Apostle Claudia Boatwright's Posts (2508)

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Have You Learned To Submit?

Have You Learned To Submit?

“It’s Promotion Time…but , Are You Ready?”

“For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.

But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.” Psalm 75:6 &7



Can you recall the array of feelings that you experienced when you had finally achieved a certain accomplishment …. and it was time to move to the next level?   As you reflect, you will remember that there were various requirements that had to be successfully completed before you were able to be advanced.  Whether it was in school or on a job, most of the time, before you could be promoted, you had to confidently show your superiors that you were ready.  It didn’t matter how ready you may have thought yourself to be – you could not successfully promote yourself.


The same holds true in our walk with the Lord.  Psalm 75:6 & 7 tells us that promotion comes from the Lord.  So it doesn’t matter how great we may think that we are – when it is time for us to be promoted, God can and will advance us to our next place in Him.  However, we must remember that because our God is a personal God, He has tailor made each of our courses just for us.  When the time is right He cam can catapult you to your next place.  However, we must successfully pass every test that he presents to us.


One of the hardest test for some people to effectively pass is the submission test.  There are residues of pride still lingering within us…. Which are preventing us from obtaining the mentality of submission.  We fail to comprehend the fact that submission doesn’t diminish our character.  We fail to comprehend the fact that submission is not a sign pf weakness; but rather the evidence of the strength that one possesses. The stronger we are -the greater our ability to submit.  When the Holy Spirit is truly in control of our lives; we will view submission as an honor and not as a negative quality.


 As we approach our time of advancement; far too often we catch a glimpse of our new direction and our next promotion.  Then in our excitement, we attempt to promote ourselves - because God is just taking too long!  Just remember that patience is the virtue required on every level.   Advancing to the next level is basically a primary factor.  Our goal should be that we will focus on dimensional elevation.  When we are ready, God will easily open the many doors that you are trying to force open. 


In some instances, we have been misinformed and think that people can hinder our progress in the Lord.  We fail to remember that God may be really using those hindrances and “hinderers” in our lives to build in us the unshakable stamina and resilience needed for promotion!   Therefore, we must not forget that when we are ready, God can still touch the hearts of those that we feel are hindering our progress.  In time, as we mature in the realm of the spirit, we will obtain the ability to realize that God really does know what He is doing! 


Lastly, promotions may cause us to experience the temporary anxiety of leaving that which is familiar as we advance to our new position.  However we can’t permit that triplet of fear, doubt and unbelief to tag along with us.  We must continue to trust God and He will gently guide us through the progress. 


Yes it is promotion time…but don’t rush the process; nor drag your feet…rest in the Lord….and continue to allow HIM to walk you through the process.


“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.” James 4:10

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Basking & Marinating…but in What?

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8 (ESV)


Preparation is always a vital instrument.  Our ability to successfully outwit the adversary is to sensor the type of “marinating” that our spirit man is being exposed to.  Today, as never before, it is essential that we are ever cautious and remain on our guard concerning the types of material that we are constantly permitting to enter through our ear and eye gates.  Far too often we are permitting our spirits to be marinated with; and to become saturated with the concepts of this world – without our knowledge! However, if we maintain the proper relationship with the Lord, He will always alert us to the ploys of the enemy.


Don’t permit your spirit to become desensitized to what God has established as our foundational principles and guidelines.  With the advancements in technology, we have the ability to have God inspired materials at our disposal as often as we desire. Therefore, it is our responsibility to “choose” what we will permit our spirits to bask, soak… marinate in.  


Here is a prime example.  I very, very rarely watch television programs – with the exception of the news.  However, I can recall an incident which occurred.  I had watched the News and a program had come on immediately after the news that caught my attention.  I think that it was some type of detective story. About a minute into the program; the Lord said, “You can’t watch this”.  So I instantly turned it off.  When I asked Him why, He said that the program had the potential to introduce the spirit of fear and deceit into my spirit.  He also said that if I had permitted my spirit to marinate in such for just an hour – I would have availed myself to every negative concept from the program.  Now… would I have gone to hell for watching the program?  Absolutely not.  However, like Sampson, upon my next encounter with the enemy; I might not have had the necessary wisdom, power and authority to successfully outwit and discern his various diabolical maneuvers. 


Warriors!  If we are going to stay at least a step or two ahead of our adversary – we must be on our alert at all times.  Everything that is a “good” thing may not be a “God” thing! 


We of our own accord can’t possibly be aware of every current device that the enemy will use in an attempt to bring defeat and or demise to our plan of action.  Nevertheless, when we begin to marinate in the presence of the Lord, we will have the ability to maintain a consciousness of Him – that will always alert us to every potentially adverse situation.


Yes… preparation is vital.  Remember, marinating is a preparatory process.  Any cook will attest to the fact that marinating is an essential preliminary process when cooking.  When food is permitted to marinate in a given substance it will absorb the characteristics of that substance.  Therefore, even after the food is removed; the effects of the marinate will be experienced.  Marinating in the Word and presence of God is a “current” procedure, whose results will assure us of our future success.


So, the problem is not “if” we are marinating, resting, relaxing and basking…. But “what” are we using as the material, our substance and our source?  I would like to challenge you to monitor and physically write down for one day everything that you are permitting your spirit man to be influenced by hour by hour.  What are you really marinating in?   At the end of the day – your results will reveal the source from which your spirit man is really absorbing!


“I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.” Psalm 119:15 ESV

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Assertiveness +Anticipation =Advancement!


“You lazy fool, look at an ant.  Watch it closely; let it teach you a thing or two, nobody has to tell it what to do.  All summer it stores up food; at harvest it stockpiles provisions.  So how long are you going to laze around doing nothing?  How long before you get out of bed?  A nap here, a nap there, a day off here, a day off there, sit back, take it easy—do you know what comes next?
Just this: You can look forward to a dirt-poor life, poverty your permanent houseguest!

                                                                                               Proverbs 6:6-11 (The Message Bible)


A while ago I read an article which had been written by John C. Maxwell regarding various lessons which can be learned from the ant.  He said that ants have:

A- Attitude of Initiative (Ants are self -motivated: I Samuel 30:6)

N- Nature of Integrity (Ants work faithfully and need no outside accountability; Proverbs 11:3)

T- Thirst for Industry (Ants labor hard & will quickly replace their anthill when it gets destroyed;

      Proverbs 12:27; 10:4)

S- Source of Insight (Ants store provisions in summer; John 9:4)

    (Note: Scripture references were added by Apostle Boatwright and were not included in

     John Maxwell’s article)


After reading that the article, I concluded the following.

When we consider the ants we can also observe that they are never intimated by obstacles or the presence of anything that they may encounter.  Whatever is placed in front of an ant will not defeat or convince it to surrender…. or become distracted from its mission.  They may be forced to discover an alternative route – however they won’t quit!  The ant is one of the smallest creatures – yet they are some of the hardest workers.


Also, the ants “make haste while it is day”.  They know that the night will come when they will not have the ability to work. We should become encouraged from the tenacity which is shown by the ant; because our night is coming! (I’m not referring the physical nighttime!)


The ants are always anticipating …..always in preparation for tomorrow.  The ants always keep in mind that they must advance…. That their mission is before them.  There are times when you may observe that an ant is attempting to carry a load that is twice their size – however, because they have a mindset that is motivated for success; they will always achieve their goal. 


We, like that ant, are “wired” for success.  Therefore whatever obstacles that present themselves must be conquered….. simply because the Bible says that we can do all things through God’s strength (Philippians 4:13) AND that we are MORE that conquerors (Romans 8:37)!


So, looking forward, let’s always, with great: expectation, motivation and determination have that same zeal which is found in the ants.  I challenge you today to “anticipate” and “advance”.  In other words, expect the daily “bumps in the road”; but don’t permit them to cause you to lose your focus.  Remember that a group of workers….  No matter how small……All pulling in the same direction….. all sharing the weight of the load….. Will get the job done successfully! Develop a mindset that because of who I am, whose I am and to whom I belong…. I am supposed to….. and I will emerge from every situation as the victor and not the victim! 


To summarize: if I develop an assertive mindset; if I maintain a spirit of anticipation and expectation; then I will victoriously advance and excel in all that I endeavor!


My road may be long and my journey may seemingly be up hill; however, I must keep in mind the old cliché: a winner never quits… and a quitter and wins! 


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The Walk  Is Tight But It’s Right….

As God’s “Funambulist”

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”  Hebrews 12:11


Our walk as endtime saints can benefit greatly from gleaning a little knowledge about this gift of funambulism.   Funambulism; usually referred to as tight rope walking is an art or skill that is admired by many; but acquired by few.


God has required of us some of the same characteristics that are applicable to the funambulist.  For example:

1. The tight rope walker must never become over confident.   As God’s tight rope walker, he advises us: Don’t get heady. ( II Timothy 3:1-17)  

2. The tight rope walker must remain focused at all times.  As God’s tight rope walker we must remain focused and have the mind of Christ. (Philippians 2:5)

3. The tight rope walker must learn to ignore their surroundings.  As God’s tight rope walker, I must not participate in the conversations and pleasures of this world. (John 17:16; 2 Thessalonians 3:11)

4. The tight rope walker carries no baggage.  As God’s tight rope walker I am commanded to di the same.  (Hebrews 12:1-2)

5. The tight rope walker must at all times maintain their balance.  As God’s tight rope walker I must have the proper guidelines.  (I Corinthians 6:12)

6. The tight rope walker can’t be weak minded.  As God’s tight rope walker a must be mentally sound. (Romans 12:1&2)

7.  The tight rope walker musts assert discipline.  As God’s tight rope walker I must do the same.            (I Corinthians 9:27)

8. Lastly, the tight rope walker must stay physically fit altering their eating habits.  As God’s tight rope walker, I must always remain cognizant of the fact that my body is the temple of the living God…. And treat it as such. (1 Corinthians 6:19; Proverbs 25:27)


Since we are called to be God’s tight rope walker in the realm of the spirit, as well as in the natural realm, we can therefore avail ourselves of these attributes.


 A tight rope walker in the realm of the spirit or in the natural will only survive if they have already received the necessary preparation prior to approaching the tight rope.  Our daily regimen should have no allowance for the tolerance of anything that will distract or divert us from being the warrior that we were created to be.  Preparation is our endtime key! We must begin to prepare ourselves now for the days ahead. 


We have within us the vital components to be that skillful funambulist.  However, without the application of the above eight listed attributes, our strategies will not possess the effectiveness that will permit us to successfully reign and to walk in the heighten dimensions that the Lord desires for us.


“Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.”

Proverbs 12:1 ESV

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Seven Types of Faith

Seven Types of Faith

 “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17



Today we will view this multifaceted word “FAITH” from another angle.   We have been taught through the Word of God, that Faith is obtained by not simply listening to the Word of God – but through understanding the Word that we hear.  However, what so frequently occurs is that we don’t properly understand nor comprehend the Word. We sometimes fail to view the phrases and words used in the Bible in light of the culture and philosophies of that ear (in other words from a hermeneutical  approach).  Then, since we don’t fully understand the Word, the enemy is able to steal the effectiveness of the Word.  (Read the explanation of the parable about the sower and the seed as recorded in Matthew 13:18-23).  Without the proper understanding – we open the doorway of our minds to the knocks of fear, doubt and unbelief. 


We are all given a measure of faith.  However, it then becomes our responsibility to move forward and upward on the “faith ladder”.  I would like to encourage you to check out the seven types of faith that I’ve listed below.  No doubt this list is not conclusive - just a simple measuring stick to get the ball rolling. 


Seven Types of Faith

(Not Listed in any Specific Order)


  1. Natural Faith (Ex.- The type of faith that we extend to: bus drivers, our Doctors, our  

       Banks, etc.  - No one has ever questioned a bus Driver about their credentials – we just display “natural faith” by taking a seat and riding to our destination!)

   2. Little Faith (Matthew 6:30)

   3.Mustard Seed Faith (Matthew 17:20 – small but potent)

   4 .Great Faith (Matthew 8: 8 & 10)

   5.  Measure of Faith (Romans 12:3)

   6.  Faithless Faith (John 20:27)

   7. Visual Faith (Luke 5:20)


I challenge you as of today, to ask the Holy Spirit to begin to open the doorway that will lead you to receive the proper understanding of His Word.  Ask Him to erase the slate of your mind that houses any and all concepts and precepts concerning Him that have been established as a result of man-made traditions and/or erroneous teachings.  Ask the Holy Spirit to place grates over your physical gates to filter out and forbid anything from entering into your spirit that would contradict the true understanding of the Word of God.  Lastly, be ready to receive the freedom that the true understanding of God and His Word will initiate.


All levels of faith are initiated from a basic, proper, clear and correct concept of the genuine love shown and expressed by Our Lord through His Son Jesus.  So do you want to unlock the pathway that leads to an enhanced degree of faith??? – The master key is labeled.. “UNDERSTANDING”!  The more that one understands – the greater the level of Faith!


“But without faith it is impossible to please him…….:” Hebrews 11:6

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Are You Without Sin????

Are You Without Sin????

 So Don’t Judge – Just Love

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.”       Matthew 7:1 &2 (ESV)


Who are you judging?  Of course your immediate response to this question is – “No one.  I don’t judge anyone.”  But if you were to closely monitor your words,  actions, thoughts and motives; they might reveal quite the opposite.


To judge is to arbitrate; assess; to rule on etc.  Therefore, prior to one having the ability to perform such; one must have ALL of the correct information.  They must have the truth versus the mere facts.  Far too often we view situations from our own opinions or our own knowledge of a given – which usually contains a limited, biased amount of information.  Far too often instead of loving ALL people; in EVERY situation; we – though unintentional - show expressions of love to some classifications of people more readily than others.


God needs us – His ecclesia; His church , His called out ones – to be the living examples of the type of unconditional love that He had demonstrated while He was here.  He hasn’t called us to judge anyone – only to love them.  He hasn’t asked us to condemn anyone – only to love everyone – all of the time.  We must realize that when we are judging others – in most instances we are doing so from a residue of the spirit of pride that is still lingering within us.


Ask yourself; “What is hindering me from showing unconditional love to everyone that I encounter?”  I must remember that everyone that I encounter on a given day will also have on opinion of me.  Will I have left them with an impression that SHOWS them the love of God?  If not, why not?  Whatever the reason maybe…. “it won’t hold water!”  In other words – whatever my reasoning – God will not receive it as acceptable.  He has loved me through, in, and prior to all of my fallacies, faults and failures.  Now He expects me to go and to show that same love to others. 


He has shown us through His Son that His love extended beyond the boundaries of culture, race and creed (John 4).

He has shown us through His Son, that His love extended beyond the boundaries of presumptuous sins (John 8: 1-11).

He has shown us through His Son that his love extended beyond the boundaries of those who had falsely accused or wronged Him (Luke 23:34).


Therefore, whatever reason we may express – God will show us that His son has already encountered it, endured it and defeated it!  We are therefore without excuse for any valid reason for judging ANYONE.


So, I must remember:

  • I can’t allow the opinions of others to keep me from reaching out to those who are in need of receiving God’s love from me.
  • Ask myself – WWJD (What would Jesus do??)
  • My actions must reveal the love that God has extended to me.


Lastly ..…. “What the world needs now is love”…. TRUE love.  God’s unconditional love which knows no prejudice……but is shown to others…. by His people who have received the same!”


“…….. And love thy neighbor as thyself”.  Mark 12:31

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You Have The Power.....

You Have The Power……

So Just Change It

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue,”. Proverbs 18:21a


There were two television shows that aired many, many years ago which each featured a woman who possessed “mystical” powers.  The programs were entitled: Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie.  In both of these stories, the women’s powers were only known to certain people.  In the program Bewitched, the lady named Samantha; was supposed to be a good witch (oxymoron!!); who was a homemaker. She used her powers in the times of distress or of grave importance.  The other program featured a little genie that lived in a capped bottle which had been found by her master who was an astronaut.  What these two women had in common is that whenever they encountered a situation that was not to their liking – they would just change it.  Samantha would simply twitch her nose; Jeannie would blink her eyes; and whatever they wanted to be altered – would immediately change!


Although these were mere television programs; they depicted of a truth the power and the authority that we as children of the most high God have at our disposal.  Whenever we encounter a situation that is not in accord with what God has decreed it to be; we should not grumble or complain about it… we should simply - just change it.  God has given to us the power and the authority to bring into divine alignment everything that is in disarray (Luke 10:9).


However, far too often we will: entertain fear instead of faith (II Timothy 1:7); become a coward instead of being courageous (Joshua 1:7); and respond to a reaction - instead of proactively thinking ahead.  We, in too many instances, become discouraged when we don’t see immediate results and then begin sabotage our own efforts with our words (II Corinthians 5:7)!


When does a change occur? Does it occur when I see the manifestation of the change? Well....that answer is twofold.  Change occurs in the realm of the spirit as soon as I command it to be so!  The scripture states that “Death and life ARE….not will be….but ARE – Present tense!  Therefore, I can possess the ability to see it before I see it!  I once heard someone say several years ago; that if you can’t see a thing before you see it – when it appears, you won’t recognize it.  So just because I don’t physically see a change; doesn’t negate the fact that change has occurred and is in the process of being manifested.


As you progress throughout your day today, be determined that you will no longer just “accept” or ignore whatever you encounter that is not in accord with God’s plans and purposes.  Your power lies not in a twitch of your nose; nor in the blinking of your eyes.  Your power lies within your mouth (Proverbs 18:21).  You have the power!  So don’t grumble, don’t complain …. You’re in control.  So open your mouth and…..just change it. 

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Raise Your Level of Expectation…

And Become Completely Synchronized

“For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.”  Habakkuk 2:3


Simply because we are quickly approaching the end of time as we now know it; it is imperative that our “clocks” are in alignment with God’s agenda for this season…. And that we increase our level of expectation.  Now is the time to become excited, eager and enthusiastic about what the Lord is doing!  God has already released in the realm of the Spirit an outpouring of the endtime wealth.  However, if you are not synchronized to His time schedule – you will not be in the correct place, nor in the correct position to begin to be a recipient.


I’m reminded of a few instances when people were in the right place (their physical location and their spiritual position), at the right time.  Therefore, because their time clocks were synchronized with God’s timing - they were blessed beyond measure.  Consider the: Woman of Samaria (John 4), and The Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8;26-40); they were positioned in the right place at the right time – and therefore were able to encounter life altering experiences.


To be completely synchronized I must:

  • Know what season I am personally undergoing.  Just understand that your personal season may differ from others who are in your ministry,  church, temple, synagogue, etc.  
  • Understand the process of: Seed, Time & Harvest. All seeds - when sown and properly cared for will produce fruit. (Note: Also apple seeds won’t produce oranges.  You can fast, pray, command and demand…. But those apple seeds will only produce apples….after the seeds have matured and are ready to be harvested. We must also know what type of seed to sow and when!)
  • Failure to fully comprehend the stages of the process will sometimes permit us to entertain the spirit of fear while waiting for our seeds to mature. Remain confident after you’ve sown your seeds. (Note:  I know that because of the potency of MY seed, I truly believe that even if I sow it into unfavorable soil – it will STILL produce 100 fold!)   Remember that there is a process that must be adhered to prior to receiving the fruit.  Even though we are approaching the time when the “plowman will overtake the reaper (Amos 9:13)” – we must still understand that synchronization is a process.   
  • Know the voice of God.  We are living in an era where the enemy is using those who are in positions of authority to attempt to displace, dismantle and demolish the authentic voice of God. Remember God’s voice will ALWAYS be in alignment with His written word.
  • Value my time by not becoming distracted by anything that is not God ordained for THIS season.


So get excited!  Launch out into the deep waters in your mind and in your expectations, your dreams, and in your desires.   Ephesians 3:20 reminds us that God can do far more that we can even imagine or thing!  So increase the borders and the previously established perimeters of your mind and your anticipations! 


To be completely synchronized with God’s future plans concerning us is not difficult.  However it will require of us a determination to acknowledge Him in ALL of our ways – as He leads us along this walk of faith; step by step; day by day…. And in most instances minute by minute! 


God has given unto you a blank check…… What’s your next ove????

“Timing is so important! If you are going to be successful in dance, you must be able to respond to rhythm and timing. It’s the same in the Spirit. People who don’t understand God’s timing can become spiritually spastic, trying to make the right things happen at the wrong time. They don’t get His rhythm – and everyone can tell they are out of step. They birth things prematurely, threatening the very lives of their God-given dreams.” – T. D. Jakes

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Don’t Get Shocked….

Go With the Flow!

“See, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? …. “    Isaiah 43:19 NIV


Don’t fight the change! Saints….especially those of you who are actively serving in Leadership; it is imperative that   you become more characteristic of the flow of electricity.  An electrical current will flow down the path of least resistance. Therefore, we must emulate the same and become more yielding to the Holy Spirit; adhering to the new path – without resistance …. That He is now directing us to follow.


I’m sure that most of you have noticed the recent atmospheric occurrences which have transpired.  These are only symbolic to and mirroring the fact that there has been a major shifting in the realm of the Spirit.  We are in a new place.   We are therefore experiencing and sensing the “newness” all around us.  We must remember that change is attempting to materialize in all things and in everything which concerns us.  The Lord is saying, “Don’t fight the change….just go with the flow!”.


Many times we will gladly welcome change - in some areas, but resist it in others. However in this season…. “Don’t fight the change…. Go with the flow”. 


Ok…. let’s refocus our minds back to thinking about electricity.  Why do people get shocked?  One of the reasons is that they interfere with, intercept, and attempt to block the flow of the electrical current.  Therefore, if there is a certain electrical current or force field; and you cause a break in that …you will receive a shock!


The Lord has permitted the release of a new flow; a different type of flow.  Saints, stay in the flow!  Avoid getting shocked!


Years ago, there were occurrences when we would to listen to a radio station or television broadcast and we would hear a sound that we called static.  This sound was produced because something had interfered with the natural flow of the sound waves or the current.  The sound of the static was not the problem.  The sound of the static was the indication that there was a problem.  The problem was that something had caused a stillness; an interference; or a break in the flow of the current.  In other words, the static was still transmitting; however the static was relaying to us that there has been a change in the flow.  The static was indicating that something is resisting, fighting against and interfering with the natural flow.   The static was communicating that something needs to be altered.


Saints, (especially Leaders), don’t become the cause of static in your ministry.  Don’t fight the change.  Go with the flow of the Holy Ghost.  Our increase in every area of our lives can only be received when we are pliable enough to go with the flow and not become our own hindrance.


Don’t wait for the lack of sound … or the sound of static…… to occur.   Flow along the path of least resistance in the realm of the Spirit.  This flow will not be familiar to your natural man or mindset; but within your spirit you will receive an affirmative confirmation that it is from the Lord. This flow will require major adjustments.  However your successfulness as an endtime warrior is dependent upon your ability to swiftly adapt and adjust to the new flow.


When uncertain of which path to choose – enter into a season of consecration to receive specific instructions.  Remember, go with the flow of the Holy Spirit – whether it be upstream or across stream!  Just as in the natural – when we go against the proper current or the flow….we will receive an indication that we’ve interrupted the flow.  That indication is referred to as a “shock”.  There may be times when the Lord will need to send us a spiritual shock to bring us to a state of alertness if you are not adhering to His flow! 


Let’s listen to the Lord. 

Let’s avoid interrupting or causing an interference in what the Lord is now permitting to transpire. 

Let’s get on the move…. and go with the current…... to prevent getting shocked.   

Finally, let’s just go with the flow and be guided by the eye of the Lord!


“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.”

Psalm 32:8

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Think Outside of The Box...

Think Outside of the Box…

Because The Details Matter

In the beginning, God CREATED….. Genesis 1:1


The Lord our God is a God of who is greatly concerned about the details.  Details reveal and enhance the complexity of a substance.  The details also reveal the complexity of the creator of that substance.  In other words, they also shed a light on the in-depthness or the simplicity of the mind of the creator   Therefore, the more detailed a: thought, concept, production or object – the more it displays the intricacy of the mind of the one who has produced it.

We must always remember that every attack that we encounter is directed towards our minds.  So, because every attack is aimed at the mind; we must continually guard our minds.  Out minds must be protected from whatever or whomever may attempt to: disable, disallow, demolish, discourage, stomp out, cage in, cancel and bring to nought…. our God given gift of creativity. 

Why do people perish without a vision?  One of the reasons is because the manifestation of their vision is the end result of what their minds have had an ability to create.  When we lose or don’t develop a vision; we are not permitting our minds to reproduce.  Our minds lose the ability to function as that of our Father God; that master creator!  We fail to use those components of our DNA that are identical (in composition but not in magnitude) to His.

Why are demonic influences really directed towards our minds?  In addition to the obvious; we can’t rule out the notion that demonic influences also attempt to override our creativity.  For an example, if the enemy can cause someone to think that they have no victory in a given situation – then they will never hear the voice of the Holy Spirit when He attempts to show them how to CREATE a way of escape! 

God has created man with a free will.  However, the enemy wants to override God’s plan, and to control our minds.  Witchcraft is simply a demonic influence that attempts to do what God himself won’t do….. And that is to suppress our creativity and to control our minds by domination, manipulation and humiliation!

Therefore, every detail does matter…..Simply because every detail reveals another dimension of the complexity of our awesome, God!

So dare to be different! Permit your spirit to be liberated and available to produce what God has given unto you to reveal for this season.  Age is not a criteria – God still desires to use your mind to create devices and avenues for such a time as this. Then we will have the ability to use them to manifest the exposure to endtime: strategies, inventions, solutions etc.. God is waiting to catapult your level of creativity to a dimension that you have not previously known. However… He needs you to be more creative  -  and to think “outside of the box”.   

Trust God….every detail does matter.  Above all…every “unexpressed” detail, may be that missing link needed, to successfully reign as an endtime warrior!

“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous--how well I know it.”  Psalm 139:14 (NLT)

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There's Been A Shipwreck...

There’s Been A Shipwreck….

                                               Just Hold On To Your Broken Pieces

(Read the entire chapter for better insight)

“But the centurion, willing to save Paul, kept them from their purpose; and commanded that they which could swim should cast themselves first into the sea, and get to land: And the rest, some on boards, and some on broken pieces of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land.”   Acts 27:43 & 44




There are times when, as Paul, we are always embarking upon some type of voyage or challenge where our “ship” becomes totally destroyed.   However we must remember one concept: There will always be fragments to gather.  So in the midst of your worst devastation – Hold on to your broken pieces!   If you hold on….and don’t quit……. And don’t become discouraged…You will be victorious.

We must also remember that Psalm 34:19 tells us that many are the afflictions of the righteous – BUT the Lord WILL deliver us out of them all. Afflictions refer to something that causes pain or suffering; whether physical or mental.   Paul was afflicted on numerous occasions – but he managed to flee safety every time because he kept his focus, and learned to hold on to his broken pieces.  As he stated in II Corinthians 4:8-9 “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;……”.

I’m reminded of an old song that said, “I’m so glad, trouble don’t’ last always”.   So as I await God’s divine intervention….. I must remember that God is able to do just what he said he would do, He's gonna fulfill every promise to me.  I can’t give up on God, cause he won't give up on me….He’s Able!!!!


Therefore…..I’ll hold to God’s unchanging hand,…… and Build My Hopes On Things Eternal….. and continue to  Standing on the Promises of Christ my king…..  and Look ever to Jesus; He Will Carry Me Through! (I just love those hymns!)


However, above all; I MUST never, never let go of my broken pieces – for they’ll glide me safely to the shore!



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Too Full to Receive....

Too Full To Receive…..

Only Empty Vessels Receive!

“Don’t live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants.  Don’t drink too much wine. That cheapens your life. Drink the Spirit of God, huge draughts of him. Sing hymns instead of drinking songs! Sing songs from your heart to Christ. Sing praises over everything, any excuse for a song to God the Father in the name of our Master, Jesus Christ.”  Ephesians 5:17-20 (The Message Bible)



It is only when we have been emptied – that we can be filled – full.  Any given container has a limit on the amount of a substance that it can keep in check.  Therefore, when a container has reached its maximum limit……that’s it.  It can’t hold another drop.  For example; you can attempt to pour a gallon of liquid into an already filled gallon sized bottle – and it will not be able to receive it.  Why? Because the first bottle is already filled full. Therefore even though the substance in the second bottle may be of a superior quality – because the first bottle is already full; it can’t receive the better product.


God is saying that we are expecting Him to fill us with all of who He is – but He can’t; because there’s no room.  Our minds are still filled with the concepts and percepts of the world; when He has instructed us to empty them and renew them. (Romans 12:1&2)

He has told us to empty ourselves of the cares of this world (I Peter 5:7); but we are still filled with worry, doubt and unbelief.

He has instructed us to be not like the Pharisees and Scribes – hypocrites (Matthew 6:5); but we are still filled with pride, boastings and egotism.

He has warned us not to be filled with vengeance – because it belongs to Him (Romans 12:19).  Yet we are not emptied of backbiting; we’re still holding grudges and harboring unforgiveness.


We must remember:

  • Only empty vessels can be filled.
  • Only empty vessels have the ability to totally receive all that is being poured into them. 
  • Only empty vessels will have the capability to contain the proper amount wisdom needed to successfully up root the diabolical plans and plots of the enemy.
  • Only empty vessels have received the revelation that they must stay on the potter’s wheel and daily cleanse themselves with the Word of God – if they are going to remain emptied of the concepts and ideologies of this world.
  • Only empty vessels are those who were once yielded; but are now broken, freed and ready to have the anointing of God to empower them with His Presence, His Integrity and His Kingdom Authority.


So, if we are to be used totally of God…for God – then it is time for us to empty out ourselves and get rid of whatever is not relevant for this season in our lives.  Remember yesterday’s treasures just might be today’s useless clutter!


…….. “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:…” Ecclesiastes 3:1



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Come Get A Drink....

Come Get A Drink….

And you will never THIRST again!

“but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again” John 4:14a


In recent years, the spirit of man has increasingly become aware of the fact that there is a lack in a vital area.   We have become conscious of the reality that we have within us an area that seems to have an unquenchable thirst.   We have a constant longing for fulfillment.    As always, the spirit of pride has persuaded us to think that we have the perfect answer! 


So, as the end of time as we know it draws nigh, our spirits (saved or unsaved) are sensing a global spiritual lack of the presence of God.  We can “feel” that we need something – which is fantastic!  However our solution is inadequate.  Man has attempted to satisfy a spiritual necessity with a physical device.   We have chosen the correct element – but in the wrong form!


Wherever we go (at least here in America), what do we see in the possession of most people –  even during the winter season?  The rich, the poor; the young, the old; blue collar, white collar – EVERYONE seems to feel the need to have one of these in their possession – wherever they go.  What is it?  It’s their bottle of water!  Many people will not leave home without it!


Have you ever questioned where this notion of an inseparable water bottle has surfaced?  Now.. of course we are aware of our body’s natural requirement for water – especially during times of exertion. However, we must wonder if this obsession with the constant need of physical water is an attempt to satisfy in the natural what can only be fulfilled in the realm of the spirit.   Is this a strategic ploy from the enemy to divert our attention from the real issue?   Or do we so lack the ability to discipline our flesh that we must revert to the scenario of a toddler and their “sippee cup”?  Whatever the answer, we can all (well… some of us) remember the days when people so respected the Lord that they would never bring anything to eat or to drink into the worship service.  People would rarely even give the babies a bottle during a service. Why? Because everyone was taught to respect the presence of the Lord…..and not to focus on themselves but on the Lord.  However, now… we aren’t as disciplined – the church and the government have strayed from “the ancient landmark” (Proverbs 22:28).  As a result, now we - our entire nation - have undeveloped, underdeveloped, undisciplined spirits – that display a longing and a thirst…… that we are attempting to satisfy with physical water.   


We must always remember that God has given to us the remedy that will quench and totally satisfy every thirst.  When we learn to drink more frequently and freely of that Living Water, we will have at our disposal that ability to command our flesh to be disciplined.  We will re-establish boundaries which have now been produced by a renewed mind set.   We will learn that it’s not the physical water that we are longing for – but something that far out-weighs this physical realm.   


So, to wrap this up (because there is a lot more that could be added concerning the physical vs. the spiritual water) – I’ll say this, when we begin to appease our spirit man with more spiritual water, then and only then will we be totally satisfied and gratified and that seemingly unquenchable thirst will be brought under the subjection of the Holy Ghost. 


……Above all, our disciplined spirits will permit the power of God to be glorified, the Spirit of God to be magnified, the presence of God to be exemplified …… and we will never thirst again!

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Do You Qualify?

Do you qualify?

It’s Promotion Time…but , Are You Ready?

“For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.

But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.” Psalm 75:6 &7



Can you recall the array of feelings that you experienced when you had finally achieved a certain accomplishment …. and it was time to move to the next level?   As you reflect, you will remember that there were various requirements that had to be successfully completed before you were able to be advanced.  Whether it was in school or on a job; most of the time, before you could be promoted, you had to confidently show your superiors that you were ready.  It didn’t matter how ready you may have thought yourself to be – you could not promote yourself.


The same holds true in our walk with the Lord.  Psalm 75:6 & 7 tells us that promotion comes from the Lord.  So it doesn’t matter how great we may think that we are – when it is time for us to be promoted, God can and will advance us to our next place in Him.  However, we must remember that because our God is a personal God, He has tailor made each of our courses just for us.  When the time is right He can catapult you to your next place.  However, we must successfully pass every test that he presents to us.


 Far too often we catch a glimpse of our new direction and our next promotion.  Then in the excitement, we attempt to promote ourselves - because God is just taking too long!  Just remember that patience is the virtue required on every level.  When you are ready, God will easily open the many doors that you are trying to force open.  Sometimes the wisdom of a mentor, advisor, overseer or leader will attempt to explain to us that we are not quite ready for advance to a certain plateau.  However, because we have not sought the Lord for the correct timing of our advancement – we feel as thought we are intentionally being blocked from doing the will of the Lord.  Just remember submission to a good, Godly leader is always essential!  Even when we don’t agree with their decisions – go to God.  Wen God is ready to promote us – NO ONE…NO ONE will have the power nor the authority to stop or block it!


In some other instances, we have been misinformed and think that people can hinder our progress in the Lord.  We fail to remember that God may be really using those hindrances and “hinderers” in our lives to build in us the unshakable stamina and resilience needed for promotion!   Therefore, we must not forget that when we are ready, God can still touch the hearts of those that we feel are hindering our progress.  In time, as we mature in the realm of the spirit, we will obtain the ability to realize that God really does know what He is doing! 


Lastly, promotions may cause us to experience the temporary anxiety of leaving that which is familiar as we advance to our new position.  However we can’t permit that triplet of: fear, doubt and unbelief to delay our progress.  We must continue to trust God and He will gently guide us through the progress. 


Yes it is promotion time…but don’t rush the process; nor drag your feet…rest in the Lord….and continue to allow HIM to walk you through the process.


“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.” James 4:10

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You Still Have One More Move..

Therefore - It’s Never Too Late!


Life can be compared to a strategic game that requires its players at certain points, to make moves that cannot be changed.  One decisive rule that we must remember in this game is this: although we may not maintain the ability to alter the moves; we can always change the results.  In the game called life you will always have…..One ore Move!


This concept is mirrored in many instances throughout the Bible.  As we read and glean wisdom, strength and encouragement; we can see that no matter what the circumstances or the situations that the people of God were confronted with – God always showed them that they still had – one more move. 


So as you continue to participate in the game of life, always remember that; “It ain’t over til God says it’s over”.  No matter what you’ve done in your past, if you: trust in God, make an about face (Repent), and begin to do things His way, instead of leaning to your own understanding – He can rectify, repair, resolve, amend and correct anything. (Proverbs 3:5 & II Chronicles 7:14)


Another very important fact to remember in this game called life is this: “We have the power to limit the manifestation of God’s desire to change things for our good”.  In other words, because God has given to us the place of dominion and authority on this earth, He will not override that decision.  That’s why He has told US that: death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21); He has told US to speak forth those things which be not.., (Romans 4:17); He has told US - I set before you this day life and death ….  (Deuteronomy 30:19); He has told US - No good thing will I withhold… (Psalm 84:11); e has told USH He has told US to – put on the whole armor …. (Ephesians 6:11-13) etc., etc.  – So, He is saying SPEAK it, and I’ve got your back!  He is saying, “You may have decided to make a wrong move – but I’ve allotted you the opportunity to cause that wrong move to work in your favor.” (Romans 8:28)


So remember that this game of life has many players but very few winners.  Why?  Because most people don’t realize …..that, our battle has already been won… and most importantly ……you always have at least one more move……..Therefore…… “It’s Never Too Late”!





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Failure is NOT an Option....

Failure is not an Option…..

It’s Not On the Menu

“According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world,…..” Ephesians 1:4


Every master chef knows the importance of having a well organized menu. The purpose of the menu is to inform everyone exactly what they can expect to receive from that particular establishment.  Therefore when one glances at the menu they can determine the type of facility, the expertise of the chief, as well as the clientele who frequent that place of business.  We also understand that we can’t order an item that is not listed on the menu – and then become upset if that item is either not available or not prepared to our liking.  The master chef will only order the essential ingredients which are required to properly prepare those items which are listed on the menu.  Now an experienced chef will on occasion, use some of the ingredients which were purchased for one item and prepare something that is not listed on the menu.  However, this is not always possible.  For example; you can’t become distraught if a fast food restaurant doesn’t fulfill your request for a fresh seafood order.  Why? It isn’t on their menu.


So it is with our lives.  God who is our Master Chef has a well-planned menu for lives.  As the scripture text states; even before the foundation of the world – God had already written the menu for each and every one of our lives.  Therefore He knows which ingredients to include in our lives that will permit us to produce the highest quality of life.  He knows a forehand which circumstances, experiences, trials and the like to include on our menus of life.  He also knows: because He is God, the decisions that we will make in every given situation. However, because we already have a well-planned menu, when we make contrary choices in our lives; God has the ability to use those choices to still yet perfect His plan for our lives (Romans 8:28).  He’ll take our burnt bread; scrap off the overly browned portions; cut it onto squares and use it for crotons!  He’s the Master Chef and therefore knows exactly how to perfect everything in our lives…..if we permit Him to!


Therefore, when you feel as though you are on the verge on becoming overwhelmed and going out of your mind – just declare that a nervous breakdown can’t occur… Why?.. Because Failure is Not an Option….it’s not on m menu! Declare Isaiah 26:3 & St. John 16:33!

When you feel as though you “can’t” – just declare that Failure is not an Option…It’s on my menu. Declare Philippians 4:13!

When you feel as though everything is just taking too long to materialize – just remember that the best sauces must simmer for hours; and endurance IS on your menu! Decree Isaiah 40:41or Psalm 27:14!

When you feel as though the bottom has fallen out of your world and every stable foundation has been shaken – just relax… God may be testing you or just trying to get your attention so that He can elevate you to the next course of your menu! Decree 2 Timothy 2:3-5!


Learn to rest in the Lord and in what He is doing at this stage of your life.  We must remember that God had not “mass produced” us.  Therefore, we aren’t to compare our menu items with anyone else’s.  Although they may appear to be similar on the surface – because we are all uniquely made.… so are our menus.  We aren’t to be compared to the “chain” stores which all possess the same exact menus.  Yes, we are all God’s kids – but we are all so different!.... He planned it that way!


So it doesn’t matter how your circumstances may currently appear to you – simply remember that God is only attempting to get you to advance from the soup on your menu to the dessert. He has the entire menu of your life in mind.  You can’t simply produce the “soup” from your menu of life... forever!  It’s now time to advance to the appetizer and then endure every challenge of life.  God is only attempting to get you to the end of your menu…. Where you mind will be totally focused... and you will have the ability to enjoy the dessert course of life ….without regards to your current circumstances!


“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”   I Corinthians

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Lord…Because You Are Always Watching…..

“My Accountability is to You!”

“My awareness of your omnipresence elevates my accountability to you O Lord”

Yahweh Hashopet”

(The Lord the judge - Psalm7:8)

“Yahweh administers judgment to the peoples. Judge me, Yahweh, according to my righteousness, and to my integrity that is in me.”   Psalm 7:8            World English Bible


To whom do you feel accountable?  The degree of our accountability to the Lord will determine the level of integrity the forms our character.  When I place in motion the mind set that EVERYTHING that I do must be governed by a “Holy Spirit Seared” conscience; then I will have no need to feel the necessity of a person with whom I should be accountable.   In many instances people will place a higher regard for the “presence of people” than the ever-abiding presence of God!  In other words, we will refrain from various actions; and governed our vocabulary when we are in the presence of certain people – yet appear to forget that we are ALWAYS in the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit! 


Let us develop an increased awareness of the presence of God and never forget that He is omnipresent.


Prayer of Accountability  (© 2003)

Lord, as of today, I decree that I have an enlightened mindset in regards to my accountability concerning you.   May I view with a higher perspective every plan, idea and every strategy that you have given unto me - whether it be for me directly, for your people….. or for even those who are not saved. 


Although you “Yahweh Hashopet, judge my motives and actions, I must never become stagnant, thus further nurturing the actions of procrastination, that attempt to become a comfort zone.


Therefore, I acknowledge the fact that I hold in high esteem all that you have entrusted to my hands.  So…. as of today, I will begin to enthusiastically; with a renewed passion…. set in motion and actively pursue every avenue that leads me to, and takes me down, the path of your divine destiny for my life.  Because I regard my accountability to you far more superior than any earthly commitment;  I have an increased zeal to aggressively accomplish your plans for my life.  


So Lord, may my actions always be in alignment with the motives that you, the righteous judge, see within my heart.   May I never forget that my accountability is always held “in check” by the guidelines of your Word.  May I never lower the state of my integrity to the extent that I will become more accountable to a person than to you.  


Lastly, Lord may I continue to increase my level of faithfulness to you.  May I have an ever present reminder and conscience awareness of your love for me.  May I honor you.  May I obey you… and may I remain subjected to you and you alone…… my Yahweh Hashopet. 

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Holy Week: Maundy Thursday

Holy Week: : Maundy Thursday

“Love That Produces a Servant”

“Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am.  If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet.”  John 13:13 & 14


Among one of the events that transpired on this day of Holy Week was the washing of the Disciples’ feet.  Jesus lead by example, exactly what it meant to be a leader.  As a leader we must be so submitted to God that we will humbly perform any task….for His glory.


We must always bear in mind that everything that Christ exampled was motivated from the platform of a heart that generated unconditional love.  He was attempting to show us that it matters not what the task; if love (I Corinthians 13) is present; then that love will override any other emotion that we may experience.


A true servant has a heart of unconditional love for their master.   Therefore, they place no limitations on the duties that they graciously will perform – for their master. 


When Jesus washed His disciple’s feet; He was mirroring to them a display of His unconditional love for them – which produced the ability to become a servant.


Far too often when we read this narrative; we focus on doing the work of a servant.  However, we must also realize that doing the work of a servant, which is not motivated from a heart of love, is simply fulfilling a responsibility and not showing an act of compassion.   God’s desire for us is that we are so filled with His love; that whatever task we must undertake, we will be motivated from a heart of that type of love.    He desires that His love has so renewed our thought patterns; that our thoughts have now produced the mentality of a true servant.


A true servant must possess the ability to:

S – Sacrifice ; Philippians 3:7-8 ESV  “But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake    of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.”

EEncourage (others):  1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”

R be Reliable : 1 Corinthians 15:58 ESV

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”

V – be Vigilant: Ephesians 6:10-18 ESV

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,….”

A -  be Alert: 1 Peter 5:8 ESV

“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”

N - Never Give Up: Galatians 6:9 ESV                                                                                     “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

T – be Trustworthy: 1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV

“Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.”


So to recap….a true servant has received that degree of unconditional love that has now produced within them the mentality of: Sacrifice, Encouragement, Reliability, Vigilance, Alertness, and Trustworthiness.  Above all a true servant will have a gift of endurance….. which will enable them to …Never Give Up  anything!


 Are your expressions of servanthood motivated from the platform of responsibility or compassion? 

To do the work of a servant is commendable.

However, to have the heart of a servant is exceptional and requires a renewed mindset!  Remember man sees WHAT we do….but God knows WHY we are doing it.

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Holy Week: Day 4 - L.I.S.T.E.N.

“The Voice of Silence”

“For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, ……..”    Psalm 62:5

As we review the events of Holy Week we can observe that this day was called the day of Silence.  There are no recorded events for this day; however, that should not imply that Christ was idle.  Even when that are moments when there are no visible displays, the Spirit of the Lord is always at work.

One of the most rewarding and intimately fulfilling experiences that one can embrace is their relationship with the Lord.  Furthermore, as this bond begins to become more “seasoned”, our fellowship with the Lord transcends the “outer court” experience – and will embrace the natural and mature fellowship - which is characteristic to that of a “holy of holies” occurrence.   Within this dimension, one will learn to truly appreciate their relationship with the Lord.  They will enjoy the conversations with Him which are not relative to this realm, but are held “spirit to spirit”.  In other words, these conversations occur on such an accelerated level, that information is transferred more quickly than our brain can receive, process and transmit the words to our mouth! Consequently, you learn that it’s useless to even attempt to speak to Him with your natural mouth.  So you just settle down and allow the “mouth of your spirit” to communicate with the Lord. 

One morning, while having one of these conversations, the Lord asked me, “What do you hear?” I responded, “I don’t hear anything”.  Again he said, “What do you hear?”   I replied, “Nothing”.   Then, a third time he asked, “What do you hear?”  Well…. by this time, I’m thinking about Peter!   I’m thinking… Okay, .I’m really missing something here!  So I waited for a while, then I replied, “I hear silence.”  The Lord replied, “YES!...so you do hear something!  You hear silence.” Then he said, “Now, listen pass the silence.  What do you hear?”  As I listened more intensively, I answered, “I hear conversations”. (Even though the language wasn’t a spoken language that I was familiar with – it seemed as though I could understand exactly what was being transmitted). ….  Yes, he responded, “Always remember that in times of “silence” the enemy is diabolically planning, strategizing, and regrouping.  Therefore, use those times that appear to be silent wisely”. 

“Listen”, He said, “For the voice…the Voice in the Silence.  The voice that will signify the shift in the wind.  Listen for voice of distractions.  Acknowledge them...but learn not to entertain them.”  He further said, “As you listen to the voice, in the silence of the wind, you will be able to distinguish and interpet the sounds of the wind.  Listen for the wind within the wind.”

To Listen in the realm of the Spirit……… Is To…..

L = Look and Learn; Look beyond his realm into the multifaceted dimension where God’s sovereign authority is evident. Then LEARN how to walk in the liberty of the Lord. (2 Corinthians 4:18)

I = Ignite Your Expectation (Proverbs 10:28)

S = Settle Your Spirit (Romans 12:1 & 2)

T = Temper Your Mind (Philippians 2:5)

E = Exercise Your Kingdom Authority (Matthew 28:18)

N = Nurture Your Information Received (Matthew 7:6)

As endtime Leaders (and Saints), we must know how to listen...not just for the voice of the Lord, but listen with a discerning ear for the “Voice of Silence”.   God has equipped us and established us as His ambassadors to properly discern the times.  Just as he led His people through the wilderness with a cloud and a pillar….He’s still leading us through our endtime wilderness (natural & physical).  However, we must know how to LISTEN. As we adhere to the proper listening techniques, we will know how and when it is the appropriate time to move His people (and ourselves) to their next place (and our next place) in H

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Doubt Get Out!

Holy Week Day 3 : Doubt Get Out!!!

“Verily I say unto you, if ye have faith, and doubt not……” Matthew 21:21


One of the events which is recorded for this day is the manifestation of the withered fig tree which had been cursed by Jesus on yesterday.  Both Mark and Matthew explain their amazement as they approach the tree.


Our limited concept of the miraculous power and authority of God can also often be compared to that which was housed in the minds of the Biblical disciples. Although they had actually seen the demonstrated displays of Jesus’ power, the Bible states that they marveled and they seemed amazed with the rapid results of Jesus’ spoken words (Matthew 21:20).  What is even more interesting is the fact that Jesus declared, that after all that they had seen – they still lacked in their ability to understand who He was.  Most importantly they didn’t fully comprehend who TEYHEHHhhhhhHEY were because of their relationship to Him.  Jesus responded to their insecurities and named them “doubt”; informing the disciples that even though one has faith – doubt can’t be on board.


Today, we are often encased in that same “prison” of doubt.  Doubt has established invisible barriers around our minds and has prevented us from understanding and really gasping who we actually are in Christ.  We fail to experience the enormous amount of power that belongs to us simply because we permit doubt to: enter in……get a latte….. sit back and get comfortable!


So I present a challenge to you: Refuse to permit this spirit to control your actions any longer.  How is this done? By the continual process of “Identification and Eviction”.  Daily we must move in the confidence that is established in the Word of God.  Therefore, when doubt attempts to surface – acknowledge it; then cancel the effects of its power and evict it by SAYING the Word of God.  Don’t doubt yourself! …And especially don’t doubt the power of the

Word of God.  You must know and remember… If I can think it – (and it’s legal!) I can do it! 


When Jesus walked the earth, He did what no other person had ever done prior to His existence.  Why? To give to us the example that we have been empowered by our God to manifest on this earth what other gods of other religions can’t produce.  He was the living example FOR us, to demonstrate TO us, some of the things that we should be accomplishing.  However, we must rid ourselves of doubt.


Doubt comes to:

D – Destroy; O – Override; U – Upset; B – Bind; and to T – Threaten.  

To Destroy our dreams and hopes.

To Override God’s power and authority.

To Upset our foundation of faith that has previously been established.

To Bind us by limiting and forbidding our progress.

To Threaten us by making us presuppose the worst. (And then he (doubt) brings in his “roadie” FEAR!)


Make a conscience decision to actually DO what God has placed in your heart, mind and spirit to accomplish.  Come into an agreement with; and a oneness with the plans that the Lord has for your life. 


Refer back to the recorded story of when the people were attempting to erect the tower of Babel. The Bible said… and NOTHING shall be impossible for them because they are of one mind (Genesis 11:1-7). If we, as people can accomplish anything that we desire when we become “as one”….. can you imagine what would     result if we ever totally became  “as one”… and in total agreement with God (John 17:21)?


So, as of today make a conscious decision to… be bound… not more!  Be deceived ….no more. Take the limits off.  Send the spirit of doubt a memo by: Text, FB, Twitter or Instagram.  Inform him that all future performances have been cancelled!


Inform the spirit of doubt that as of today it is receiving an eviction notice – effective immediately. Now…. Begin to BOLDLY walk in your authority!



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