Commissioned by the Lord

In Matthew 28: 19-20, Jesus charged His disciples to "go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that He commanded. When the church body takes the Great Commission seriously, God opens amazing doors of opportunity. As we follow His lead rather than our own preferences, we will witness the incredible results of faith in action.People from every corner of the world are longing for relief from pain and hopelessness, and we have the answer.

I know from first hand experience. God delivered me from a crack cocaine drug addition over 30 years ago. He brought me out of a miserable life of sin and shame. Ever since that day I promised I would serve Him til I die.

I am the happily married wife of Deacon Clarence Lee,The Mother of three beautiful saved God fearing adult children. Proud grandmother of 11,  I have worked in the medical field of Nursing over 30 years, serving Gods people. Specializing in Hospice End Stage Of Life Care (Palliative Care).

I have a sincere heart and passion for Gods people, those who are  hurting, wounded and bruised, and with addictions, Those who just need to know they are loved and somebody cares.  Desiring to show them a more excellent way. JESUS is the way the TRUTH and the LIFE. And once you come into the knowledge of who He is, and how much He truly love you  your life will never ever be the same.

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  • Believe it are not, We can live up to 70 days without food. We can exist for nearly 10 days without water. And we can live for up to six minutes without air...But there is one thing we can't live without---HOPE!  Hope is the confidence that things are going to get better. It is a reason for keeping on even when our life looks like it is falling apart. The Prophet Jeremiah knew the secret: "Blessed (happy) is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.           ( Jeremiah 17:7 ). God, the all powerful creator of the universe who cares about every problem, can build a secure future for us. The person who has never trusted Jesus Christ may see life as hopeless. And he is right, for without God he /she is "without hope and without God in the world" (Ephesians 2:12).... But Jesus Christ offers what we could never purchase and no one can take from us. LOVE that is not based on our feelings or merits but on the never-ending mercies of God.(Romans 5:8)...FREEDOM.. to know and enjoy God because Jesus Christ has taken the punishment for our sins (1 Peter 3:18 )....FRIENDSHIP that will never disappoint us because Jesus promised, "Never will I leave you: never will I forsake you" ( Hebrews 13:5)....    A REASON FOR LIVING because following Christ gives true meaning and purpose to life ( John 14: 6). An UNSHAKABLE FUTURE  firmly based on Christ's promise, I will come back and take you to be with me.( John 14:3 ). ...An ETERNAL HOME where the killjoys of earth - selfishness, hatred, death---will all be gone ( Revelation 21:4).... We all can be sure that we have put our trust in God by taking these steps: Recognize that our sin separates us from God: " For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God: " (Romans 3:23 ). Lord forgive me for my  sins, by word, thought, deed, omission and commission.

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