From the Desk of Prophetess Syanika Porter-Malloy: Please join the alumni association for our meeting on tomorrow. We will have our Prophetic Intercessors on the line to take your Prayer requests. As alumni, we need Prayer at every stage of our walk with God. We will be there to Pray and intercede on your behalf. I am asking everyone to also send me the topics you want to discuss during our Tuesday March 29, 2016 meeting. We will discuss every topic that is e-mailed to me, inbox to me, Facebook to me, texted to me or telephoned to me. We will host this meeting on our private lines. We will maintain the strictest confidentially on our private line. I look forward to seeing everyone on the line tomorrow night at 7PM EST. Our main line is 712-432-1212, Access Code 214925013#. God will be on the line, so come expecting God to give you exactly what you need during this season of Blessings.
Prophetess Evangelist Syanika
Leader of the Alumni Association