Are You a Spiritual Schizophrenic????

Are You a Spiritual Schizophrenic?


If someone were to ask you that question, what would be your immediate response?  More than likely, everyone would emphatically reply NO!  But if we were to take an inventory of our lives- today - would our “walk” be in alignment with our “talk”.


Basically a “schizo; without getting into too detail; is a mental disorder that makes it extremely difficult and sometimes impossible for a person to tell the difference between what is real and not real; to think clearly; have normal emotional responses; and act normally in social situations.


So, think about your daily walk.  Then consider the following;

  1. In the realm of the Spirit…would it be a plus or a negative to be a schizo?
  2. Can I readily make the distinction between what is real and “temporal”?
  3. Do I display on a regular basis wherever I go the character qualities of who I really am? Or am I still double minded, perpetrating a fraud and an undercover Saint?


Prayerfully consider James chapter 1.  If we are going to make an impact and persevere in these last days, then we will need the endtime wisdom, to strategically comprehend our mission of walking by faith and not by sight!

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