Your Axe-head Will Float Again (part 2)

(Read: II Kings 6:1-7)


In an earlier devotion our focus was drawn to the servant.  Today we will begin to discuss the stick in this story.


Briefly, here are a few facts:

·                 *The stick that was used was a freshly cut branch.  Elisha, didn’t use the helve after the hatchet had been lost.  He dispatched something new to retrieve something old. 

·                   * He released a lesser vessel (the wood) – to expose the heavier (the iron axhead).

·                    * The stick is symbolic of the cross.

What is our application for today?

·     * God is using new strategies to bring restoration to old situations.  The axehead was symbolic of hard work.  Today, God’s new strategy is to get us to realize that HE has already done the hard work – physically.  Our focus must now be directed more to the realm of the spirit than to that of the natural.  We are no longer accountable to the law – which gave us rules and regulations that were accomplished through “working”.   We are now governed by the grace of God – which requires us to appropriate faith.   (Yes, faith w/o works is dead – but we don’t work to gain faith.  We work as a corresponding action “TO” our faith….. Another lesson!)  

·      *   In this season God is using those people and ministries that appear to be of a weaker and less notable reputation to have an authentic impact in the realm of the spirit.  He is using those who have the ability to be thrush into situations; and to bring exposure, closure and restoration to that situation.  He is using those who are pure in heart, actions and devotion to Him.  It therefore doesn’t matter how weak or limited one may appear to be….. Purity = Power. 

·       *  The stick represents wood.. which represents the cross.  The cross settles everything.  Whatever the issue, dilemma, adverse situation or problem.  It was settled at the cross.  It doesn’t matter.  The blood which was shed on the cross – settles EVERYTHING!  The blood of Christ was shed from at least 7 different places on His body.  Therefore wherever we throw our stick ….(wherever we apply the cross); restoration will occur.

(to be continued)


Just as God was able to use Elisha to move strategically in that emergency situation; He wants to have the ability to use you – immediately in any given situation.  However you must have made the proper preparations.    Are you ready?   If so…. Expect God to use YOU in seemingly impossible situations!

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