Are You Without Sin????

 So Don’t Judge – Just Love

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.”       Matthew 7:1 &2 (ESV)


Who are you judging?  Of course, your immediate response to this question is – “No one.  I don’t judge anyone.”  But if you were to closely monitor your words,  actions, thoughts and motives; they might reveal quite the opposite.


To judge is to arbitrate; assess; to rule on etc.  Therefore, prior to one having the ability to perform such; one must have ALL of the correct information.  They must have the truth versus the mere facts.  Far too often we view situations from our own opinions or our own knowledge of a given – which usually contains a limited, biased amount of information.  Far too often instead of loving ALL people; in EVERY situation; we – though unintentional - show expressions of love to some classifications of people more readily than others.


God needs us – His ecclesia; His church , His called out ones – to be the living examples of the type of unconditional love that He had demonstrated while He was here.  He hasn’t called us to judge anyone – only to love them.  He hasn’t asked us to condemn anyone – only to love everyone – all of the time.  We must realize that when we are judging others – in most instances we are doing so from a residue of the spirit of pride that is still lingering within us.


Ask yourself; “What is hindering me from showing unconditional love to everyone that I encounter?”  I must remember that everyone that I encounter on a given day will also have an opinion of me.  Will I have left them with an impression that SHOWS them the love of God?  If not, why not?  Whatever the reason maybe…. “it won’t hold water!”  In other words – whatever my reasoning – God will not receive it as acceptable.  He has loved me through, in, and prior to all of my fallacies, faults and failures.  Now He expects me to go and to show that same love to others. 


He has shown us through His Son that His love extended beyond the boundaries of culture, race and creed (John 4).

He has shown us through His Son, that His love extended beyond the boundaries of presumptuous sins (John 8: 1-11).

He has shown us through His Son that his love extended beyond the boundaries of those who had falsely accused or wronged Him (Luke 23:34).


Therefore, whatever reason we may express – God will show us that His son has already encountered it, endured it and defeated it!  We are therefore without excuse for any valid reason for judging ANYONE.


So, we must remember:

  • We can’t allow the opinions of others to keep us from reaching out to those who are in need of receiving God’s love from us.
  • Ask myself – WWJD (What would Jesus do??)
  • Our actions must reveal the love that God has extended to us.


Lastly ..…. “What the world needs now is love”…. TRUE love.  God’s unconditional love which knows no prejudice……but is shown to others…. by His people who have received the same!”


“…….. And love thy neighbor as thyself”.  Mark 12:31

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