Brokenness = Maturity

Brokenness = Maturity

My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; ……. Psalm 51:17


Simply put….God desires to take us to an added dimension in Him; however we are still lacking the maturity that occurs as the result of a totally broken spirit before the Lord.


When we refer to various Biblical patriarchs we can observe that they all had to experience a season of brokenness prior to being used mightily for the Lord.  One of the keys to brokenness is to place the flesh under subjection through fasting.


In our modern culture here in America, we have expanded the concept of fasting to incorporate the meaning of “the abstinence of”……whatever. We are, in many instances not referring to food; but abstaining from various activities, mindsets and behavioral patterns. 


When we refer to the Hebrew word used in the Bible for fasting, (pronounced ts-oom), it means to cover the mouth.  Then the Greek word, (pronounced nace-ty-oo), means to abstain from food.  So we could conclude, that both the Old and New Testaments place the emphasis on “food”.


Could the reason why true brokenness hasn’t occurred be that we’ve attempted to alter its original definition?  Could it be that we have replaced instead of enhancing?  Without regards to any additional concepts – fasting must; according to the Biblical definitions; at some point include an abstaining from food. 


God needs us to be totally free IN Him – to be totally used freely OF Him.  He needs and is requiring of us a deeper relationship with Him..  He is requiring a level of maturity which is representative of one who is broken from any and everything that doesn’t resemble Him.


Consider these types of fast as you deepen your relationship with the Lord. (Only a brief listing.)

Elijah Fast – I Kings 19

Widow’s Fast – I Kings 17:8-16

Paul’s Fast – Acts 9:9

Daniel’s Fast – Daniel 1:8-14; 10:3

John’s Fast – John 1:6 &7

Esther’s Fast – Esther 4


God needs to use YOU to do great exploits….. but we, as a people, still need to obtain a level of maturity that only true brokenness has birthed!

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