Are You Listening?

right now, there are hundreds of radio frequencies in the air, hundreds of television signals all around us, yet we’re not receiving any of them. the reason is, we’re not tuned in. if we were to get a radio, and tune to that frequency, we would hear what the station was saying. in the same way, God is constantly transmitting to us; He wants to lead us, guide us, protect us, give us insight, but too often, we’re not tuned to His frequency. you have to pay attention to what you’re feeling down in here; God doesn’t speak to us, most of the time, out loud, like you see in the movies, He speaks to us through subtle things. you have an unrest, an uneasiness, you don’t feel good about something; that’s not just your nerves, that’s God saying, “go slow, be careful there’s danger up ahead.” it can be a prompting, a suggestion:  all of a sudden, you have the desire to check on your child, to call a friend, to start a new class. it’s easy to think, “I don’t need to do that,” no, you’ve heard the phrase, “trust your gut”? a better way to put it is, “trust your censor”; that’s God telling you what to do. there are times that God will give you intuition; you just know something. you can’t explain it, you don’t have facts to back you up, you just know that you know that you know.

don’t override that, don’t talk yourself out of it, that’s God giving you inside information, helping you to know things that you wouldn’t normally know. some people say, “that’s the universe talking to you.” I like to add 2 words; “that’s the Creator of the universe talking to you.” that’s your heavenly Father; He didn’t just put you on the Earth, and say, “good luck, you’re on your own, I hope you make it.” no, He’s given you a helper, a guide, a counselor; His spirit lives in you. the question is; are you listening? God knows what’s best for us. He knows what you need, and when you need it. He knows how to put you at the right place at the right time. He knows where the danger is, where the good breaks are. I’ve learned to trust my censor; I won’t go against what I’m feeling down in here. in my mind it may seem impossible, all the odds are against me, I don’t have the qualifications, but if I feel good about it in my heart, I’m going to move forward. on the other hand, if there’s an unrest, an uneasiness, I don’t have peace, it can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I’m going to pass. don’t ignore the promptings, impressions, knowings; that’s God talking to you.

Proverbs 3:6 (MSG)

6 Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
he’s the one who will keep you on track.

God wants to help you in your everyday life. not just big decisions, but even small things. I wonder how much more favor we would have, how much less frustration and heartache we would see, if all through the day we would be sensitive to what we’re feeling, the promptings, the suggestions, the uneasiness. at the mall, we don’t feel good about that purchase; no big deal, we put it back. at the office, we feel an unrest toward a certain person; we back away. at home, we feel a prompting to spend time with our child; we obey. at night, we hear that suggestion, “turn off the TV, go to bed, you need your rest”; we turn it off. in the kitchen, about to eat our 3rd piece of pecan pie, we hear the voice saying, “don’t do it”;  instead of saying, “get behind me Satan,” we walk away. pay attention to what you’re feeling; don’t ignore the impressions, promptings. God speaks to us in a still, small voice; it’s not thunder, He’s not going to boom out lightning to get your attention, He’s not going to flash it across your TV screen, it’s going to be subtle. if you’re going to hear a whisper, you’ve got to get close;  you’ve got to be tuned in, it’s got to be a priority. you’re not going to hear it by accident, with the busyness of the day, the stress of the office, running here and there. on purpose, you have to ask yourself, “what am I feeling, sensing?”

take time to get quiet.  develop this art of listening;  if you’re not tuned in, you’ll ignore it and move on.  if you’ll pay attention to these impressions, follow these promptings, you’ll see God’s goodness in your everyday life.  I pray each morning, “God, help my spiritual ears to be open and sensitive to your voice, help me to hear what You’re saying today.”  it’s not that God is not speaking, it’s not that He’s not giving us direction, it’s the fact that we’re not always paying attention.  if we’ll listen in everything we do, and everywhere we go, God will lead us down the best path.  He wants to give you wisdom, direction, protection, guidance;  it will save you heartache, make your life easier, give you breaks that will put you years ahead.  when you listen to the still, small voice, you’ll come across favor, good breaks, supernatural opportunities.  God will give you insight, to know things that you had no way of knowing;  you just feel it, you can’t explain it, you don’t have facts backing you up, you don’t have 20 years worth of research, but you do have the spirit of the most high God on the inside. you have a helper, a counselor, a researcher, an advisor, a protector;  He’s talking, make sure you’re listening.  God wants to make your life easier;  if you will listen in everything you do, and everywhere you go, God can save you from bad breaks, from heartache and difficulties.

all of us can look back and say, “I knew I was supposed to stay away from that person.  I knew I was supposed to start eating better.  I knew I was supposed to be more disciplined.”  we ignore it, and it ends up making our life more difficult.  don’t override the alarms.  when you feel uncomfortable, the uneasiness, the alarm is going off;  pull back and see what God is saying.  you may be in the middle of a conversation, and the alarm goes off;  you know you’re supposed to walk away.  don’t ignore it.  or you’re about to purchase something, or you’re about to make some plans, and you feel that check, uneasiness, alarm;  that’s not random, that’s God talking to you.  if you’ll learn to listen, God can keep you from trouble, danger.  the scripture calls these “promptings” (note:  I couldn’t find this anywhere);  in other words, God is not going to force us to do it.  He’s going to prompt us, and then it’s up to us.  “slow down on the freeway”;  it’s a suggestion, a prompting.  if we don’t obey it, if we just ignore it, it’s going to make it more difficult on ourselves;  we’ll miss the blessing, the favor, the protection.  we’ll have to deal with things that God could’ve saved us from.  God knows where the pitfalls are, where the danger is;  all through the day, be sensitive, pay attention to these promptings.  God won’t allow us to make a major mistake without first giving us warnings.  the scripture says:

1 Corinthians 10:13 (ESV)

13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

could it be that God is providing a way out, giving you wisdom, direction, intuition, protection, trying to keep you from danger, but you’re overriding it?  it may be when you’re around a certain person, you feel an unrest, uneasiness, that alarm is going off;  they seem nice, friendly, kind, you can’t put your finger on it, something is just not right.  don’t ignore it;  that’s God trying to keep you from heartache.  if you’ll listen, God will give you discernment.  a lot of people are not who they say they are; they may seem fine on the outside, but they have wrong motives.  they want to be your friend for what you can do for them;  they’re takers and never givers. once they use you up, they’ll move on to the next person. no matter how good they look, how fine she is, how much money he has, if you hear that alarm going off, you need to be smart enough to walk away;  all that glitters is not gold.  don’t override those warnings;  if they’re not the right person for you, that means God has somebody better in store.  too many people that overrode what they were feeling, years later there’s heartache,  broken dreams, pain; it all could’ve been avoided.  don’t be so set on having it your way that you ignore what you’re feeling.  that uneasiness is not just your nerves, not just you being overly cautious, that’s God saying, “keep your distance; stay away.”  and they may be a good person, they’re just not good for you.  this is one of the most important principles that you could ever learn.  if you will trust your censor, not go against what you’re feeling, not override the alarms, God will lead to you down the best path;  you won’t waste valuable time involved in things that you were never supposed to be involved in.  God can see the big picture for your life;  He knows what’s best for you.  don’t override the warnings, don’t ignore the unrest;  God is not trying to keep you from your dreams, He’s trying to keep you from heartache.  He wants to keep you on the best path for your life.  will you trust Him?

Colossians 3:15 (AMP)

15 And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts

an umpire calls us safe or out;  before you make a decision, see if you have peace.  before you get into a relationship with that person, check your heart;  do you have peace?  before you buy that new car, before you take that job, before you eat that donut, see if you have peace.  if there’s an unrest, uneasiness, then don’t move forward;  let peace be the umpire, it tells you yes or no.  how many people get into a relationship with someone that they didn’t have peace about, and they end up miserable?  they buy things they didn’t have peace about, and they end up in debt.  they take a job they didn’t have peace about, and they end up frustrated.  here’s the key;  if you don’t have peace before you make the decision, you’re not going to have peace after you make the decision.  if you don’t have peace about that person now, you’re not going to have peace if you get into a relationship.  if you don’t have peace about buying that new car, you’re not going to have peace when the payments come each month.  if you don’t have peace about taking that job, you won’t have peace when you go to work each day.  it may pay more $, be more influential, have more benefits, but if you don’t have peace, it means it’s not the right job for you;  God has something better. let peace be your umpire.  when you feel an unrest, uneasiness, that’s not God trying to keep something from you, that’s God trying to get something better to you.  don’t be hard-headed, don’t have to settle for second best, “I’m going to do my own thing my own way,” no, if you’ll let God lead you, He’ll do more than you could ask or think.

Job 33:14 (CEV)

14 God speaks in different ways,
and we don’t always
    recognize his voice.

God is constantly transmitting to you.  my question is;  are you tuned in?  are you on the right frequency?  pay attention to what you’re feeling down in here:  the promptings, suggestions, uneasiness.  remember, it’s a still small voice;  you’re not going to hear this by accident, it’s got to be a priority.  “God, what are you saying to me today?”  not just in the big decisions, but everywhere you go, and in everything you do.  be sensitive;  don’t override the warnings, don’t ignore the alarms.  let peace act as the umpire.   if you’ll do this, God promises He’ll lead, guide, protect you, show you His favor, give you inside information. you will rise higher, overcome every obstacle, and become everything God’s created you to be.

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