Day 6—The Day of Forgiveness
Lord, May I remain cognizant that forgiveness is a decision!
(God that forgave - Psalm 99:8)
Read Psalm 99 & I John 1
Without getting an in-depth comprehension of God’s love for us, we cannot even initiate a conversation on His forgiveness.
Although we don’t usually envision it to be so, the concept of forgiveness is birthed from a seed of love. Inevitably, when we increase and engulf an awareness of God’s love—then the decision to forgive one another will become as natural to us as breathing.
For far too long we have been deceived into thinking that forgiveness must involve forgetting as well. Forgiveness is a decision not a feeling. Forgiveness is not reliant upon the acceptance nor the initiation of the offender.
Forgiveness is a principle that was established by God because He knew that man would sin. He also knew that (1) sin would separate man from Himself and (2) His love for man was so great that He didn’t want to be separated from him. Hence, He has given to us His most precious gift in the person of His son Jesus to atone for our sin, thus bridging the gap caused by sin.
Therefore, whatever “traps” that I become ensnared in that will cause me to commit a sin - because of God’s unconditional love for me - the blood of Jesus has already made atonement for them. I must now learn how to receive El Nore’s forgiveness for myself and apply it to others who may offend, misuse and abuse me. I must also realize that to walk in unforgiveness is only a deceptive tactic which has been released from the kingdom of darkness!
When people are offended, those who still have not exceled in the wisdom of the Lord will make the statement, “I’ll forgive them; but I won’t forget what they’ve done”. Well, why not embrace this concept. What a blessing it is to forgive and not forget – but REMEMBER! To remember the offenses that have scarred me – yet, to have finally reached a plateau of spiritual maturity in the Lord, where I now possess the ability to DECIDE that I will administer true forgiveness to my offenders…while remaining totally cognizant of their offenses toward me! Hallelujah! Now that’s true forgiveness!!!
Lord may I daily embrace and extend to others the true forgiveness that you have extended to me. Thank you El Nore!
I decree and declare that it is so….. In the name of Jesus – Amen.