Come Get A Drink....

Come Get A Drink….

And you will never THIRST again!

“but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again” John 4:14a


In recent years, the spirit of man has increasingly become aware of the fact that there is a lack in a vital area.   We have become conscious of the reality that we have within us an area that seems to have an unquenchable thirst.   We have a constant longing for fulfillment.    As always, the spirit of pride has persuaded us to think that we have the perfect answer! 


So, as the end of time as we know it draws nigh, our spirits (saved or unsaved) are sensing a global spiritual lack of the presence of God.  We can “feel” that we need something – which is fantastic!  However our solution is inadequate.  Man has attempted to satisfy a spiritual necessity with a physical device.   We have chosen the correct element – but in the wrong form!


Wherever we go (at least here in America), what do we see in the possession of most people –  even during the winter season?  The rich, the poor; the young, the old; blue collar, white collar – EVERYONE seems to feel the need to have one of these in their possession – wherever they go.  What is it?  It’s their bottle of water!  Many people will not leave home without it!


Have you ever questioned where this notion of an inseparable water bottle has surfaced?  Now.. of course we are aware of our body’s natural requirement for water – especially during times of exertion. However, we must wonder if this obsession with the constant need of physical water is an attempt to satisfy in the natural what can only be fulfilled in the realm of the spirit.   Is this a strategic ploy from the enemy to divert our attention from the real issue?   Or do we so lack the ability to discipline our flesh that we must revert to the scenario of a toddler and their “sippee cup”?  Whatever the answer, we can all (well… some of us) remember the days when people so respected the Lord that they would never bring anything to eat or to drink into the worship service.  People would rarely even give the babies a bottle during a service. Why? Because everyone was taught to respect the presence of the Lord…..and not to focus on themselves but on the Lord.  However, now… we aren’t as disciplined – the church and the government have strayed from “the ancient landmark” (Proverbs 22:28).  As a result, now we - our entire nation - have undeveloped, underdeveloped, undisciplined spirits – that display a longing and a thirst…… that we are attempting to satisfy with physical water.   


We must always remember that God has given to us the remedy that will quench and totally satisfy every thirst.  When we learn to drink more frequently and freely of that Living Water, we will have at our disposal that ability to command our flesh to be disciplined.  We will re-establish boundaries which have now been produced by a renewed mind set.   We will learn that it’s not the physical water that we are longing for – but something that far out-weighs this physical realm.   


So, to wrap this up (because there is a lot more that could be added concerning the physical vs. the spiritual water) – I’ll say this, when we begin to appease our spirit man with more spiritual water, then and only then will we be totally satisfied and gratified and that seemingly unquenchable thirst will be brought under the subjection of the Holy Ghost. 


……Above all, our disciplined spirits will permit the power of God to be glorified, the Spirit of God to be magnified, the presence of God to be exemplified …… and we will never thirst again!

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