…And Doubt Not

…And Doubt Not

“Verily I say unto you, if ye have faith, and doubt not……” Matthew 21:21


Our limited concept of the miraculous power and authority of God can often be compared to that which was housed in the minds of the Biblical disciples. Although they had actually seen the demonstrated displays of Jesus’ power, the Bible states that they marveled and they seemed amazed with the rapid results of His spoken words (Matthew 21:20).  What is even more interesting is the fact that God knew, that after all that they had seen – they still lacked in their ability to understand who He was.  Most importantly they didn’t know who TEYHEHHhhhhhHEY were because of their relationship to Him.  He responded to their insecurities and named them “doubt”; informing them that even though they have faith – doubt can’t be on board.


Today, we are often encased in that same “prison” of doubt.  Doubt has established invisible barriers around our minds and has prevented us from understanding and really gasping who we really are in Christ.  We fail to experience the enormous amount of power belongs to us simply because we permit doubt to enter in; get a latte, sit back and get comfortable!


So I present a challenge to you; refuse to permit this spirit to control your actions any longer.  How is this done? By the continual process of identification and eviction.  Daily we must move in the confidence that is established in the Word of God.  Therefore, when doubt attempts to surface – acknowledge it; and cancel the effects of its power by SAYING the Word of God.  Don’t doubt yourself!  You must know… If I can think it – (and it’s legal!) I can do it!  When Jesus walked the earth, He did what no other person had ever done prior to His existence.  Why? To give to us the example that we have been empowered by our God to manifest on this earth what other gods of other religions can’t produce.  He was the living example for us, to demonstrate to us, some of the things that we should be accomplishing.  However, we must rid ourselves of doubt.


Doubt comes to:

D – Destroy; O – Override; U – Upset; B – Bind; T – Threaten. In other words…

  • To destroy our dreams and hopes.
  • To override God’s power and authority.
  • To upset the foundation that has previously been established.
  • To bind us by limiting and forbidding our progress.
  • To threaten us by making us presuppose the worst.


Make a conscience decision to actually DO what God has placed in your heart, mind and spirit to accomplish.   Come into an agreement with; and a oneness with the plans that the Lord has for your life. 


When the people were attempting to erect the tower of Babel; the Bible said… and NOTHING shall be impossible for them because they are of one mind (Genesis 11:1-7). If we, as people can accomplish anything that we desire when we become “as one”….. can you imagine what would  result if we ever totally became  “as one”… in total agreement with God (John 17:21)?


So…..No more indecisiveness, no more instability, no more deceptions, no more limitations.  As of today, make a conscious decree… no more fear about anything…


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