God’s Assurance

“Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.  Hebrews 10:22



We can always excel in every area of our lives.  This is possible once we become certain and assured of who God is.  Sometimes we seem to forget that once we are assured of our status with God – that we can’t fail in anything that we endeavor to accomplish. 


This prayer of Assurance can assist us to continually affirm the dependence that we have in our confidence in Him.    

                                                                            PRAYER OF ASSURANCE   ©2003

Lord God, I thank you for the spirit of assurance.  Your word verifies that true assurance in you is the attribute that will permit me to overcome every obstacle in these last days.


A full blessed assurance in you validates the fact that because of your sovereign love for me - nothing, nothing, No Thing - that occurs today in my life will cause a detour in your divine will for me.  My assurance, my firm conviction in you mandates that I exercise my blood bought authority this day, to walk above the circumstances of life.  I will never again release from my mouth that I am under, beneath or a victim to my present world conditions. 


Your word assures me and reveals to me who you are, your very nature.  Your word   reveals to me that the things seen are temporal; moveable, mutable, unable to withstand, and subject to environmental conformation.  Therefore, I am assured, that as I  absorb, soak up and permit only your word to infiltrate my spirit - then and then only will I have the ability to rise above and remain above my circumstances.


 My assurance in you decrees that I will not leave this life prematurely.  My assurance in you decrees that I have the ability now to stand in the midst of adversity and command your presence to prevail.


I thank you for your assurance that I am a “King’s Kid”; your heir, and a joint heir with Christ.  I am of a royal priesthood, divinely anointed and appointed for this time - groomed and adorned by you, Lord God; totally for Lord.


 I am assured that I can only excel…...  It is because of this assurance that I know I will never, never, never be defeated.


   Hallelujah!!  Thank You Lord!!!                                        


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