Day 28—The Day of Realization

Day 28—The Day of Realization
……Am I a Good Shepherd or a Hireling?

 “HaRo'eh HaTov”
(Jesus - The Good Shepherd - John 10:11, 14)
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. St. John 10:11


Read: St. John 10
Lord God, you have chosen to permit your Son to reveal to us a unique relationship – that between the Shepherd and his sheep.

Many of us in reality; cannot fully comprehend the amount of dedication, and unconditional love that is felt by the Shepherd for his sheep. However, you have told us that the GOOD Shepherd is willing to risk their own life to protect and defend his sheep. That’s love.

So may I mirror the example of Jesus – the good shepherd. May I establish motives, desires and guidelines which are in accord with those of a good shepherd.

May I yield and submit entirely to all that enables me to safeguard my possessions; in the realm of spiritual and in the physical realm. I will never possess the character qualities of a hireling….thus causing me to abandon what you have entrusted to me. I will effectively stand against the forces that emanate from the kingdom of darkness; which attempt to cause me to desert or to abort the manifestation of the dreams and visions that you have given to me.

May I come to an awareness that as your Son gave His life for us –your sheep; I must express the same amount of love for you by being a good shepherd and not a hireling at any cost.

I now realize that everything that has occurred in my life; has prepared me to successfully triumph today… in every area of me life. I now realize that I can never fail; simply because failure has not been programed into my data base. I now realize that although the seasons of life are subject to confined time periods; I can decree a perpetual flow of your favor that will transcend throughout every season and never cease.

Thank you HaRo'eh HaTov for your perfect example….. for I finally realize who I am in you!

I decree and declare that it is so…..In the name of Jesus. Amen

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