For the last 3 months I have expreince the Beauty and the present of GOD ALMIGHTY and I thank GOD for BLESSING me and keeping me. And I'm so BLESSED.
For the last 3 months I have expreince the Beauty and the present of GOD ALMIGHTY and I thank GOD for BLESSING me and keeping me. And I'm so BLESSED.
Blessing my PEF Proverbs 6:23 says for the Commandment is a lamp; and the Law is light; and repoofs of Instruction are the way of life. AMEN.
Hi I am a child of a true and living GOD. I am blessed and has been saved by the BLOOD of the son of the living GOD and I am a mother of three a Prince and two Princess and a grandmother of four two Princes and two Princess and on tomorrow May 16th the LORD call my baby Victoria(my youngest daughter) home to be with him and as a mother it was big shock to my family it happened suddenly without warning, but the LORD has never ever left me and for that I am blessed so as I say to you all I WILL WALK IN MY ANOINTING AND MY AUTHORITY AMEN.