Be Encouraged! Your Samuel Is On The Way!

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” Galatians 6:9


The Lord has instructed me to remind you that all of your praying and all of your fasting has not been in vain.  When we consider the example which was given to us by Hannah; we can glean an insight into the diligence which is required to remain faithful…… until your “Samuel” has been manifested.


The Lord has said that we must read once again the story of Hannah (I Samuel 1.)  We must remember that Hannah’s womb was closed by the Lord.   There was nothing wrong with the seed that was sown.   The seed had been sown into good ground.  The potential of the ground to produce wasn’t the problem.  God had intervened and would not permit the ground to receive and produce the seed.


God today is saying that for many of you, you have sown good seed, into good ground; however His appointed time for your manifestation had not arrived.  He has permitted you to be ridiculed, criticized, and mocked….. Even by those in the house of the Lord.  (Remember Hannah’s actions and intents were even mistaken by the man of God!)  Yet, you, like Hannah have continued to remain faithful and to endure through every test and trial. 


We must remember that as we have been awaiting the arrival of our Samuel – our level of faith has been greatly increased and our stamina intensified.  Birthed within us; as we waited, has been a powerful level of humility and strength.  This dimension from which we now operate permits us to be as synonymous to a “bull walking through a china store”… however not breaking a single dish!  The wait has so fortified our faith and our relationship with the Lord – to the extent that we have become that profitable servant; totally sold out and “souled” for the Him.


No one had to remind Hannah of the vow that she had made to the Lord.  If you have not arrived at the place in your walk with the Lord that you can honor your vows made to Him without the assistance of anyone – then you are not ready for the birth of your Samuel!


However, if you have prayed like Hannah did; remained faithful like Hannah did; endured the times of disappointment, discouragement and seemingly being defeated year in and year out – like Hannah did…..then you will receive your Samuel…..just as Hannah did!


Be encouraged….. God’s appointed time IS at hand!  You WILL receive your Samuel – just as Hannah did – simply because God is not slack concerning His promises!  Every one of His promises are still YEA & AMEN….. WHATEVER He has promised will; without a shadow of a doubt… come to past…….  However in HIS divine timing!


Now is not the time to throw in the towel!  Nor the time to throw up your hands in a loss of hope.    Remain steadfast…. Your Samuel IS on the way!!!!


“ For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”  Habakkuk 2:3

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