Day 12 -The Day of Wisdom

Day 12 -The Day of Wisdom

“Lord may I daily walk in a state of wisdom that operates above my physical age, and natural experiences.”

El De’ot”

(The God of Knowledge - Proverbs 19:8)


“Wisdom is the principle thing, therefore get wisdom and in all of thy getting, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7


Read: Proverbs 4 & James 1


To have information and to have no knowledge of its application is equivalent to walking in a rain storm carrying a closed umbrella.  Many Christians today are experiencing a since of being “overwhelmed” by the circumstances and the occurrences in their daily lives.  Most are truly devoted Saints - who can tote, quote and know who wrote the Bible.  However, they have not received the wisdom for proper application of God’s word.


So today Father, I ask that you El De’ot, reveal to me the hidden treasures of your Word.   I understand that I can no longer afford to walk in ignorance concerning the application of your principles.  You have given me a work to accomplish.   I have the tools, I have the plans, and I have the true desire to continue to walk in your divine guidance.  However, the missing element necessary is your wisdom… which is vital, crucial, and extremely relevant for this level of ministering and ministry.


El De’ot, May I always remember that for every minute that I am not aggressively applying your wisdom, “I” am permitting a delay in the manifestation and the execution of your plans for my life.   “I” am opening the door for diabolical distractions. “I” am giving fuel to kingdom of darkness and giving it permission to release and execute its plans.   


Therefore, I will plunge into you and seek your wisdom at any cost.  The degree of your wisdom which I have already attained and obtained is no longer sufficient.   I therefore humbly release a new mandate into the atmosphere.   I will push through EVERY obstacle that is attempting to prevent me from this advancement, and cling only to you at this time…. as never before.


 I will, I can, I must, ….with a renewed tenacity seek the guidance and direction… the wisdom…… that is only procured from you El De’ot. 


I decree and declare that it is so…..  In the name of Jesus – Amen.

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