gail weeks's Posts (3)

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Does it seem sometimes, that at night when you go to bed you and want to study the word you open your bible and fall asleep?  I may read a couple of scriptures and then before you know it, I’m out.  It also appears that, that word at that moment is so exciting so spirit filled something you’ve needed for confirmation, so life sustaining, and enriching a feeling of Euphoria.  That is because God is speaking to you through the word, saying “this is the answer to your question my child”.  Studying the word brings me closer to God.  Can you hear him speaking to you?  Being open to study and learning keeps our minds open to God's presence and purpose.

Tapping into the heart of God through studying God's word.

 2Timothy 2:12 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

2. Study - Reading is becoming a lost art, I even reverted to reading the word on my phone in Bible Gateway, and studying the word on my phone because this works for me.  Some don't want to read anymore, they want to click, the mouse, and text.  However, you can integrate a bit of this wonderful activity into your life in ways that work for you. Newspapers, magazines, devotionals, essays, web articles, novels, short stories, political commentaries, biographies, poetry and the Bible can all shape themselves to fit into the twenty minutes you lie awake in bed before you are ready to fall asleep, or the half hour you spend watching a television show you really don't like that much anyway. Why study? It's a big world that God has created to share with us. While far too easy to stay cloistered in our routines, mental stagnation is the next step into the abyss that drags our spiritual lives right over the cliff. Making the effort to expand your world to include more of God's creation expands your image of God, which makes it a whole lot easier to see God in action. Other ways to incorporate study into your life may be available through your local church's adult education programs, your community college or your local library.

Evangelist Kitty

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Both women were married to David


Abigail was a peacemaker, she was wise and kind, and she knew that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach. She believed that one good turn deserves another. A woman after my own heart Abigail was mild mannered and even tempered, but her husband Nabal as his name interprets was a fool, he was foolish. Now I can compare this with the relationships I've been involved in, too many I don't care to remember, I'm so happy I serve a forgiving God. When God forgave me I forgot, he has thrown those iniquities in the sea of forgetfulness. I have never waited on the Lord to send my spouse, if I though I loved him, and he said he loved me it was a relationship, never a short one but years of verbally and emotionally abusive men. Ones that wavered, had no morals, and didn't know God. Even the ones that claimed to love God and had a relationship with God and fellowshipped had some type of device.  They lied, cheated, manipulated and conned their ways into my life and squatted. It is not written but I'm sure Nabal took Abigail as a wife and not she him because they were too different, they say opposites attract. But the man in my life has to know God and love God and must have a personal relationship with God. He can not be a drunkard, a liar, a cheat or an abuser of substance, or an abuser of himself or me. Nabal was a drunkard and a fool. I am a devout believer that you must fast and pray to God that the man you are marrying is not a fake. Nabal was so evil that he died from his own wickedness and hatred. He was so stubborn and so amplified with self knowing that his wife would try to make peace with David to save his life was so repelling he went into shock and died.  David saw the goodness in Abigail and took her as his wife.   


Bathsheba had a an adulterous affair with King David, which resulted in the murder of her husband Uriah.  David had Uriah killed and married Bathsheba.  Even though Bathsheba ignored this principle of being married.  The one thing I like about Bathsheba is though she fell short of the glory of God she confess her sins and repented.  God blessed her.   The fact that I have sinned and God has forgiven me allows me to relate to Bathsheba.

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Autobiography of Gail Weeks


Hello everyone.   Gail Weeks ,born in Brunswick, GA. January 6, 1953.  My first recollection of church is walking down the dirt roads of Georgia, sitting on the hard pews and singing. I later realized this was bible study, because we were there in the middle of the week and we didn't dress up as we did on Sundays.  I have a vague memory of being there on Sundays although I'm sure we were there, because I recall the members drinking wine and me asking my grandmother why I couldn’t have any.  The feeling I got from this experience was joyful and warm.  I felt a sense of strength that I obtain from learning the hymns, by the end of the season; I knew most of them by hard, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus", "Leaning on the Ever Lasting Arm".   The experience that season was the beginning of an abounding love for Jesus. It was a bond between Jesus and me and in my latter years I knew the spirit instilled in me at when I was a kid would be my safe haven and my refuge. 

When I returned from GA that season, we went to church that Sunday and I was surprised to learn that my dad was a preacher not unbelievably surprising, because it just felt right.  Church for me then was always happy, and loving. 

It wasn't always a happy story, because the enemy eventually would rear its ugly head.  My mom and dad divorced, and for the first time in my life there was no church in my life. 

The latter years of my life was a twisted path until I fell in the doors of St. John Baptist Church, were I have been very active in the choir, and at times acting as choir director.  The music ministry has blessed my life and I feel Jesus speaks to my heart through song, however, there is a void in my life and I have a calling on my life that I didn’t even think about walking in.  I am ready to soar.


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