I am a child of the most high God. I except Jesus Chirst as my personal savor at the age of 10. Again at the age of 25 yes old. I am the 12 th child of my mother who was a Pastor. My mother would have us in church every Sunday as kids. She never pushed anything off on you once you was grown but oh she would remind you , if you needed to give god your time. I learned lot from my mother. She lead by expl.People think that Ministry is About them and what they can do. But god has a surprise, because its not about you. Its All about God. I shall use what God gave me. Because god is god all by himself. I relie on the calling that he has for me. No one can tell me what god is going to have me doing . God & GOD only can tell me my position in Christ.... God say that eyes have not seen & ears have not hear. . Amen & Amen !!! :) Thank you..... Agape
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