Ability & Authority
In the book of Matthew chapter 10 we can read a recorded account concerning the instructions that Jesus relayed to His disciples. He informed them that He had given until them the two key components which would be essential for the success of their journey as His disciples.
The power that was given to them as His disciples has not diminished. We still have that power to accomplish every task that is mentioned. The Greek word for power that is used here implies the fact that we have been given the strength as well as the permission to assist this chaotic world in their quest to fulfill every void in their lives.
We must always remain cognizant of the facts that are stated in this chapter. It is not by coincidence that in the very first verse is the mention of power against unclean spirits. Today, many of these spirits which were previously working in the background, are now boldly and openly acknowledging their presence. Yet, we have already been given the ability and the authority to; eradicate, destroy and to eliminate them. However because we have failed to properly apply our power, we are now reaping the benefits of the same.
Therefore we must be more determined to use the power that has already been given to us. It is because of the ability and authority that I already possess that I can be that disciple who will decree and declare that:
- I will not conform to this world’s standards, policies and mindsets. (Romans 12:1 & 2)
- I will not become over whelmed as I labor for the Lord. (Galatians 6:9)
- I will not permit the advancement of the wicked to sway my decisions (Psalm 37:1)
- I will stand & praise the Lord in the midst of every situation - positive or negative (Ps. 34:1)
- I will remain faithful in the giving of my: gifts, assets and time. (Revelation 2:10)
- I will encourage myself; not lean to what I think; and daily enforce God’s plan for my life. (I Samuel 30; Proverbs 3:5-6; Psalm 61:8)
So….because we have already been given the Ability and the Authority….Let’s walk in the Confidence, and in the Conviction of the Lord!