have certain qualifications.  We think that He wants those who: have made various educational accomplishments; have had extreme experiences; have eloquent speak or melodious voices, etc.   But I need to bring to your remembrance that, God Has chosen U!  So Get To Steppin…


You must remember that nothing you do or say surprises God. Before the foundation of this world – He established and placed in motion everything that you needed to be who He has called you to be.  The problem is, far too often, we have permitted the opinions of others and even sometimes our own opinions, to make us think that someone else is better equipped to fulfill a specific work for the Lord.


When must never forget that as the text implies God has given to each of us the gift that He knows will best suite us.  Everyone has at least one gift.


So, the next time you feel like God can’t use you; just refer to the list below.  Some of you have seen it before, but it serves as an excellent reminder to us that God can use whomever HE desires to use.  Now…. don’t use this list as an excuse to sin! However, just know that your struggles should not be the excuse for you to shun away for your calling. 


Remember that:  Abraham thought that he was too old; Sarah mocked God and laughed at His promise; Isaac was a daydreamer; Jacob was a liar; Noah got drunk; Leah was ugly; Joseph was abused and he had a prison record; Moses stuttered; Gideon was afraid; Samson had long hair and was a womanizer; Rahab was a prostitute; Jeremiah and Timothy were both thought to be too young; David had an affair and was a murderer; Elijah was suicidal; Isaiah preached naked; Jonah ran from God; Naomi was a widow; Job went bankrupt; Peter denied Christ; The Disciples fell asleep while praying; Martha worried about everything; The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once; Zaccheus was too small; Paul was a boring, long winded preacher; Timothy had ulcers; Lazarus was dead and Peter had a quick temper!


Just as God used these people in Biblical times – he is using us today – REGARDLESS!  Now, remember, we are not to continue in the sins of our past or current lives – but we are never to allow the enemy to tell us that God can’t use us, because of our past or because of the struggles that we are still overcoming.


Romans 5:8 reminds us of God’s love for us.  While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. While we were yet sinners God decided to use us for His glory!  We are a team.   On a team, there are different members and each plays a different role. Individual team members can win trophies.   This is great.  However, we are working to win a championship.   Championships are only won by teams.  They are won when the team pulls together; everyone doing their assigned job; to the best of their ability.


So….you’ve got to get to steppin in your neighborhood; you’ve got to get to steppin on your job; you’ve got to get to steppin in your family; and above all…you’ve got to get to steppin in your church.


Lastly, you must remember and say; without the input of the gift that the Lord has given to me; my team will have difficulty and will not win its championship.  We are all working for the same common goal.  We are all on the same team….but without just one player, YOU… the championship can’t be awarded!  You are very much needed to assist your team of “born again believers” to uproot every diabolical plan of our adversary. Whatever gift that you possess, and the devil has made you think, that it isn’t really important – that very gift is the missing link!


Yes, God has called YOU….So Get To Steppin!!!!

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Embracing God's Truth

Embracing God’s Truth

Today, Lord I embrace your truth.


(Lord God of truth - Psalm 31:5)

“Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.”                                                                                                                                    Psalm 25:5


Read Psalm 31


Within today’s arena, there has been such a distortion of what is really “truth”, that without the indwelling guidance and direction of Holy Spirit we will begin to adopt the spirit of error.


Many foundational concepts that were once upheld as the truth have now been replaced with the cunning influences of the enemy.    Not only has our government and its judicial system strayed from the truth, what is even more disheartening is that the body of Christ is beginning to lose its creditability concerning what is truth.


We must now as never before plunge into the truth of God which He has revealed to us in His Word.   We must embrace it with a “bulldog” type of tenacity.   As we embrace what is truth, it then becomes our responsibility to enlighten those with whom we come in contact with.  It is our mandate to read the truth, understand the truth, and above all apply the truth to every area of our lives. 


As the fast approaching end of time as we now know it draws nigh, the kingdom of darkness will cunningly attempt to discredit the truth even the more.  However, God is truth and we must continue to proclaim His truth; avail ourselves of His truth and uphold His authentic Kingdom principles which He has given to us.


If we adhere to the truth and allow it to infiltrate our minds, then we will have to ability to discern error immediately.  SAINTS don’t be blindsided – this is an urgent plea.  We cannot afford to be passively ignorant concerning what is truth.  Time is of a grave essence.  We MUST, by any and every means necessary “raise the bar” and live daily a life founded on “JEHOVAH El EMETH”.  We must adhere to the foundational principles that our forefathers upheld as truth… and not be persuaded nor swayed by any revised or newly accepted notions  of what has not been previously presented as truth.


       “ Lord, enable me to have a keener endtime discernment; that will birth within me the ability to rapidly and accurately distinguish what you have established as “truth”…… live therein and enlighten others…… while encouraging them to do the same as well.”

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Her Tears, Her Hair, Her Kiss

Her Tears, Her Hair, Her Kiss

“And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.”

                                                                                                                       Luke 7:38


When we refer to the story in Luke 7:38, our focus is usually drawn to the alabaster box and the oil therein.  However, today (Because we do things differently), we will briefly draw our attention to a few other key factors.


Most of us don’t know who this “nameless” woman was in the story – however, we all know what she did.  This brings us to our first point.  Strive to be motivated from a pure heart of submission and gratitude.  Then your works will make a perpetual impact for generations to come.  “Who” you are may be forgotten – but “What” you do should leave an indelible imprint in the sands of time.


Her Tears –When we seek to understand the shedding of tears, we could embark upon an in-depth study.  However, tears are often synonymous with brokenness and extreme gratefulness.  Such was the state of the woman in our story.  Her tears were not tears of sorrow; but of extreme humility.

Her Hair - In Biblical days, the women of this culture took great pride in their hair and would often create and arrange it into various styles.   They exhibited a great deal of maintenance into it and definitely regarded it as their glory.


Now let’s think about “The Kiss”.  Her kiss. Her final expression of submission, compassion, adoration, gratitude and closure. 


The washing of Jesus’ feet although symbolic in nature; examples to us an array of expressions which can greatly enhance our relationship with the Lord.  The three main examples for today are:

  1. We must approach the Lord in a state of brokenness, submission and repentance.
  2. Nothing that belongs to me, nothing that I possess, should I withhold from the Lord.  Whatever I take pride in, whatever I glory in, should willingly be used for Him.
  3. My mouth must remain at the feet of Jesus.  My words must remain under the subjection of what will represent all that He stands for.   Whatever I kiss (place my stamp of approval on) must come into an alignment with the walk of Christ.  My kiss must not be one of betrayal….but a signal or an expression which has been motivated by an inward transformation.


Therefore, because of my internal brokenness, and because I’ve surrendered my dearest possession to the Lord, He will receive what I affirm with my mouth. 


So…. when I humbly bow; when I’ve kissed the feet of Jesus, I am now positioned to be totally used of Him to make that endtime, undeniable, unforgettable impact….. An impact that will cause an elevation in the level of my faith and produce the manifestation, signs and wonders which will get the attention of the saved, unsaved and the unchurched!



(On another note: We always remember that Jesus washed the feet of His disciples – but we must also remember that He permitted His feet to be washed as well!) 

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Heavy Weights Build Strong Muscles

Heavy Weights Build Strong Muscles

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; Romans 5:3


In earlier years we used to sing a song entitled, “Jacob’s Ladder”.  It was one of those songs which had a seemingly endless amount of verses.  Each verse would end with the statement, “Soldiers of the Cross”.  At that time, I didn’t fully understand the concepts that were attempting to be expressed and impressed upon us. 


Today we have saints who fail to realize that they are “soldiers of the cross”. As a soldier, I must understand the fact that God has orchestrated every test, trial and difficult situation, for no other reason than to build my spiritual muscles.


Far too often we have only obtained the ability to successfully lift a ten pound weight in the realm of the spirit.  Then, we seem amazed when we are confronted with a situation requiring the ability to lift fifty pounds and we are unsuccessful – often blaming God for our inabilities and fallacies.  Sadly to say, I constantly observe Saints who are enduring very rigorous physical exercises and toning every physical muscle – however their spiritual muscles are flabby, weak and are in deplorable condition!  Physical exercise is extremely important – however we must exert MORE into the development and the conditioning of our spiritual muscles than those of our physical bodies.


So how do we begin to build up our spiritual muscles? 

  1. Trusting in our own relationship with the Lord.  As a babe in Christ, it was tolerable for us to always run and whine to other Saints with our problems and difficult situations.  However, when will you begin to trust and validate your own relationship with the Lord?  When will you begin to lift those heavier weights in the realm of the Spirit and really believe who and whose you are?  When will you believe what YOU say to the extent that you will KNOW because of your relationship with the Lord that whatever you’ve asked…. it’s done!?  When will you begin to build those muscles of faith and realize that God has given to you the power to only SPEAK to every adverse situation and command that the promises prevail ?                                                                                                      I can attest to the fact that in extremely difficult situations, I’ve sought the Lord; trusted in Him and Him alone – without sharing the information with anyone else…. and He has NEVER failed. Sure, at the onset, my faith hadn’t matured to this level…. it was a process that had to begin at some point. When we ask God for something; and then proceed to ask someone else; that’s an indication that our spiritual muscles need to be toned.  In other words, that’s symbolic of asking your earthly father for something; and then, once you’ve asked him… you run off and ask someone else to accommodate you.  Would that occur?  Absolutely not!  ….Only if your doubted him or felt as though he was incapable of producing your request.    So it is with our Heavenly father.  We must learn to trust Him with the assurance that He WILL grant our every request (that is in alignment with His word). His integrity is beyond reproach.  We can’t forget that we are joint heirs with His Son; and we must believe in our own relationship with Him. Of course thoughts will come and attempt to weaken your faith.  However we must be determine to lift those heavy weights by standing on the Word of God – if we are going to have those strong muscles. 

 (Now if you feel as though your walk isn’t strong enough yet for you to stand alone or your faith hasn’t progressed to this level yet; by all means seek for and request the assistance of others who are stronger than you are.  However, we must be determined not to be “co-dependent” upon anyone…other than the Holy Spirit!)


Yes, we are climbing a Spiritual ladder where every round gets higher and higher.  The song Jacob’s Ladder also asked the question, “Do you think you’ll make a good soldier?”


As we lift the heavy weights in the realm of the Spirit, we will build those strong muscles which will enable us to effectively, successfully and strategically stand as an endtime soldier.  Then we will have merited the ability to respond with the concluding verses of the song by responding, “Yes I know I’ll make a good soldier”.  Then and only then will we be able to come into agreement with the last verse…. and totally “Rise, Shine, and Give God the Glory”.


To be continued…..

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God's Jealousy

God’s Jealousy (pt. 2)

Today O God, may I not provoke your anger.


(The Jealous God – Exodus 20:5)

“You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,” Exodus 20:5                                                                                                                                   


(The jealous God – James 4:4&5)

Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, “The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously”?       James 4:4-5 NKJV


Read James 4


Although we may not view it from this perspective; the truth is still very evident.   Sometime we are – knowingly or through ignorance; forcing God to reveal another character quality which is motivated by His love for us. That expression is His jealousy.


We must always remain cognizant that every attribute of God that He reveals to us; is still His attempt to get us to understand His love for us.  It is because of that love, that He only desires for us to acquire the best in every arena.  Many times, because we don’t fully understand this total concept of God’s love for us; we think that He has established unrealistic demands or limits on us.  God’s guidelines for our lives, are always motivated from a perspective of genuine love, true love – the which… most of us have no true concept.  If we could ever understand His love – then we would have no problem adhering to His word – Regardless. 


As I so often have stated; when in our lives, we have not received the proper application of unselfish love; then, we in return are more prone to lack the ability to properly love God.  In life, this is the reason why we can willingly and willfully disobey Him and reject His love – through our displays of disobedience.   Whenever we decide to walk according to our own desires or to delight ourselves in what the world has to offer; we are rejecting the love of God. In reality I am saying – “God I Still Don’t Understand Your Love For Me!”  The same holds true when we are engaged in procrastination, slothfulness and tardiness.  Far too often the Lord has instructed us to do or say something in a given situation; however we have decided that our “way of doing it” is better.  By do so…we are placing other things ahead of Him…. and provoking Him to display His jealousy.  Why? Because we have become like the world; and placed our thoughts, plans etc. superior to those of the Holy Spirit.  Our actions may not reveal our true intent…. however they do reveal our final decisions!


The Message Bible states James 4:4-5 this way. “You’re cheating on God. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, you end up enemies of God and his way. And do you suppose God doesn’t care? The proverb has it that “he’s a fiercely jealous lover.” And what he gives in love is far better than anything else you’ll find. It’s common knowledge that “God goes against the willful proud; God gives grace to the willing humble.”


So Holy Spirit; I ask you to assist me as I will continue to keep God as the focal point of my life.  In my list of priorities, it is my desire to esteem God.  I will bring uphold an amended consciousness of Your love for me. Because I understand Your unselfish, “no holds barred” love for me, I will return the same.  May I always remember that everything I do must be for no other reason - than to express to You and show others my love for You. Anything that has moved You from Your place of supremacy in my life; be it prestigious positions, business or personal relationships, money, assets – WHATEVER – will now be moved a position of subordination.  I will no longer “cheat on you” Lord.  I will attempt to never again provoke you to jealousy.   You are number one in my life …. And motives and my actions will reflect the same. 

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It's Breakthrough Time!

It’s Breakthrough Time….For Real!!! (Repost)

“Breakthrough Oh Lord, so that I may break forth”

Yahweh Perazim ”

(The Lord of Breakthrough –II Samuel 5:20)


So David went to Baal Perazim, and there he defeated them. He said, "As waters break out, the LORD has broken out against my enemies before me……………… (II Samuel 5:20)


Read: II Samuel 5


As we enter another season– and the final months of this year; Lord I ask you to permit the power of the Holy Ghost to “breakthrough” and to break up any ungodly residue that is still attempting to linger in my spirit.  Any lingering mindset that will prevent your power from having its full range in my spirit. Yahweh Perazim, I summit my will to you now, and request that you break through it.  Burst forth as the waters through an overly stretched dam.  Break forth with your explosive, uncontainable power. 


As you broke through and rescued David from his enemies, breakthrough the plans and devices that my enemy, the master deceiver, has concocted for my demise and destruction.   Break through every shackle that is still attached to my feet, thus attempting to prevent me from being in my “appointed places” at the correct times. Break through the thorns and thistles in the realm of spirit, which produce the “snags” that permit me to misuse or waste valuable time.  Break through unhealthy, nonproductive relationships.  Break through every barrier and “smoke screen” that is hindering and blocking my vision - still preventing me from aggressively and confidently advancing.  Break through every negative spirit that the traditions of man have instilled in me, which are hindering the effectiveness of our twenty-first century church.  Yahweh Perazim, search my entire being, layer by layer.  Whatever concepts, precepts, ideologies, methodologies and the like, that are contrary to yours – break them up, move them out, replace them with your wisdom, knowledge and understanding.


And now Yahweh Perazim, as you break through, may I daily begin to perceive and receive the results which are being produced from my enhanced position of power and authority.  May I begin to break forth into one who is: feared, detested, hated, envied and begrudged by the kingdom of darkness.  Now, I am freed; once again, to be moldable clay in your hands.  As you use me mightily, may I always remain cognizant and grateful to you, Yahweh Perazim - for your phenomenal “break -through” anointing.  May I never become arrogant, conceited or heady – only more confident as I walk and rest in the freedom that only you have the ability to provide. 


…..And it is so!


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Extreme Power Outage

Extreme Power Outage

Read.. I John 4:1-5


A while ago there was an article in “Bloomberg Businessweek” which attempted to explain the shifting balance in the world economy.  The writer exampled the purchases of a few U.S. major brands like Heinz (worth about $23 billion) and Burger King ($3.3 billion) by foreign investors.  The writer also shared insight to the enhanced concepts that have now invaded our economic and political arena – from which no one is currently exempted. In other words the power that once stabilized the U.S. and her “commodities” is no longer valid.  She has lost her leverage and is experiencing a major power outage.


As I read the article, I began to equate it to a dilemma that we are apparently experiencing in the body of Christ.  It appears that we also have been invaded by foreign investors!  It appears that the Church has now given birth to a generation; who, like the new breed of Israelites (read Exodus chapter 1) - knows not the God of their former and founding Fathers.


The Church has permitted the removal of the old land mark – for which we were cautioned not to do (Proverbs 23:10).  We have permitted the elimination of foundational principles in our Churches by those who KNOW NOT OUR GOD…….foreign investors! We have looked in the opposite direction at the introduction of a total “lack of respect” for the ordinances and sacraments in our Churches – and have adopted “less intimidating” laws….. foreign investors!   In other words, I would dare to say that the average Christian has taken this dispensation of “grace” as a “get out of jail free card”.  They have no longer acquired the proper convictions to correctly amend their spirits to conform to such mandates as: celibacy, tithing, fasting, loyalty or integrity.  We have now sought to just be “comfortable” and to engage in whatever we “feel” is correct……foreign investor! And the list could continue forever!


So what has this given rise to? Sadly to say…the pitiful, disgraceful, inadequate, non-productive, spiritual state that we find existing in far too many of our Churches.  We’ve permitted these foreign investors to cause a “disturbance” in the realm of the spirit.  Therefore we have a vast power outage!


The Church’s power outage, is to the extent that many Christians no longer experience nor possess that current which empowers them with the eagerness or compassion to: visit and care for the sick, make prison visits, attend prayer meetings and Bible studies….. many have never ever attended an “All Night Prayer Service” (if one can still be located!) .  We will comfortably sit and leave those “task” to those who are “called” to those ministries!   We, the body of Christ, have experienced a major power outage in the realm of the spirit; therefore the enemy can just come boldly into our Churches without any or by receiving very little opposition. We need locks on the Church doors and security guards in our services because we don’t have the power to build and establish an effective barrier against the enemy’s tactics.


Foreign investors may not have the ability to be conquered in the economic arena.  However, II Chronicles 7:14 is still applicable today.    We are fully aware of the fact, that as the end of time as we know it draws nigh; that there are certain occurrences that must transpire to fulfill what the Lord has promised.  However, we must be determined that we will not fall privy to any of the standards which are being introduced to us from the kingdom of darkness – foreign investors.


 There is no earlier time than now to begin to make the proper amends to assure yourself that you will not be included in this power outage….but that your power supply will remain….and that your connection to the main power source maintains its authenticity.


 “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them.”                 I John 4:1-5 ESV

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Miracles or Principles???

Miracles or Principles?



Are you still waiting with great expectation for your next miracle?  Well… that’s great!  However there needs to come a time in our lives, when our level of faith augments from little faith to great faith.  In other words, in all actuality – Why did Christ perform miracles?  Was it not to affirm His character among the non-believers, increase their level of faith, and to draw them into a trusting relationship with Him?


A miracle can be defined as an act of God that can be identified by both believers and non-believers; and that defies the laws of nature. 


As we do a little research we will readily discover that every miracle is associated with some degree of faith.  Miracles are for those who are still yet “babes” in their level of faith concerning the Lord. (I Corinthians 14:22)


So, let’s climb down out of those high-chairs, take the bibs from around our necks and walk in the assurance of every Word that God has spoken!  It’s time for us to live a lifestyle of daily occurrences that defy the laws of nature. It’s time for us to walk in the confidence of the Lord that is recorded in I John 5:14. 


How do we increase of level of faith?.... By getting out of the boat.  In other words …by coming out of our comfort zones and trusting God to do exceeding, abundantly MORE that we could ever ask or think…  And know that He will do it according to that power that works, lives and reigns in us. (Ephesians 3:20)


Come on now… The world needs to see US; the true believers God, living a lifestyle that is “Faith” filled and one where the principles of God are exemplified on a daily bases.   We should not walk in a “Fear” filled lifestyle as they do.  Our lives should of course display many examples where God has intervened and revealed His faithfulness.  However, we should not spend our days in a state of uncertainty… merely “hoping” that God will manifest a miracle and release us from a situation….. a situation that maybe He has permitted; simply in an attempt to catapult us to our next level in Him!


So instead of always looking for a miracle; let’s say as Paul said; “Whatsoever state I’m in, I’ve learn to be content (Philippians 4:11).  Whatever situation arises  - I won’t worry, nor will I pray for God to immediately alter it.  My mind is set and focused.  I know with a certainty that God loves me….and that He is working everything, everything, everything for my good.


Miracles are awesome.  However, as we mature in the Lord, we will learn to live according to His principles.   We won’t look forward to God performing a miracle – but patiently apply His  principles.  We will daily rest in the assurance of His faithfulness … and view every situation as an opportunity to give Him the glory….REGARDLESS!!!!!

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